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Pete Lewis

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Everything posted by Pete Lewis

  1. Modern tyres seem to need a few lbs more than the older book pressures but as you have not changed the area = load x presure unless you change the load whatever tyre you fit will keep the same foot print area for the same pressure so keep the front /rear balance and as clive says play to suit the tyres play a big part of the suspension on old cars less so with moderns with silly profiles you, need enough pressure to give side wall control but not hard to wreck any ride quality.
  2. No idea myself, has the look of mill board /carpet/partition retainer , from somewhere pete
  3. Yes a BIG yes crack on so whats next we are all waiting good story of brit endeavour pete
  4. good idea , sorry about the thread drift its Dougs fault really
  5. I had a special barometer in the emissions workshop, held about 1/2 pint of mercury in a leather pouch to re calibrate it you screwed a pad into the bag to raise the manometer pile bet it all went in the bin when we closed the factory. Pete
  6. As most of these components are marketed by a whole range of suppliers its not always obviuos just who made what . xrn are trade only from thier website , then with trw ap lockheed borg beck firstline unipart mopar and more than I care to remember who made what in whos packing is a minefield many just box up nasty stuff from miles away.. Just some ramblings pete
  7. Its certainly not recommended but think I need some in my tea. crap in the drain hole is a senior problem I believe. pete
  8. most do have some anti corrosive addatives to protect the alloy bits and stop rust from forming so how old was the stuff you removed ??? Pete
  9. we had neat alcohol on the line side for adding into the air brake antifreeze resevior.. half the opertators were tipsy same applied to neat screen wash the fun stopped when banned from the line side and decanted in a locker room, early days of sprayed impact adhesive had a cab line of loonies till H & S became god and spoilt their fun Hic. and a new metalurgical lab had a re fit with loads of plastic wast pipe think it as carbon tetrachloride used to clean samples which down the drain melted the lot happy days bit like the fire on the lab bench which when blasted with an extinguisher blew the lot over and set fire to the whole lab ....happy days
  10. if the courier is on ramadan theres no chance just more wine and pasta
  11. if there is no slack /free play in the throttle outer /inner when temperatures rise the outer expands which opens the throttles adjust the threaded abutment or cable to give some slack at idle do check the choke is fully returning, stick finger under the jet and push upwards , if it moves its sticking on choke when you think the knob is fully in its not so at the carb end. as for odd electricals the normal culprit is the fuse box , the bladed that contact the fuse caps use the cap to feed extra circuits the fuse cap bridges the two sprung blades ,, either end of the fuse , have a look and a good clean . Pete
  12. Derek, not inflation proofed then Ha ! I'll get one with the wifes pension now cold tea there's a thought. i could put some vinegar in the screenwash but will always be dreaming of a chip shop with every squirt Pete
  13. Derek thats one to look out for must give that a try
  14. Well done colin, guess its linked to BA or whatever The olde box of buttons and black hole IT all to make life .........easier Its called progress !!!
  15. You can change the top shocker bushes with car on its wheels there is no spring load in the shocker shaft, undo the nuts and push shaft down below the turret extract the bush through the spring coils fit new onto the shaft and pull ot up thro the turret hole fit top bush and washer and nuts dont jack it up a little will open the coils , but dont unload the spring or you will need to geta spring compressor to re assy the spring and shocker I have a compressor for our area if you need or prefer to drop the coil unit off the car pete you, need thin fingers
  16. its to keep engine sump splash oil from entering the lower chamber or you get oil leaking out the small lower case breather hole so it tends to be a rubber washer that fits on the diaphragm pull shaft. bear in mind one kit doesnt fit all pumps there are a wide variety of pumps and evolutions about. its a baffle washer rather than a 'oil seal'
  17. bit like getting brown tea , builders cuppa stuff, all sorts of colours flavours and insipid stuff but tea seems to be now an environmentally useless hooch for yuppies or greenies happened to get the white vinegar from Sainsbugs we dont have a posh supermarket like waitrose up ere. but a new Aldi is only 300yds away ( i didnt look there)
  18. ive been fighting the smeary deposits on the windscreen on my Picasso for a while even the pole's wash n wax locally does not last without all the wipe marks appearing next day so windolene ,autoglym ,halfords, turtle wax, thinners and water , brake cleaner, newspaper,neat screen wash, all have been rubbish but white vinegar wins hands down ...its worked a treat so what do you use ???????????????????????????????????? Pete
  19. were off to sunny york moors on saturday , by then it will probably hail thunder storm and tempest but in picasso and not in the triumph Pete
  20. This is a great lesson in making a relaxed meal out of a nightmare keep it up Roger , your holoday is just round the corner good luck with the courier and replacement shaft, you seem to have this all well organised think we all do a hats off for the guys helping you its more interesting than top gear pete
  21. and thats with silly tablet spelling and thumble finger key pad crap. I did a spiel on using stag bell cranked expanders on the 2000 these are 15mm longer didnt really add to travel but by heck better low effort hand brake lever . to extend the lever length on the weeny lever & pins on H,V,S,GT that sit on the backplate i wonder if adding more effort through them would over load them , as back plate and wheel cylinders seem to suffer here
  22. Aha thke fulcrum lever is the pivoting lever above the prop shaft, moving holes increases or decreases the advantage this is not he bacl plate lever pete
  23. if you short the sender wire to the block and the gauge moves then its a new sender 1500 has slow moving needles and stabilised supply then its a GTR108 sender if nothing happens then its gauge in trouble, does the fuel gauge work OK ? should be at triumfest but blocked by fathers day , now thats gone bottoms up ....but the suns out Pete
  24. John does it with bonnet on, have a kook bCk at his pictures it doenst take much to remove the bonnet , then access is very easy all down to preference and the need of a adjustable balance bar if not and on on a fixed beam then bonnet off and push car backwards as you extract it frontways
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