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PeteH last won the day on September 19

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About PeteH

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  • Location
    East Riding of Yorkshire
  • Cars Owned
    Triumph Herald 13/60 (the kit of parts). Peugot 107 ("toad"). Rapido/Mercedes 3L Auto "A" class Motorhome (the big toy).

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  1. Us Evil Saddo`s back in the day used to do similar with Motorbike Magneto`s to unsuspecting sibling`s. Pete
  2. Has happened. Circa 1950`s on Hull Fish Dock. The perpetrator received a long sentence for manslaughter. Pete
  3. A few years back, we had a spate of thefts of tools locally from Tradesmans Van`s. Plod, did catch them, it was two 12 years old`s, who where selling them on to a "fence" who came in a car from Hull, for drug`s. They set up a "sting" and got him as well. I put an old Washing machine in my trailer for the tip, behind the gates. it went overnight. Pete
  4. Back in the 60`s. I had a short spell as a Maintenence Engineer at the (then) Hawker factory at Brough in Yorkshire. "We" where still producing Bucaneers for the South African Government. One day, working outside on a Sewage plant, (all the good job`s😟). The prototype of the Harrier (P-1127) came over low hovered, and did a full 360 turn, backed of and "nodded" to the assembly. Before heading off to other site`s. First time anyone had seen any sort of Aircraft do that. Pete
  5. On my recently departed Motorhome, the Voltage/Current from the Solar panel(s) was measured by a Dual range digital readout using a shunt resistance to measure the Current. Allowed me to measure the wattage being suplied by the panels. Pete
  6. Sounds a Lot like Scotts in Hull, Old firm been there for probably 100years+. Still do a lot of trade with building and engineering. You can get almost anything in that genre from there. Sited at the rear of the St Stephens complex on Canon St. Pete
  7. Theoretically, would a resistor in parallel with an LED provide the right conditions? Pete.
  8. Hi, I purchased similar to this a few years back should be capable/useful in removing trim without marking? https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08LZH3C3F/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Pete.
  9. I do, dip in and out of faceache, like all "social media" it has it`s uses. Providing you ignore the more obvious trolling there is some useful information to be gleaned. I agree that some of the comment in reply`s is erroneous, and I have on at least one ocasion felt obliged to point it out. One of it`s drawbacks is the lack of a satisfactory means by which to search information as much would appear to "dissappear" rather rapidly unlike the forum here where the search facility is by and large effective. How about a facebook "sticky" pointing folk to the plethora of information available on this platform? is that possible? As for Voting, May I politely reiterate that it be investigated as possible by COM? I have still some faith in democracy, despite recent events, and exercising it more broadly amongst the membership can only be beneficial. Folk always feel more amemable if they believe they are being listened too. I am old enough to remember back in the bad old days, when Trade Union decisions could be made by a small cadre of persons in a smokey backroon by a show of hands, affecting the lives and liveleyhoods of thousands of union members. And whilst No One would accuse the TSSC of any malfeasance in any manner, broadening the decison making can only be for the common good. Pete
  10. I started with OBD devices when I had to replace the engine and it`s ECU in a 90`s Punto. back then it was "MultiECUscan" software downloaded onto a laptop. I now have one by iCarsoft. which will read up to 10 vehicles if you download the sofware. It`s already paid for itself on two Sprinter based Motorhomes, by not having to pay Mercedes £80+Vat each time. It also resets errors on the Peugeot 107 too. Pete
  11. Only yesterday Maureens Canon Printer rejected a Full tricolour Refill cartridge, despite accepting a Black refill only the previous week. I now have to go back at the supplier for an exchange. The more technology they throw at us, the more "control" over our lives we lose. Banks want "cashless" because they can dictate how much you spend (virtually). It goes on and on.!!😒 My old printer used 4 cartridges, big ones, lasted months. That type are getting fewer, Sadly. On Batteries, The RAC guy changed the one on Maureens previous Quashqai, I don`t remember him having to do any computing? Pete.
  12. The Methane produced, unless subjected to rigorous "cleaning", contains several "nasties" one of which is highly corrosive sulphur, which when burned produces Sulphuric acid, as a condesate. Pete
  13. There was reportedly a group of taxi drivers who back in the 80`s where using reclaimed cooking oil in their diesel taxi`s. They "got away" with it for a long time until some revenue officer picked up on it allegedly due to the "Effluvium" of old chip`s. Pete
  14. Bill, who does my MOT’s ( ex REME) actually has a Scorpian light tank. As well as a half track, a light missile carrier, with 2 fibreglass Misiles. A Bedford TK and a Wiley’s jeep. Pete
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