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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. The beauty of the mobile phone is it CAN be switched off. Not many do I know. Passports are voluntary. Serious question? Is it actually an offence NOT to carry your ID card?. Pete
  2. Cannot see that happening in the UK, we don`t even fingeprint/DNA those so called "illegal" Migrants. Because they have "uman rites". Pete
  3. That is interesting. As it is not what is being reported on the Motorhome sites I inhabit. The general concencus of the interpretation of the rules is Max 90days (can be cumlative) and then 180days before a (further) return to the Shengen area`s. I will have to investigate further. I still have a US Visa which allows 180days per visit. Providing you return to your domicile country, and then come back!. Something along those lines for the EU, would be an aceptable option. I am very much in favour of Passports. They are harder to forge and getting harder still, than I-D cards. Sadly in the current climate we have a serious need of more, not less, control of movement. Pete
  4. To set the scene, The factory was set up in the early 1900`s in what had been an old Mill. As a result the Toilets where to say the least "Agricultural", consisting of 5 Stalls set along a wall above a trough which was periodically "flushed" by a a large volume of water from one end swilling the detritus into the sewer at the other end. Monday Morning, and after a normal weekend there would be a full house prior to start at 7.30am. Set alight a ball of paper just as the "flush" went and place into the trough. Then RUN LIKE BUGGERY!!. The perpetrator had to be either extremely fast, extremely "Hard", or have a "bolt hole" to hide in until leaving time!. One of the "milder" forms of revenge was being hung from a crane having had the "Crown Jewels" liberally covered in Black grease. Pete
  5. Yes, we send (say) a Birthday Card to Texas. It costs me £2 or more for postage. We got one from Texas (aniversary). The postage was 85cents. R-M are a total rip off. One of the more frustrating things, I have a personal liking for Wrangler Jeans, The US ones are far better quality than "over here". In the past I ordered and paid for them sent to my Son in Texas, who then packed them with his gear when he travelled, as he always managed to visit us "en route" . As with 90% of US business they are not flying. Result, no new ones any time soon. (or crap Euro ones).😭 Really hijacked the thread now!!. Sorry guys. Pete
  6. It`s frustrating, but the rest of the "non EU" world have been having it to do for years. IMV it`s all part of the Tradeoff. Regardless of how one voted, those who thought about it at all could see this was coming, those being caught out are the ones who went with the "it won`t happen", "so we won`t bother scenario". For whom I have little or no sympathy. To be fair my biggest personal issue now I am fully retired, would be if wanted to spend the Winters in Spain, as we once did. I would now be restricted to 90 days.
  7. Havent had much if anything from the USA, since I sold the R-V. But prior to that there was always a charge when the R-M had to take import duty payment, "to cover administration costs". There are work arounds but they involve being "economical with the truth".
  8. A Not uncomon happening. And nothing to do with Brexit either (my View) Import duties are levied for many items. And always where. I had to have an Alternator shipped from Belgium to France, where I was "grounded" when the one on my R-V (American Camper) failed big time. The freight and Tax (pre Brexit 2006) was in excess of the cost of the item!. Getting "stuff" from the USA was always a case of "Double the US cost" by time it landed on the driveway!. The same applied too on many items stocked throughout the EU. VAT rates accross Europe varied by Country. At one time the UK rate was well below the rate(s) in many EU countries. Going forward, I can see once the "teething issues" are ironed out that very little will have altered in real terms. Pete
  9. Hi. Latest copy of P-C, has a disturbing piece about the fact that 1) there is an increase aparently in the theft of "classics". One guy having had 2 Nicked!. 2) An asociated "scam" from some one alleging they know where said stolen vehcles are. and offering to provide the location information "for a Fee". In the region of hudreds of Pounds. The thieving low life scrotes are still out there, sadly none have fallen victim of the Chinese virus. Pete
  10. The level of his injuries are relatively minor when assessed in light of the potential. Another "lucky" cat, with only 8 lives left!. Many years ago, when first married, We lived near a scrap yard. The owners son was killed cutting up an old railway oil tank that had lain empty for many years!. The explosion rocked our House several hundred yards away!, Rude awakening, I was in bed, being having been on night shift. Pete
  11. HI. Having looked now at the other post, I can see where the issue lies. There is little or no support for the Gasket at that point, and the seal is relying entirely upon the Torque spread sealing the fire ring. Any, even minor, distortion in the Head/Block interface will show up the weakness. I can see now why the other poster filled them. As they are "allegedly" just blind holes to assist the O-E machining process, why have the hole punched into the gasket anyway, IMV it only weakens the gasket?. Does anyone do a Head gasket without the holes.? My interest comes from the fact that in order to investigate a low compression Pressure on the 13/60 Engine, I am going to have the head off and it will be interesting to see if the same holes and gasket arrangement apply there also?. Pete
  12. No experience of them except in Motorcycle Alloy heads many moons ago, But I would expect the static/cold clearances would need to be slightly greater than the C-I ones? to cope with differential in expansion. ? Pete
  13. Once, as a young "sprog", I "Repaired" a motorcycle tank seam leak with a blowlamp and solder. It was FULL of hot water. (Don`t try this at home children!). Pete
  14. Anyone thought of using several turns of Plumbers PTFE tape to form the seal?. It`s very versatile. I`ve even used it on Steam before to-day. Not a recomendation but in abcense of the "right" stuff, it`s surprising just how long it lasts!!.
