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Posts posted by daverclasper

  1. 20 hours ago, AlanT said:

    I take the point about quality. I’ve just swapped a wheel bearing twice as the new one immediately failed! About to swap out a water pump with 200 miles on it that’s now leaking. Running a Triumph is a game that keeps us tinkering!

    Seems to be a bit a luck in it. I changed the front bearing and both cups, about 8 years and 20 K miles ago on Vit. It was the basic from Canley, about a tenner I think. Holding up so far!

  2. 2 hours ago, Pete Lewis said:

    all needles have the same diameter needle at idle

    the colour you get running a light engine is as daft as a brush compared to whats needed on normal loads 

    they are a good clue but not at all an excact result , ears amd drive are the best 

    That's what I've wondered about the lifting pin technique at idle being accurate, across rev range? 

  3. 23 hours ago, Pete Lewis said:

    0.005" is fine   0.015" is higher than an open  limit tolerance of generally 0.010" as a manufacturing standard  so the hub had some runout above normal 

    but nothing too alarming  and at the drum diameter is probably fine   

    0.015" on the hub mounting face is excessive 

    do make sure the drum retaing screws are underflush as if these make contact with the wheel it will distort on tightening the wheel nuts 


    I've often wondered, that the shafts on these independent suspension cars can't be that straight, after all these years?

  4. 31 minutes ago, johny said:

    Doesnt the EP services one have a lifetime guarantee? Suppose you have to pay postage though🙁

    Would you?, Seems unfair?, if they accept it's not up to standard

    I guess even with a quality water pump, never used and dry stored for X amount of time, then not good for seals. I think, even quality pumps, if vehicle is parked up for a few years, then pumps often suffer damage?   

  5. On 20/09/2022 at 18:10, clive said:

    then liberally sprayed with protective wax. They haven't gone rusty. In fact, any underbonnect connections get a squirt  of aerosol protective wax to help keep the connections good. No downside.

    Been using aerosol grease on every connection I can access for past 9 years, now and again. No issues with any connections so far. They were in good nick to start with. Car has lived outside during this time, under a cover  

  6. I had above symptoms on J Type, 9 years ago + not disengaging (always ok for first few miles or so). Solenoid, not clacking on a shake. Cleaned out and small o' rings replaced. I did use a bit of oil in the piston, rear area, thinking it would help for the future.

    A couple of years ago, it started playing up. Went straight for solonoid, sure enough was not clacking, Did same again, though o'rings appeared fine. Didn't use any lube this time (I know it's a moving part!), my thinking that over time, oil may get sticky/dry due to the heat and stop it moving. Who knows?. 

  7. Thanks Johny. I had thought about the extra air, I think I need to take the filter box off and also the splash guard of to get proper spray access?.

    I think, I did mention above, if I should check valve clearance? (I couldn't work out in my head if it would affect it?) ,though don't think I had a response, though I can check them.

    I have thought about compression, if low then not enough fuel/air drawn in?, so could run weak?. I can check compression.

  8. On 03/09/2022 at 18:02, daverclasper said:

    Thanks.  I'm dead chuffed car appears to be getting such good mpg (wish I'd leaned if off a lot years ago)

    Was just concerned about the almost white colour on the one plug (maybe even paler if I did a Motorway plug chop?) and possible damage to that cylinder.

    I've no idea of the threshold/parameters for possible damage?


    Hi. I'm aware this is not a counselling forum, though any thoughts to put my mind at ease would be great and I won't hold any individual, or the club responsible for advice, if the piston melted, etc.

    Cheers, Dave


  9. 4 hours ago, Pete Lewis said:

    both can do a good  job , both have their own problems

    Out of general interest. What are any possible problems on basic/earlier CD 150 Stroms, please Pete  

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