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PeteH last won the day on May 17

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About PeteH

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  • Location
    East Riding of Yorkshire
  • Cars Owned
    Triumph Herald 13/60 (the kit of parts). Peugot 107 ("toad"). Rapido/Mercedes 3L Auto "A" class Motorhome (the big toy).

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5th Dan Triumphero

5th Dan Triumphero (11/14)



  1. Curious?. But might we talking about something similar, which allowed a crude but basic proportional rudder control of a radio controlled model boat in the late 50`s?. Basically in the off state the rudder was hard straboard, in the full on state it was hard port, at Equal on/off frequency the rudder was straight, any part movement had a different helm position. It used some recently "invented" Transistor type electronics and worked off 9V battery. Pete
  2. Co-incidently, last week a Faceache posting put up the time when The Blue Peter "team" brought the record breaking Huge Stuffed Teddy Bear into the studio, in a Triumph Vitesse! They had to push it into the studio claiming it was out of petrol!. The overall result was quite hilarious. Pete
  3. Greece and Turkey, are aparently experiencing <40C currently?. As one poor guy found out for himself over the last few days, a British Doctor to boot I understand too?. Our C-H keeps cutting in in the early AM, which is not usual for this time of year. Only 14C current outside at <5pm. Herself, really feels the cold, since they put her on blood thinners. Pete
  4. In line with Pete`s earlier comment, the one`s on plum are now bolted right through the floor with large washers to spread the load, with short tubular distance pieces between the floor and the seat support. Pete
  5. Have you tried looking for Star Washers? Pete
  6. There was a suggestion some time back that the addition of ethanol in some 99ron was actually regional? and dependent on where the Supply depot was? A tanker driver once told me that ethanol was actually added as the tanker was being filled, something to do with ethanol increasing moisture content when held in the actual fuel storage tanks?. Pete
  7. Whilst unlikely that I will ever get back "en continent" in the foreseable future. My RAC European cover for an American R-V. some years back covered recovery from any E-U country?. They actually offered to recover the vehicle from Northern Spain to the UK, Not bad when you realise the thing weighed in at 9.4tonne and was almost 33ft long. Pete
  8. Curiouser and Curiouser?. I Firefox as my preferd browser, does Mozilla VPN also give issues? Another (potentially, for us) would be Webroot?. Pete
  9. Interesting, My current Router has a Fixed IP address. I have used VPN`s, mostly to get UK broadcast download when in the USA, BBC for one, don`t like you watching UK stuff, in my case Rugby, from over there. Nord, is allegedly very good for that. I just got a month at a time on an American VPN, back when. I ocasionally "drop in" on US local News chanels, some of whom don`t like it either! Some VPN are said now to be switchable? literally with one click?. Pete
  10. It`s quite often the case that Re-Booting the Router, or a Device, can "solve" an issue. How such would be affected (or not) using a VPN I have no idea?. Some knowledgeable "bod" will likely know?. Pete
  11. All the decent weedkillers have been removed from the (Domestic) market for some years. (elf and safety😬)I found weedol to be one of the "better" ones freely available BUT it needs putting on in dry conditions and takes up to 2 weeks before you see any effect. AND it`s not cheap. Sadly Sodium Chlorate is no longer available. Had some for year`s courtesy of FIL`s Garage clearance in the 70`s. Dangerous stuff though, could spontaneously catch fire or even explode. But it killed everything nothing grew for about 5 years. Allegedly used by certain paramillitaries to make car/barrel bomb`s?. It`s like decent Rat Poison, Hard to come by, and you (in theory) have to be "licenced". Pete
  12. I remember being offered one, Circa 1962 ish. Bought a Ford Consul. (Bench seats had more "options"). Pete
  13. Dont know if this helps? But the Link is :- https://www.facebook.com/groups/116689651680167 pasted into your browser (In my Case Firefox). Pete
  14. Don`t you have to do FROM faceache?. Pete
  15. Check out the relay on the bench. There is a lot of sub standard "stuff" out there. I recently had a similar issue with a "new" Relay in a Sprinter. Replaced it with a Bosch one (O/E) job solved, lesson learned. Pete
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