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Everything posted by GFL

  1. Paul You could make a weekend of it? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiSzdqr8Mz1AhUMV8AKHcuuDK8QFnoECAgQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fpeakrun.weebly.com%2F&usg=AOvVaw1UWGK-gzSSLmH-XruAl_GL Gary
  2. Mike They may be at the Gaydon Museum in the Archive at a Guess? Gary
  3. Yes, lets see an update please Ian?
  4. Pete And the 'C' Posts too? Not much painted metal on display in the interior of a Vitesse, apart from the edges of the Doors and a few other minor areas? Here's an Image I found of a Saloon Interior Regards Gary
  5. Yes, the strips ran down each side of the Windscreen on the Vitesse Saloons, not fitted on Heralds According to this link, the Newton Commercial kits for the Vitesse show them, are you sure they haven't sent you an Herald kit? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjnpdbQusL1AhUBoVwKHUDOA78QFnoECAsQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fnewtoncomm.co.uk%2Fproducts%2Ftriumph-herald-vitesse-saloon-headlining-kit&usg=AOvVaw2M_qsb5dJ7BXszasOGl63t Regards Gary
  6. Colin Just be aware that the original seals where a 'U' Section not the normal 'O' Section supplied by most of the usual suppliers? You may experience door shut trouble with the 'O' Type This one from Woolies is a similar shape to the Original but only in Black by the looks of it. https://www.woolies-trim.co.uk/product/1285/door-seal Gary
  7. GFL

    The Last Herald

    Colin It does look white, maybe it is masking tape that's not been removed? I know the fixings screws for the Bonnet catches are painted body colour originally.
  8. GFL

    The Last Herald

    Colin Yes I have read all 1971 Manufactured Triumphs had the BL Logo Badge fitted, I wonder if they had run out of the Cross flag badges, earlier 13/60's Convertibles certainly had them fitted? No doubt this car would have had a Steering lock fitted too, as this became a legal requirement for any cars Manufactured in 1971. Gary
  9. GFL

    The Last Herald

    With it being over 51 years ago I suppose there's not much chance of most of the people in the Photo still being alive? I know the last 3 Vitesse's where all convertibles, presumably finished early May too, this letter gleaned off the internet is regarding the third from last one made. Gary
  10. GFL

