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Everything posted by johny

  1. Havent got flange off original gearbox? Pity to shorten prop as it will be even more difficult to access the coupling bolts and short flanges are quite plentiful here. The number is from a US GT6 so looks good.....
  2. Yes you're looking for a KF or WH followed by numbers but it could be over stamped with something else if its been reconditioned....
  3. It should be a good gearbox as it incorporates almost all the improvements that Triumph made during the production of these cars👍
  4. Please let us know if it works as these things are good to know🤓
  5. No Joe, as Scrapman says you just need the shorter rear coupling flange to get a standard OD propshaft to fit. In fact you should be able to use the one off your non OD gearbox and it's an easy job which should make your new box 1" shorter.....
  6. Sorry just reread your previous post and see that this box is 10cm longer than original non OD box which of course is perfectly possible. So yes that gearbox looks like it's going to be the same length as a standard Vitesse OD one....
  7. Yes that's a J type OD but I can't understand why it's so much longer than the original box when normally you would expect no more than 1" difference compared to the standard D type gearbox. The serial number stamped on the top RH side of the cast iron gear case would be useful to know as well....
  8. Definitely not a D type overdrive but pics of the box and prop would be useful
  9. Ive wondered about using one of those old triumph floor mounted switches you see so much on ebay to operate the overdrive. Would be pretty convenient if theres room next to the clutch pedal.....
  10. Hi Graham, as an aside, I take it this is a single rail box you're fitting and wondered how you've adapted the GT6 bell housing to fit it?
  11. Think you might have more luck with a rubber washer but of course there's not much 'land' for sealing is there.....
  12. Thanks it's just I'm too tight to pay out when my originals are still perfect🤑
  13. I think you got the explanation there right because a rise in ambient temp can't produce enough pressure to lift the cap otherwise the system could be sitting there with 13psi in it which would make opening the cap difficult. Also don't forget the hoses expand slightly. I think I calculated my system produces an expansion of about 250cc from 0 to 100c....
  14. I think on the 4A, unlike the Vit, the heater isn't the highest point so if coolant level is a bit below the cap it's no problem while on the Vit your heater stops working😩
  15. Hmmm sounds like new rad should be on the shopping list and if the budget is tight I really recommend an ally chinese Honda Civic one even though it does require a bit of fettling. Also is your controller powered up all the time to allow the fan to run on?
  16. +1 for the push in rad fins sensor
  17. Yes that's the same as mine. Always wished the leads had right angle plugs into the cap though as I think it would look neater😕
  18. Oops sorry of course it's a 22D6
  19. Yes I'm quite pleased by the way the temperature rise after stopping the engine is controlled now. It certainly helps a lot with a hot restart as the fan running reduces under bonnet heat build up as well....
  20. My 2L MK1 Vitesse was definitely supplied with a 25D.....
  21. I think if the electric fan is set up to run on after engine stop the thermosyphon effect will be considerably increased at least until the wax thermostat closes
  22. As long as the thermostat is open don't forget that the thermosyphon effect will still give a certain amount of coolant circulation. Mine needed a bit of choke on a restart after quite short stops until I adjusted the fan settings.....
  23. Ahh I thought I saw somewhere the thermostat was fully open about 3deg after the start temperature. 15 to 20 makes more sense although I haven't seen much of a change in running temp on my gauge by going to a 78 thermo☹️
  24. Ok I can understand the modulating effect but if an 82* thermostat is working fine in the winter why shouldn't it be ok in summer? If the coolant temperature has gone too high the thermostat will be fully open and putting in a lower temp thermostat won't help!
  25. I can see how it works if your engine runs cold as the thermostat starts to close so reducing cooling and increasing engine temp. A higher temp thermostat will open later so forcing the system to run hotter but the reverse😳
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