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Triumph Spitfire Loss in Power

Luke Remon

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wax stats , replace the wax plug with two 1p  as packers   just prise the cap lugs open a little and remove the cap and the wax  a spring an a small spacer is removed 

add two 1p and the small spacer repos the spring and refit the cap take  care to re crimp the lugs   an easy cheap fix to ban the things to the bin 

the std jet kits  sold are awful and really expensive ,,,dont go there    2p fixes them easy 


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9 hours ago, Luke Remon said:

Accuspark ignition

Also when it bogs if I pull the choke out it sorts it out and it runs better and revs further. It's also started to hunt at idle. When I get back I'm going to check the plugs so I'll update then.

Your symptoms don’t suggest the Accuspark though worth a check . Take the dizzy cap off and check if the unit is touching the rotor or very close.  Mine came loose and started to touch at higher revs and misfiring was the result . Just a thought. 


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Pulling the choke out to improve running (likewise putting foot down on accelerator which temporarily richens the mixture)can be an indicator of a weak mixture, but that is countered by the smell of fuel suggesting over fuelling or leaks.

But worth getting the carbs tuned, this time of year the waxstats are unlikely to cause that much havoc to cause an issue. Just being set up weak will be a problem though. The last thing you need to do is just keep throwing new parts hoping it will solve it.

I would suggest checking you the distributor is advancing correctly. If that is seized or not giving enough advance it will cause an issue. And check teh oil in the carb dashpots, wants to be engine oil, ideally 20-50 or similar.


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1 hour ago, clive said:


I would suggest checking you the distributor is advancing correctly. If that is seized or not giving enough advance it will cause an issue. And check teh oil in the carb dashpots, wants to be engine oil, ideally 20-50 or similar.


Good point Clive and one I've known from personal experience - my timing was way off and the car was able to compensate at low revs, but not when it got faster. It would rev all day in neutral, but once the engine faced any kind of effort it began to lose power. Even making sure the timing was correct made a huge difference.

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