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Pete Lewis

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Everything posted by Pete Lewis

  1. you dont need an wind activated owl to scare the cats away, there are other natural methods keeps the wife out of the garden too !!! Im an avid liker of engine driven fans on our cars ,keeps air flowing under the bonnet when stationary, and load reduces as the air rams through it over 30mph thinks its how our cars cooling was designed to operate. Pete
  2. if its the same brand on instrument then you can twist off tp remove the rim undo the two case screws and drop the innards out. hold firmly the alloy drive disc , marl its rim against its frame to keep its position if you like. with needle at its stop pull it off and press on the replacement .. without allowing the drive disc to move then all remains unchanged , if you let the disc free then the hair spring will unwind and pretty much impossible to refit correctly ever again, so easy but care required Pete
  3. The spring fits between the door carcass and the door card you fit the escuteon and handle, and press the escuteon and card against the spring to access the retaining pin hole , fit the pin and the spring presses the door card back and escuteon back over the handle to keep the pin secured. pete
  4. 7 or 13 whatever doesnt do much so long as the hoses take it ok, its the depth of the washer seating thats important, too short and it dosnt seal at all. have dream about some short rubber mounts to reduce vibration.and expansion stresses , dont mount it too tightly allows for the tank growing when hot. i had two and cycled them when they leaked , one was new old stock and that leaked from first fit. but a good clean and a blow lamp giving a nice seam of solder should revive a leaky one . ......for a while
  5. back to it all goes in the black one they started the brown bin lark and wanted to charge but it got thrown out by the opposition who ever they are. pot hole filling died this year , and if they close a road for grass mowing or a surprise tarmacing they only tell you when your at the block with nowhere to turn around and a 5 mile de tour you could have saved with some early warning bring on the revolution, i think all politics and councils are now totally out of touch with reality , all in their own little power struggles. pete
  6. ours takes paint if you leave the lid off and let it go solid but if they are empty whats the problem its just a tin or plastic tub making some household diy things difficult to dispose will end up with fly tipping .... shame Pete
  7. I wonder of white spirit would work , less volatile than petrol/ thinners and dispose mixed in old engine oil at the tidy tip.
  8. Have you tried clean petrol is the tank fitted or ..out and what car ?? just googled and theres some interesting idea, s heres one thread https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/how-to-dissolve-old-gas-varnish.191335/ pete
  9. Edit now thats odd post disappeared as a blank had to re boot the page and then got two pete
  10. Always come in handy apart from nah nah then wats a going on ere !!! evening ocifer pete
  11. you will get vastly more pressure from a wanner than you can from a tandem'd up pair of M Cyl. and far more than any foot pump or compressed airline . if you have neither a really really hard tap on a solid bench top will normally persuade the inner to become an outer. Pete
  12. and then go for clutch drag, there's a whole raft of where motion is lost with wear on the pedal clevis, seized pedal shafts, wear on the withdrawl lever and its pins poor slave bleeding , nipple must be at the top, then hydraulics to overhaul and on and on, then displaced cover diaphragm or distorted discs what ever,,, do the easy fixes first but hard 1st and crunching reverse is down to something is still rotating when it should be still
  13. would you like to repeat that !!!! pete
  14. the bushes in the column are rubber with a sort of bonded nylon tubular bearing surface they go dry and can groan, i would use a spray grease or engine oil, WD and similar are a quick fix but has no life or any long lasting lubrication . a smear of vaseline or grease on the horn ring while youre in there Pete
  15. put the conical spring to be small end up against the door spindle and the wider end to the door card , fit the card over the spring the larger end should then remain behind it , then just a gentle push on the door card to get access between the escutcheon and handle to fit the pin Pete
  16. you only need the band on for fitting the doughnut to the spider once all 6 bolts are in cut it off Pete
  17. just set the small tappet screw to have a minimal gap (books give various gaps but 1-2 mm is ok) between its head and the choke cam do this after you have the idles top set to a steady idle speed of around 650/700 or what ever you are happy with if there is no gap the choke cam will try to control the idle ,and not the idle screw .
  18. Herts and Beds to the rescue Pauls going to collect our lifter tonight time for bed, said Zebedee
  19. you can make one, ours is robust and came from the Titanic you like welding !! the bigger and stronger and longer the better
  20. was that claude greengrass from heartbeat ??
  21. pleased it solved the geometry problem . as a new clutch it may need a decent torque slip, to condition the new /old stock linning dont get it to smoke but a bit of a pong is ok., thats high gear feather the clutch and wind the revs up let the slip take the torque do it a couple of times , drive steady to cool it down trouble with old stock its been handled dropped and humped around a lot the face plate and setting can get upset . if it continues you need to check for runout on the coil cover thrust pad Grrr!! Pete
  22. Hi Colin, brilliant, Just tried that its engaged , call back , no voice mail pah Pete
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