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Everything posted by Anglefire

  1. I do like the idea of a wooden wheel - but I also think that it would be a bit out of place in some ways on a 70’s car - a Mk3 then yes every day of the week. I also think that practically a leather one would be a bit better. But if I could get a wooden one for £30 then that is a different story ?
  2. Thanks Roger, yes I've been out and measured the one fitted - and I would also go for a 14" mota lita - it's just a case of which one!
  3. No idea as the wheel is still attached to the car! The horn is operated by the pushing in the indicator stalk and not the centre boss!
  4. I'm looking at the website and the spreadsheet for coil stiffness etc. and finding it very interesting and somewhat confusing! Rimmers (As they have a sale on!) have some uprated (200lbs) springs which they specify as having a free length of 280mm (11") But that is too long according to the spreadsheet - for the ideal spring resting length of 7" at 200lbs the free length should be about 10.4" - but then you look at the webpage and the standard springs (180lbs?) have a resting length of 8" and a free length of 13.4"
  5. Anglefire

    Mark's Spitfire 1500

    Just some random shots of my car.
  6. I don't know if the OP has updated the first post, but it is tagged So in his defence I would think that should cover it - Unless you can't see the tags on mobile devices?
  7. Its all ok - it hadn't made the bin - but thanks! But to add to the confusion - two questions - size and which one! Mine is a August 77 Spitfire 1500 - Commission number FH102*** but the has this : and on the one and But with this one then saying: And is the same on the 13" Or is the 78 model year so also includes the August 77 registration (It was built in April 77)
  8. Bugger. I threw the catalogue away this morning - does this mean I have to get a new steering wheel now as they are on offer (This is for a Spitfire) (The one on mine is not the best!)
  9. I admin another forum and we have both "commercial" sellers and private sellers. Commercial in so far as they are proper traders and private who are, well just that, members who want to buy or sell or give away stuff. No real rules (apart from the obvious ones) and that its buyer be aware - its just a vehicle to enable people to get together without the costs of ebay - we also have a for sale spotted section - so ebay links and the link. But then the club does have its own commercial shop.
  10. Um, thats not gone well! I was also going to say, that seems a heck of alot "harder" than standard or uprated from standard at 180 and 200lbs respectfully? And I guess would need a different ARB to match? Which seems a lot of work - especially as it also looks to lower the front by an inch or so - which I can ill afford around here with all the speed bumpers and pot holes!
  11. These I assume you mean Clive? aftermarket Spitfire 1500 [x,1] TT4302 n/a 9.2 6.9 330 0.56 186 324
  12. This came up earlier on Facebook which looks interesting. And given that it will disappear on there in about 5minutes, thought I would add the link here too. http://auskellian.com/paul/links_files/springs.htm
  13. Friend of mine used to run a Mk1 Mexico (Real one! What's that worth these days!) - originally a 1.6BDA and when the head went, he changed to a 2ltr Pinto - which ran 5 events on average until the shells went - though the first time he was trying to keep his lead and removed the rev limiter - and missed a gear - put a piston through the side of the block - Only when he put Vanderalls in did the engine last (With limiter!) - Averaged 17mpg until it was in the forests, when it was nearer 5!
  14. Went out for another spin - well took my eldest to a friends - so was a good excuse! Came back (running sans springs) and put a drop of oil on the linkage and they seem to work ok (They did before), The video you can see there is some slack in the forks. Sen
  15. I've had another play with the carbs - and checked it all out - the one clip holding the rocker cover pipe was essentially bust - so replaced it - not sure it was really leaking though. Re-checked the throttle and choke cables - and I have adjusted them slightly - the throttle might have been a bit tight in the forks - but again, not really sure. Adjusted the mixture which was a bit lean, checked the balance again and tweaked that - idle still too high - rear carb in particular - so I added a couple of springs from the forks to the holes in the throttle cable bracket and that seems to just pull the butterflies back a smidge. But it makes the throttle very stiff and a lot harder to drive smoothly - in fact I took them off half way round my test run and the idle is a little high still (Around 1000-1100rpm) - so have to find a happy medium somehow!
  16. I think when the time comes, I'll go for a set of standard springs (Possibly uprated) from the club shop along with the Gaz shocks. I have no objection to buying Koni's - but for my use probably overkill!
  17. My last mot advised the springs are rusty as well as the shock casing. They didn’t comment on the rear though and they are as bad. I do have standard shocks to go on the rear - but will have to cut the bolts off as they totally seized at the top. Doug, I assume with the Club shocks and springs the car ride height is “correct” ?
  18. Can't help regarding the fitting of the hood to the frame - but can't see it being that hard - it mostly clips on as far as I can see. The bolts in the windscreen frame can get a bit chewed at the ends if they are incorrectly fitted - mine are a bit buggered - but pushing down on the roof whilst you put the screw in can help. Might need two people though!
  19. I've just looked at the price of them What makes the Koni's so much better Clive? Gaz from the club shop are £170 ish a pair - Koni £360 (from Moss) Or £149 each from Larkspeed (Though the picture looks wrong!) Then there is the spring! About £40 a pair from the club shop - then standard or uprated!
  20. Thanks Clive I run to Koni’s - I’d rather spend a bit more once than spend twice ? What about springs? Just standard ones?
  21. Typical. About the only size spanner I don’t think I have ?
  22. I feel the ne d to replace the front shocks and springs on my Spitfire. Almost bought a pair of springs at the show last weekend but decided not to but to get all the parts neeed from one supplier if possible. Just don’t know the best source - I was planning on standard setup - based on the fact that it’s worked ok for the last 40 years and it’s not a racing car! But on my list will be a spring compressor from the Club shop - unless someone local has one to borrow. But if I do get one, then it would be available for anyone local (midlands) to borrow in the future.
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