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Everything posted by Anglefire

  1. John Brown Wheels have a black friday offer of 20% off until Monday. Bugger.
  2. Most modern gauges are controlled by the ECU and not directly off the sender - my old Disco 3 would sit resolutely in the middle - until it got really hot when it would shoot into the red! Monitoring the live values off the sensor (And reading the specs TBF) then normal was something like 85-95 but it wouldn't move the needle until it was over 100 and 107 being the light (Or similar!) I've never seen my BMW move off 100 (Mid scale) in the 20odd months I've had it (Once warm obviously!) - whatever the weather or what the heater is doing. The good old days, its a direct connection so they do move about. The reason given by Land Rover is something like, not panicking the owner if the gauge goes up and down!
  3. I fitted a full size rad when I replaced my engine last christmas - and a new thermostat. And it sits perfectly on the 1/2 way line - I also replaced the temperature sender - which was longer than the one that came out, and does actually sit in the water flow, rather than being shielded by the housing.
  4. Actually, the switches should carry some current - enough to break through any surface "corrosion" (Whetting current) - but to be fair it's not a lot and a relay coil is enough usually.
  5. No S**T sherlock 😂 Unfortunately everyone is trying to cater for the idiot and not allowing for common sense to prevail.
  6. Ah. I should have said Lhd as in left hand drive. I assume the later ones are the same in so far as the indicator stalk is on the “correct” side and on the right side of the steering wheel and correspondingly the lights on the left.
  7. The stalk has some contacts in it which take the full current of the lights - so can either burn out or corrode in general or simply go weak. The switches are not available as such - but you can get a lhs one that with the mounting bracket from you old switch can be swapped over. But the stencil on the stalk is not always the right way round when you switch it.
  8. Dad gave me the book yesterday to give to my daughter who has just passed her test. Just looked inside and it is first edition from 1970! ?
  9. Oh perfect timing...................... And tax will take seconds - did my daughters 107 in the time it takes to drink a pint when its very hot!
  10. What time will you hit Birmingham? Avoid the M5 to M6 junction if you can - bad roadworks that is causing tailbacks. After about 7pm is should be getting better.....
  11. I watched it last night and have never seen anything like it before - and now understand a lot more as to why most didn’t talk about it afterwards. Not wishing to trivialise it but the ending of Black Adder the 4th is probably the closest I’ve got to the reality of it (which to be fair after seeing the film is not so far from the truth) being in full colour - blood guts and all - also makes it so much more real and less sanitary
  12. Check the manifold gasket is not leaking too - mine was too high and wouldn't adjust down until I replaced the inlet manifold gasket with a proper payen one with compression rings around the inlets.
  13. Actually that is interesting - I need to check to see if I have a filter as my consumption is higher than I'd like, and can't say I've noticed if one is there or not!
  14. I understand a local builder saw it parked up and thought it odd as it had no plates on and the windows were down. Found some paperwork in the boot with the owners details on and now is in police hands to try and recover some forensic evidence. But it is all ok and little or no damage.
  15. Yeah that's a snag here. single story garage. Currently getting a larger shed to get more crap out of the garage so I can get around the car properly. Slab went down at the weekend, just waiting for the shed to arrive in a couple of weeks.
  16. Looks tatty. Doors look poorly filled and painted, engine rebuilt 800miles ago? My arse.
  17. TBH - If mine was nicked and couldn;t be recovered quickly, I'd rather it be burnt out than some poor sod end up with a stolen vehicle.
  18. I think my friend is planning on having a slightly raised edge - so the "ramp" is slightly below ground - if that makes sense so there isn't a clearance issue - he has about 2 metro's (One a cabriolet - one of only a handful in the UK left) and a Midas kit car (Metro based) as well as 3 other cars that are on the road - which he uses for work.
  19. A friend of mine is getting a small lift Christmas time - about a grand or so and lifts the car up about 1000mm or so. Still not sure how it would work on a small Triumph though! I've found this one https://www.cjautos.eu/product_p/cl02.htm
  20. Colin, I was just thinking that myself, and it makes some sort of sense - though not sure what is materially different from declaring it roadworthy........
  21. Technically it probably is - but even I would want a ticket on it once recommissioned.
  22. You got to wake up this morning..................... What more do you want ??
  23. That's one to walk away from. Rapidly I would suggest.
  24. That does depend on its condition. If it is ready for the road with only cosmetic requirements you can do those at your leisure. You might have to stretch you budget or get a loan for the balance - but for a good one could be worth it. But make sure it really is good.
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