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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. The one I had. (6-80?) Back around 1960. was an Ex Hampshire police Model. It would do 100+. Four up and sometimes with 6 aboard. Don`t quite know what, if anything, they did to the Motors?.
  2. PeteH

    MOT extension

    Hi Logical move in My View. The 13/60, is not going to be on the road anytime soon, and at 49yrs and 4 Months old is exempt anyway. Wife`s is a "Lease" and not 2 yrs old. Motorhome was "done" last Month. My "runabout" not due until July, but had a dicky clutch so is not being used much at all, (and Even less now!). This move will reduce potentially some "interaction", where issues could have arisen, 6 months is unlikely to have any effect on accident rates due to "Failure". What I think needs clarifying is, 6 Month from When?. If it is a blanket 6 month from now, then when/if "normality" occurs there is going to be a Massive backlog. If, however it is 6 month extension of the current MOT, then that will not be any issue? further along. Pete
  3. Hi. More welding of door bottoms. And then start on the Bonnet which wants "new" arches. So then even more welding?. But first I have to put the staging up and replace the T-V aerial, which the recent high winds brought down. Move said staging to garage and re-secure Weather Vane (Same issue wind). Oh!, and repair the lower Door hinge keep plate which stripped a thread yesterday during a "trial fit". Pete
  4. If I told you. I`d have to kill you. !.
  5. Hi Been struggling to-day with the opposite effect. I needed the tub to spread outward in order to get a decent line on the door. In the end the following "Heath Robinson" Set up worked. I got a 1/4" approx, which was enough to allow the door to fit without binding. Now all I have to do is repair a stripped Door bolt fitting!. Pete
  6. I keep looking at the Motorhome, Parked on the driveway with the thought that It has it`s own "facilities" Toilet, hot water for hand-washing even cooking? etc; and thinking it might be the better tool, if/when I need to shop?. I know some (virtually) deserted places with beach access up here, and the dog would benefit from the exercise, combining the 2 could be a "goer". Mobile "social distancing"?. My thought is that "4 wall syndrome" could become as big an issue in a few weeks, especially for those in the 70+ category who are otherwise fit, and without the "underlying" medical issues. We have no family within 250 Miles, so have to do our own shopping. The nitrile gloves I got for working in the garage I can see being used elsewhere too!. Had to get some Fuel for the car last week, used the pay at pump facility for probably the first time! No sign of the August "Triumph weekend" being abandoned as Yet?. Pete
  7. Could be either. However they generally have a lot more respect for the Older generation than we do. Took me by surprise to be addressed as Sir on a regular basis. Virtually all public officials, and people ranging from teens (unheard of here!) to 50 yr old friends and neighbours of my son.
  8. I regularly post on a Motorhome Forum. The same applies there too. The ones posting at all hours of the day (and night) are the "Veterans" as our US cousins call us. Pete
  9. AND the acres of "plumbing" that went with them, MOT fail and an expensive job in labour terms.
  10. Obviously a bit hit and miss?. No sign of one anywhere on the front end of the 13/60. IF it was on the Front outrigger they where both replaced, and I don't remember seeing one?.
  11. The BX braking was awesome for it`s period. I had a 200.000 mile Estate. and managed to tow an 18ft Twin axle Caravan with it. The brakes where really "power brakes", using the Hydro-Pnue system as I recall?, as was the power steering too. The first time I tried to unhitch with the engine still running, as I jacked the Jockey wheel the rear of the car went up as well!. so the hitch would not release!. "Dohh"!.
  12. Hi The issue of "Warping disc`s" occurs too where the vehicle is stopped immediately after a spell of Serious braking on long inclines. A couple of people with Motorhomes have experienced this and reported it on Forum. Pete
  13. Tooooooooo. Much Information!.
  14. The only safe way to "improve" Braking on any Car is to upgrade the whole system. That can (will) be an expensive exercise, involving modification and requiring Parts never designed for the application. What is under discussion here is the possibility of making the same braking effort, using less input by the driver. Lets face it, not everyone post 50, has the same leg muscles as they did in the teens and twenties. It`s a bit like retrofitting PAS as some have done, It`s more for making the input effort less, and the driving less stressful, adding to the enjoyment of the experience. You just have to adjust your thought processes, to accept that the damn thing will not stop as quick as the latest from "XYZ". and drive accordingly. Pete
  15. Hi. Old habits die hard. Even on my modern I still habitually use the brakes "On Off" style. It also paid well driving 9t of America R-V down grade on the "Divide" in The USA. and the Pyrenees to and from Spain. The last thing you need then is "brake fade"!.
  16. Hi Thinking, I may just fit a servo to the 13/60 when I get to that point. So looking at prices. They are as high if not higher than £145 down to £75?. What I also note is that most are "Lockheed" TYPE, in the advertising?. which suggests that genuine one`s are NLA?. That being the case, the likelihood is they are Ex China?. Pete
  17. As this one was obviously Laminated. ( i found the mark, very feint but legible). It will I assume not have been O/E.? But `71 is towards the end of the 13/60 run is it not?. I have a "line" on a Toughened screen, (cheap) which I assume will substitute?. Pete
  18. Yes. So I now have an intriguing conundrum?. Has my Gearbox been replaced with one from an Earlier Car?. The gear box number is CB226963?. Any clue as to if it indicates manufacture?. I had assumed it was the original, as there are no indications in the 2-1/2 inch thick bundle of paper that came with it?. I suppose the other possibility is that the previous owner, who has now De-camped to Portugal to live, Might have had a "collection" of bits and this amongst them?. Still not really an "issue" as such, just intriguing as to how/why?. Pete
  19. Here is the link:- http://www.spitlist.info/CamberCompensator.html Pete
  20. 1cwt bag, mixed sand and gravel, sorted wife's Vitesse. Kept it in the boot unless we needed the space. Pete for those brought up on S I read 50kg Pete
  21. Strange? As mine is 1970 build. No record of the gear box being changed as far as I am aware. And no sign in the "kit of parts" that came with it of the rest of the bits either.?. The prop shaft. Has a set of flexible plates at the gearbox drive end. Reckon I might just not fit it on rebuild. Pete
  22. Intrigued by this?. My understanding and experience with (Just) using larger Carbs, is that it is mostly a waste of time and effort Unless you make the whole intake system compatible?. This may take the form of Simply gas flowing the manifolds, Or indeed "improving" the complete induction/Exhaust system. Just upping the size of the Carb, will only likely increase fuel consumption and because of the poor conditions increase the proportion of UN-burnt gasses in the exhaust system. Surely the better way is to make the gas flow more efficient throughout the cycle?. If necessary by altering the valve timing / Opening periods, larger valves, where conditions permit etc:. AND a more efficient Exhaust manifold system?. The object should be to get the most efficient "Burn" to release the power in the fuel, and to clear the used gasses as quickly as possible ready for the next cycle?. Pete
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