  15. All the above. But something to consider, that happened to me Viz a Portable Generator, I had terrible trouble starting it it had been unused for a Year, and would NOT start. I spoke to the Agents, and they guy told me that they had had several "complaints" of similar nature, what they had discovered is the 5% ETHANOL fuel currently being produced Deteriorated when stored. Cleaned the filter, drained and replenished the fuel with Fresh from the Filling Station. Fired and ran first pull.!. Make of that what you will, but the next phase is 10% ETHANOL. I am told, that the Ethanol is only added as it is dispensed into the delivery tankers. Pete
  16. Re torque the head, then repeat the compression test. I would second Pete`s advise about the Air Filters too. Something easily overlooked but can underly similar issues. Did the early 2L cars have the damper as well?. (it was 1980`s, so the memory is a fading event). Sad to see it go back when. Pete
  17. I could be wrong, but I`ve seen Similar on Dellorto carburetors?. Pete
  18. I have a very long story about industrial macerators, nearly got me sacked from Hawkers (Pre BAE). Suffice to say they do not like "ladies stuff". Ship`s "seaway systems" where another "bone of contention". If you don`t fix them it`s porta poties all the way to Duluth, MN and back to the North Atlantic. Pete
  19. I`ll know when I get round to it. It (the Engine) needs a good clean to start with, its currently as the P-O took it out of the car Circa 2015. I know I have one Low Compression reading. As I put a Battery and Start motor on it and did some tests about 2 years ago. Minimum, sump off and clean, and head off and check. I have the bill for an unleaded head from "Club Shop" circa 2008 (ish). so (hopefully) just some cleaning and valve work?. Still loads of body to work on yet. The idea is to get it into primer, send for Final Paint, and work on the Engine/Transmission whilst it`s gone. Keeping me out of the pub`s and off street corners, (as my old dad would have said). Pete
  20. Slight update in that the Engine No was short a digit. GK 1315HE. A few better picies, and one`s of the Oil filter Removed, (now back in place to preserve it from dust and further general crap.) The filter looks like D102?. but is a full "spin on" type. Pete.
  21. Around what period was the change of filter?. Mine will be a `70 build (Reg 1st Jan 1971) but on the face of it the the filter does not look like the one (above). The Engine No looks like GK 315HE. and as far as I know IS orginal?. The fuel pump does not have a significant "dome". more semi flat one?. Pete Pete
  22. It was a not uncommon practice, especially with sand cast moulding, came across it a couple of times in Marine Practice over the years, failed miserably when subjected to sea water too. "We" where convinced that the major reason was galvanic action, with the salts increasing the errosion rate. Replaced no end of "alloy" small heat exchanger covers. Mind the (much) larger C-I ones sometimes did no better!. Pete
  23. Just a thought, where it is currently parked is not damp?. My garage is currently showing 80+% humidity. With a close clearance it could be enough to trigger the horn with moisture?. Pete
  24. Got curious, Reading the post. The pic above shows the pump on the 13/60 as having a cover, so assume it has filter?. More curious is the fact the the Engine, (never noticed before) appears to have the "screw on" oil filter?. Is that normal for a 1970 Build?. Pete
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