    The Last Herald

    Came across this Image whilst reading up on the History of the Canley Triumph Factory, the Last Herald made, a White 13/60 Convertible by the looks of it. I wonder if the car survives? Regards Gary
  11. Chances are the Rimmers ones are made in China/India or some other far eastern country and are of dubious quality, you may get lucky but personally I wouldn't fit them to a car of mine? How about these Branded Monroe ones on E-Bay? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/304168713426?fits=Car+Make%3ATriumph|Model%3AVitesse&hash=item46d1de3cd2:g:j3YAAOSw~j1hVuA4 Gary
  12. Hi Bob I would recommend Koni Classic Dampers, I fitted them all round to my Mk2 Vitesse and had no issues, in fact the current owner, who I keep in touch with on a regular basis is always telling me how well the car still rides? Although Koni aren't the cheapest they will last, remember you get what you pay for? Gaz & Spax are also well know and have a good reputation I would keep away from unbranded black dampers, I've read and heard bad stories about them, probably made in Asia to poor standards You may get luck and find branded Monroe N.O.S. ones on E-Bay but they may well be 20/30 Years old now so who knows what the internals are like! Search around the usual suppliers for the best deal, Rimmer's sometimes have 15% off deals Regards Gary
  13. Some great Fabrication and Welding work on display there, well done indeed👍 I really must get myself booked on a course to learn how to do MIG Welding?🤔 Gary
  14. Hard to Open and close doors seems quite a common problem with the Herald/Vitesse range I've attached the Standard Triumph notes for Body Adjustments which may help It may be worth checking you've not snapped a door hinge pin (Can you move the door up and down when open?) Also check the condition of the Chassis and the body mounting points on the front bulkhead, these can both corrode and the mountings can collapse! I spent an age trying to get the doors to align and shut smoothly when rebuilding my Vitesse, I fitted new Door Hinges, used good condition (Unworn) door strikers and Latches and also made sure the Anti-burst Catches (Convertible only) were well lubricated and unseized. The front Bulkhead can be tilted by placing suitable spacer washers under the rear Front Bulkhead mounting to give more clearance and adjustment, but you may also need to adjust the Quarter lights and Door glasses too However if you any serious corrosion to the Front, middle or side Outriggers or the Bulkhead Mounting points this will need rectifying first Gary Herald, Vitesse Body - Svc Trg Notes.pdf
  15. Pete I can't find the other one listed either? Regards
  16. Pete Drivers offside available off Fitchetts listed on E-Bay (not checked Near side yet) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/114826732541?epid=1149816987&hash=item1abc34e3fd:g:SpEAAOSwQKxgmlJv Regards Gary
  17. Peter I'm a regular visitor to Newark Autojumble and have been so for more than 30 years or so, I got a lot of N.O.S. Stuff and other spares for My Vitesse during it's rebuild between 2002 and 2006. I attended last Sunday, however the amount of 60's/70's Car Spares is dwindling? I would say around 80% of the stuff for sale is for motorbike parts or Motorbike related, with the rest being made up of all sorts of stuff, some car Parts (10% Max) but also Tools, Drills, Paints, Oil, Garden Stuff, Clothes, Shoes, etc, in fact you can more or less get anything at Newark😁 In some ways it's turned into a Giant Car Boot but Bike/Car related? You get more stalls in the Spring and Summer but still definitely worth a visit though, Bargains and rare car parts can be had when people have a clear out of Garages/Houses? Gary
  18. Going on Memory here but I believe the following Exhaust mounts are needed on a Mk2 Vitesse with one silencer as standard, working from the front backwards:- 1. A metal mounting from the one of the Bellhousing bolts to the pipe (Although this may be slightly further back off the gearbox and a flexible one, memory's a bit hazy on this one) 2. A flexible support from the front Differential Crossmember to the Pipe 3. A flexible support to the rear of the Silencer I don't think there is a support to the front of the Silencer on a Mk2, only the earlier cars and Heralds had this Hope this helps Gary
  19. It looks a cracking car, but then again it should after all that expense! It's made this weeks Classic Car Weekly, in fact quite a few Triumphs featured in this weeks edition😃 Gary
  20. Colin I had similar swept back stems with Convex mirrors fitted on my old Vitesse. I got them from Tex Automotive, this is the type I used with new stems. I can't remember how the Mirrors fitted to the the Stems but it looks from the attached image that a screw tightens onto a protrusion (Is that the right word?) Mine I'm sure where already assembled, I just had to bolt them to the car. Regards Gary
  21. GFL

    Nice GT6 for sale

    I've seen this car on A Social Media site, it does look stunning but £97K!! £30 an Hour is a reasonable hourly rate for a Garage back in 2008, Garage rates can be anything from £36 up to £234 these days according to this link?!! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwimkp7roPfzAhVk_rsIHT7mDcsQFnoECAcQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgaragewire.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fuks-garage-labour-rates-revealed%2F&usg=AOvVaw0k9ZsWbxddSOv23zDntrBs It will be interesting to see what it sells for?
  22. Have a look at the Chris Witor website for info on 6 Cylinder Heads?
  23. Yes, I think it is too, especially when you factor in the car parking charge?! Last time I attended it was a great show though, with plenty to see and a good selection of Autojumble too, that was about 10 years ago though🤔 Gary
  24. Ian A solution I opted for and had read about in a previous Courier Magazine from the 1980's was to drill and tap for a Grease nipple to the centre of the Vertical link, once a year I pumped in a combination of Grease and EP90 Oil and could see it oozing out each side😁 This was done in conjunction with a couple of rotations of the long bolt too help circulate the lubricant Not sure if it got as far as the Trunnions in the Lower wishbones but the bolt never seized so I reckon it did🙂 Gary
  25. It looks very straight and original, a rare survivor indeed? Stashed away in a Garage for 55 Years, Wow! Gary
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