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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. It came under consideration, back in the 80`s. I "found" a C-V front end write off, A Herald I think, and if the Scrappy owner had not been greedy, the idea had been the turn SWMBO`s Vitesse Into a C-V by swapping out the rear Tub. In the end, decided to stick with the saloon and the full length "webasto" roof. XGH465G, Recorded as still "sorned" since about 2012?, so likely gone now? Pete
  2. Loitering in the Garage, since the 1970`s: Viva 70 to 77? Pete
  3. Just beat me to it. C&U regs, quantify the height above ground for Spots and Fogs. Once got pulled by plod for 2 huge Cibe`s on an Escort Rally car, Got his tape out and measured, said the where a fraction too low. Must have been having a very slow day. Pete
  4. Flags? I don`t have them in the "kit of parts", Late 70 build, Jan 71 reg.? Nice gaps though, doubt mine will come anywhere near that. I thought you couldnt use a saloon (rear) Tub on a C-V? the rear and seat setup are different?. Due to the need to fold the Hood?. Pete
  5. Failing that, Look at the "Chrome" trim sold for Motorhome`s. it`s a self adhesive plastic version Eg: this sort of product?:- https://www.carbuilder.com/uk/5mm-x-2mm-chrome-trim-metre?gclid=Cj0KCQiAjbagBhD3ARIsANRrqEvGBhGb_AuTmXe-tjSkCfTn_9BAaWPDfrLXFURTD-tXf2xIk_gRRPUaAmf8EALw_wcB Pete
  6. The possibility of bacterial contamination is there. Many years ago marine fuel had a spate of issues caused by bacterial growth, feeding on the fuel and causing degradation of quality as well as filter blockages and other issues. Had the vehicle been standing in the heat of last summer? One of the known accelerants of growth was put down to storing fuel for long periods in heated tanks?. In the case above it took A bacterial clean of the tankage to remove the regrowth. I fully appreciate that we where dealing with a heavier fuel. But petrol comes from the same feedstocks. Pete
  7. PeteH


    My opinion, for what it is worth, would be that it likely was re-shelled onto a good Mk1 chassis, when the original chassis either failed MOT big time OR had suffered damage sufficient to render the chassis beyond resorable?. Back when, it was a not uncommon thing combining the best of two vehicles to make one. It is likely that the then owner, did not even consider the future of the vehicle, or "provenance", merely sticking with the com; plate which is attached to the tub?. (Or is on the Herald). Case in question?. Back in the early 80`s, My Son wanted a Morris minor. We "found" one in a garage, it having been the householders Husbands car, she was a non driver, for many years. It wanted a lot of work, and in the course of my work, I came acoss a later model stored in the rear of a rural garage, did a deal, and towed it home, breaking it for spares on the rear driveway. We proceeded to graft all sorts of bits onto the older "splitty", bigger engine, doors and pretty much anything else that needed doing. The remaining bits went for scrap. NO ONE questioned what we had done. We could have "rung" the car, had we been so minded, but what we wanted was CHEAP spares, "provenance" was NEVER any consideration. You have documentation, bill of sale and a V5?. I would not worry about it. As for insurers, my experience, having been in the insurance game, Is it would be unlikely that they would do more than check the documents and assess "repairability". rather than go looking for "rung" classic cars. Might happen IF it was valued in 6 or 7 figures, but at this level?????. Pete
  8. They have a facebook Page/ https://www.facebook.com/RavingMaes/?locale=en_GB Now that IS scary. Pete
  9. AFAIK, there is not a great deal in it. But I`ve only got the 12" wheel?. Pete
  10. Yup!!. In all shapes and sizes, and Doc Martin Boots. Pete
  11. I recently fitted a new Battery to the Sprinter, that was from Tanya, Varta Silver series. (100Ah) which would be too big for OUR cars but was a recomendation on a Motorhome site. C6 Varta Silver Dynamic Car Battery 12V 52Ah - Type 063 - 552 401 052. would be the eqivalent? Pete
  12. One of the MOST frightening things I have done in recent times was to go to Bliss, village near Ironbridge, Far too much stuff allegedy "old and ancient" Is what I remember as a youngster!!. Pete
