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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. Hi Been trawling, as I thought there was a posting way back which gave an approximate dimension for the Rear tub width?. Anyone know where it might be? OR the measurement across the top of the "B" posts on a convertible? I am trial fitting the doors and Bonnet after a lot of steel has been put back into the two tub sections and the door fit leaves a discrepancy at the top of the Door with the bottom in line?. If I adjust the door to suit the opposite happens!. and I lose the correct "line" at the top where the bonnet closes.
  2. Hi I tried paint stripper at first, far too messy, A combination of B&D heat gun and scrapers removed the larger sections in record time. White sprit seems to take ages to soften the residue, but when soft it will almost wipe off. IF I could get it out of the garage (without the Inner Wheel arches and the Bonnet pivot brace it`s a bit too flexible), I`d be tempted to use the power washer on the softened material?. Pete
  3. I did a similar thing, with an old 40mm Redundant Kitchen Worktop. Traced the correct curve from a Card Template and then cut slightly over length with the jig saw inserted the sheet into the cut slot cramped the whole with angle iron and cramps. And then beat the bejabus out of it with a soft face hammer finishing with a hard plannishing hammer. I did the wheel arches in a similar way except I cheated and sliced the turnover on the really tight curve. now in place it looks the business. I don`t have access to folding machine, shrink stretcher etc; it wouldn't be cost effective for what will be a "one off". So all my folding is done with heavy Angle irons in a vice. The idea of using the old worktop material came by accident I used it on a couple of smaller parts and found it worked well enough to warrant trying it out on a longer length, prior to that a lot of bigger sections ( tub floor) had been made up of smaller ones formed up and welded into large sections.
  4. PeteH

    Paint Palaver

    Hi Not Triumph, but I had Halfords mix a match for my 54plate Fiat Punto (Code 132 scilla), The end result was extremely good?. The other thing I always do, is stand the Aerosol in Hot water for several minuets and then shake. Pete
  5. I used a Rust Buster, then Seam Sealer, and Painted over that?. Pete
  6. HI. To Confirm This is my 13/60 Pete
  7. Hi Most covering will make a difference, It`s a question of level. I used to "roadie" for Festivals, and one place we used was literally a "Barn" on Pickering Showground. The only way we could get a decent sound with least back echo, was to drape the entire walls with Heavy Curtaining. 2-1/2tons of it!. took 4 days to put up and take down! including the stage and lighting. Pete
  8. Hi “Fishing”?. One time we “lost” a big nut, 2”Whit?. Into the bowels of a large Marine Engine. We could see it, but not reach it. Access meant removing large amounts of ancillary equipment and inspection covers. Ship`s Electrician, came up with the idea, Large Electric magnet on a length of rope wired to the ships Mains!. We care fully lowered it. Sat it on said Nut. And switched on. Then using rubber gloves as a further precaution we lifted offending item.👍 Pete
  9. Hi I find the tiny magnets used on a magnetic whiteboard useful for that too?, they are so small they fall off easily where there is even small amounts of filler!. Pete
  10. Hi. Maybe applying some to the Fuel tank would help too?. As Mine is out pending repair to the Shell that could be an option?. Pete
  11. HI I suppose (in theory) the boot is an "empty box" and will be more of a sound box? and act like a drum? Pete
  12. Hmm. Renewal due soon anyway, so I will take note of that. My Punto is a 54 reg. so It may be time to "Review". Pete
  13. Hi The ones I saw listed where 15". Allegedly a fit for the Herald/Vittesse?. Brings into play the need for a different Speedo drive gear to cope.
  14. HI I currently have "Member Cover" with RAC, through my Motorhome insurance, which covers me for ANY vehicle I am in. It`s not cheap though, even through the Camping Club scheme!. (arrival). SWMBO`s car is covered fully, via her Lease Scheme. As an aside to this. There will hopefully come a time when the value of the 13/60. will be enough to warrant cover even though it will still be unroadworthy. Is there a (known) scheme whereby a car under long term repair refurb, could be covered against (say) Fire and or theft?.
  15. Hi I am working on mine; Hope these may be of some use? Pete
  16. I did it the opposite way round, gripped the adjusting screw in the vice and put a BIG open-ended spanner on the Brake fitting!. That worked. The 1/4sq Brake spanners have been around for a long time. I think I may have a couple somewhere. I once welded a Nut over the top of the square, the combination of heat and the better grip soon shifted it. Saved stripping down the brake system!.
  17. Hi The one I am restoring (slowly, Very!) is white, with a bonnet obviously taken from elsewhere and which appears to be a sort of Blue/green?. And a Boot Lid which was originally a different white! according to the interior!. It wont be white though whenever it is completed, there is a rather nice blue which featured on the cover of the Courier Feb 2016?. Which I rather fancy. If I knew what it was!. Pete
  18. HI Thanks, did wonder, Had alloy spacers on my Cooper back in the day to clear the inner arches. I have looked at Minlights too. I think they produce a size for the Herald?.
  19. Hi Bored and browsing "fleabay" I came across a set (5) of Dolomite Sprint Alloys for sale. I am curious as to whether they would fit a 13/60? The advert does not specify PCD nor offset. Both of which would obviously be critical. There is also a suggestion the the "pretty" alloys for the MGF series will fit?. Pete
  20. Hi That`s interesting, as it is substantially cheaper. (£1.30/sg/ft versus £2/sq/ft). On current offer price?. Are these insulations applied to Bare metal of Painted surfaces?. I am looking to paint the whole interior, once the Re-fabrication is complete and seams/welds sealed.
  21. Hi I have to consider what to use in the Herald when I get to that stage. Various materials have come to my notice. Including something called "DoDo Dead Mat" and a product on Amazon "Noico". As well as "Dynamat".? Anyone got personal experience of use of any of this product?. Pete
  22. Including the one with the "C" spanner for tightening (sorry "Adjusting") your "Bottom Bracket"?. Skinned knuckles where mandatory!
  23. Hi YES, YES, YES, (for those who are not aware) Unless using Silicon fluid. Brake fluids are Hygroscopic, and as such absorb moisture from the atmosphere. When the brakes get hot the water "boils" and the resulting vapour reduces the brakes to "non existing". On cars like ours, especially if laid up, a couple of years can be too long!. Long story short:- 32ft, 9tonne, American Camper. Down hill (not too steep). NO BRAKES!!. Sh1t!! The longest 5 min of my life (almost). Saved by scraping the speed off with the nearside tyres on the kerbing!!, and pulling the (Auto Box) into lowest gear, and pumping like fury. After half an hour. I got brakes back and drove gingerly to a campsite where I spend the weekend, bleeding DOT4 fluid into empty "pop" bottles having been to Halford's for 5litre of new fluid. NOT something I wish to repeat!. Pete
  24. Which is what I am having difficulty with. The resistance of copper is finite within set parameters per metre?. Therefore IF the Resistance of (say) 1mm dia copper conductor is FIXED. the only thing that can change IS Either Current of Voltage?. so Current UP = Voltage DOWN. and vice versa?. Which brings me full circle, back to HOW can "thin" cable (same nominal conductor size) carry more current?. Yet the TABLES are suggesting just that?. Pete
  25. Which is how I always approached the subject, If in doubt go bigger.? I owned until 2102, a 32ft American R-V. When I tried to rig trailer lighting, the voltage drop caused real issues. In the end I got round it by running a separate fused cable, rated 40A from the chassis battery and used that for power, switched by Relays for the various functions. Pete.
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