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Vitesse front overider question

Mark B

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Hi all

I have been refitting the front overiders and ally bumpers and can't remember if originally there were black plastic finishers between the end of the bumpers where they but up against the overider. 

I have fitted them to the curve on the rear overiders, which makes sense, but can't see a logical way of fitting to the front unless they fit to the edge of the cut outs on the front balance, but would probably interfere with the bumpers.


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Thanks for the replies, one less thing to do.

The front overiders appear to be handed, they are not semetrical and one is the mirror image of the other. I can't work out the reason why as they will fit either side. Only thought is there maybe differences if fitted on a herald. I know the mounting brackets are different between the herald and vitesse  but I thought the 1360 used the same valence.


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Buy new stuff, old rubber has usually gone hard and will never fit the contour of the overrider even assuming you can work out which one it originally came off.

A thin smear of black rubber sealant, eased into the split of the rubber, will hold it in place for a year or two after fitting.


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They are handed to provide clearance for the bonnet hinge tube adjustment bolts.

The13/60 uses same overriders but different front valence, different shape and rubber bumper strips. The T shaped valence brackets are also different stepped across the top of the T 13/60 straight for Vitesse.

The black plastic strips fit to the overrider cutout in the front valence and are held in place by the overrider, a right pig of a job as mentioned.



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