  13. Used to say that about my Ducato Camper!. (Swopped out for a Sprinter). I had 4 Punto`s in quick sucession, all failed MOT needing welding to critical parts, except the last one. Some friends had a Lancia in the 70`s, even then it was like a lace curtain in parts. Mind, My son`s early Toyota Celica wasn`t much better either.😁 Pete
  14. Pete. Sad to hear, One can only hope he gets good care now. Dementia and Alzheimer’s are two of the worst conditions of Ageing, I would argue even worse than a Cancer?, In my view. One of the saddest in recent times was a local lady, a friend of my wife, who, in her 80`s, had severe memory loss. Same lady had been one of the Bletchley Park Team, and a Mathematician. She worked with Allan Turing during WW2. No one local knew until about 15 years ago, not even her second husband. Pete
  15. Worth having the "cloudy" Fuel tested?. Not the first time that water and or other fluids have found their way into filling station tanks. There was a Case up here in Yorkshire where "they" manged to fill a Petrol Storage Tank with diesel by mistake. Pete
  16. It`s an "age" thing?. It "charted" the year I left school!🙄 "Seven Little Girls Sitting in the Backseat" is a song written by Bob Hilliard and Lee Pockriss. It was recorded by Paul Evans 1959. Pete
  17. "Fred", had the best deal. He had 7. And in the back seat!.😁 Pete
  18. Have a look at this:- https://www.canleyclassics.com/?catalogue=triumph-herald-13/60&diagram=triumph-herald-13/60-body-side-panels It Is the same for the 12/50 and Vitesse and will give you an idea of how it went together originally. There is a Foam Pad under the fuel tank, around the drain, which is supposed to be a seal? too. If thats missing all the water thrown up will get into the boot too. Pete
  19. Was Still an option on the later 1200`s too. Pete
  20. Been caught that way myself. I now phone ahead and check it`s physically "on the premises" before I travel, even into Hull which is only 20 or so miles each way. They (Spit; Graveyard) did come back, and have some stock, but will only do "collect" on screens. (can`t blame them, its a costly risk with carriers). Worked it out it`s a 2 gallon trip in SWMBO`s Car, so around £12 in fuel. Fortunately her car is CAZ exempt, Sheffield`s new CAZ went on line Monday, but I think only for Comercials?.. Pete
  21. Yes, I looked hard and long, I got my 3 year renewal back in June 2022. But we wanted the layout we have. After Having "Yanks" it was as near a compromise as we could to what we had got used to. When I hit 80 later this year, this may well have to change, as the insurance will likely become the next "ageist" issue. My last travel quote to go to the USA to our son`s was "eye watering" to say the least!. Pete
  22. Porlock, was part of my Area, as was Lynton/Lynmouth, fortunately by the time I did it, 1980`s, I had a "Modern". If that is what you could call a Mk3 Escort. 😁 The Peugeot 303 diesel was the best on that one, as was the BX, the Later Astra (Automatic), was quite poor. Been up, and down, Sutton Bank quite a few times. Anything over about 30ft is going to have a hard time getting round the hairpin, especially if something equally as big is coming down. On the lorries, I was glad of the "jake" brake. The R-V (6.5Chevy) made a fist of it Ok, albeit slowly. Pete
  23. I believe, there is a repair section that has a "tang" on the upper section which is bent over and welded on the inside of the main chassis?. Pete
  24. Yes, With the best will in the world the steel structure sat in cold water, is never going to be easy to Insulate, The Son has a Big Multifuel stove in the main cabin, but the Webasto Oil Fired Heater stuggles to heat the rest of the Boat. Worse was last summer when we had 40C+ weather and the Cabin became virtually untenable at times. Pete
  25. I have the "arrival" RAC cover via the CCC, now in the 20th year. This provides cover for Me for any vehicle I am in. It also still covers my Motorhome even though it is over 3,5t. Not now available to new members BTW. It is worth checking if yours is over 3.5t Pete
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