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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. Hi I thought there was an East Yorks Group at one time based on or near Hull?. Anyone know?. Pete
  2. No, Mind I`ll only be 105, But I hope the car is?. My Grandson, is already coveting it, he has actually done a little bit of the welding and is learning to fabricate panels, it is still a work in in progress but he comes and does a bit when he is on leave.
  3. Ah!. Yes the old "Gunge". I have some, It is/was used to seal the roofs to Caravans. (though they too tended to leak after time), Maybe sikaflex?. It has a tendency to "Stick like s**t". Pete
  4. Sort of interesting this as I will at some point before?. Have to refit the tank, Its a nice tank and appears to have been replaced in recent times as it is looking nicely "unmolested" but still has a Drain Plug?. So do I fit a Plate ans Sponge thingy?. If so are Plates still available (I cant see one in the various boxes of assorted "bits" which came in/With the vehicle. Brexit however is a subject that is IMV on par with Religion and should never be discussed in the wardroom.
  5. Hi There is also the consideration that the flow can be reduced by the internal pipe friction, dependant on length. Most "Suction" pipe/hose is larger dia than that of the pump outlet. It applies especially in marine practice, often in a effort to reduce or eliminate cavitation and erosion on pump components. Pete
  6. Yes another option, It`s just me, I like to see "bushed" hinges, it`s quite satisfying to produce a bearing in Non ferrous material, rather than the relativity crude, but obviously cost "effective" in O/E manufacturing steel on steel. Pete
  7. If you have access to a lathe, they should not be that difficult to drill out oversize and turn bushes?. I find odd ends of brass etc on tool stalls at shows etc, Pete.
  8. Do You know, I cannot remember!! (age gets to you!😕). But I think mine was either Grey or Black. The Interior was Full, Grey Leather. I like the TR. But the Vitesse (2nd Pic) is a bit too dark for what I am Looking For.
  9. HI The pipe is deliberately oversize at both ends, I will trim it to fit once the Tub(s) are back in place and the Engine and Fuel Tank installed with likely an inline Filter somewhere in the system, I already have R9 hose to go.
  10. That Orange is phenomenal . Reminds me of a Ford Capri we had in the 70's. I am not looking for too outlandish, but I have never been a great fan of white or black for that matter. They both have a tendency to show road dirt more quickly in my opinion. Fabulous when first cleaned, but hard to keep like that in service. Had a gorgeous White Ford Granada (Ghia X pack ) circa 1986 The whole 9 yards. But it needed cleaning twice weekly in winter, which was not easy when doing up to 75k miles per year.
  11. Hi thanks . Just wish sometimes I could get more done. It's more a distraction than a proper project currently. Like many others I wonder sometimes how I managed to find time before retirement!!.
  12. Hi Sending saloons to outside convertors to produce Estates, was not unknown, Ford sent all the early (50`s on) to Farnham, for example. Although I THINK Morris produced theirs "In House"?. As probably the later Farina Estates too.
  13. My 13/60, currently undergoing a full body off refurb and originally white. Is definitely having a colour change. So with black interior going back in, choices are ??. At the moment we (the Royal we, you understand) favour blue. Seeing as the colour is going to be non original anyway. I have seen a very nice Metalic Blue from the BMW range. Not that far from the triumph Valencia, which is gathering favour. Not, likely to sit well with the purists I suspect?.
  14. Hi Glad to hear you suceeded. Just picked up on this thread unfortuately. I recently ran new fuel line on mine and as it is a rolling chassis I will look to post the pic`s as a guide for future reference. (have to find them first!)
  15. Hi Looking at the picture (2). it would appear likely that the crack had already started (the darker area). The bottom of the Woodruff key groove was probably the "notch". Pete
  16. Hi Not wishing to decry anyone's ability. so please take this in the manner intended. Are you SURE it is a 5/16" olive? (7.9375mm) and not an 8mm masquerading as 5/16?. SOME suppliers will provide 8mm and tell you it will "take up". All it then needs is for the pipe to be at the lower end of it`s tolerance, which could be 5%? undersize. and you have the issue you describe.
  17. Maybe I should add that My apprenticeship was over 50 years ago!. When you could still get a "good slap" for not making a "job" of it!.
  18. Hi I`m in the "do not use" camp. As an apprentice we where taught that a properly made Joint without any sealing compound will not leak. (and we got a right "roasting" if caught!). If it does, something is not correct, Either the Nut thread is binding, not allowing it to pull up fully or the wrong pipe/nipple/olive combination. "cross threading" especially on fine threads can also be an issue. I can still make a gas-tight joint from scratch!. Another fail point can be the face of the Female inlet being distorted or damaged.
  19. Hi Bloke in local asked me one day, "what day of the week it was". I just said "is it Sunday?". His reply was no it`s definitely not Sunday. "So therefore Its Saturday". His reply:- "How do you work that out.," So I told him, "That`s easy, I`m retired, so a week is 6 Saturdays and One Sunday!". Boom, Boom!. (Groan!!)
  20. What`s this work thing?. Is it sort of like being retired, and juggling "management requests", whilst at the same time trying to fettle a Herald with the body removed?.
  21. Hi In which case I may save myself some Cash. And paint the Engine "Hammered" Black. If the Engine get hot enough to peel hamerite. It will be in need of some serious work!. Pete
  22. Hi. FYI. the engine block on my 13/60, which is currently covered with oil in the garage, awaiting attention, IS painted Red. Which I assume is still ex-factory?, and looks as if it was a gloss finish?. I doubt if it has been removed in the last 40 years either. Pete
  23. Got pictures?. I would like to see that.?
  24. Hi Pete`s advice is good, however IF you want to paint the engine, Try looking for Fuel Burning Stove outlets, I have some (Matt) Black which I use on a wood-burner and My C-I Chimenea. It will last at least a couple of years outside, and more on the Lounge Stove (5+ and still OK). Pete P.S. An example just googled:- http://www.thestovecompany.co.uk/high-temperature-stove-paint/brush-on-high-temperature-stove-paint?cPath=13_18&zenid=e1j0dc9d9509vb4miohtbar3a4 Pete
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