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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. In that case I'm off to Poland t fill up šŸ˜±
  2. Yes the price of petrol is (cough) volatile . . fingers crossed by then it will be back to normal.
  3. E10 is slightly cheaper, I prefer the E5 for the Triumph and my modern runs on diesel which was 1ā‚¬68 last week.
  4. As long as it doesn't cause the car to use more petrol I don't care! Filled the Herald up Monday before meeting a couple of mates for coffee - I needed something stronger! 1ā‚¬86/l, for the 98(E5)
  5. When I took my car driving test back in 70/71, I already have a motorbike licence, one of the questions was on stopping distances. I gave the correct answer then the examiner asked me to point out something that was at roughly that distance from the car . . .Got that wrong. He said that he was just asking and it wasn't part of the test, nothing required a candidate to be able to show evidence of distance awareness . . . . .
  6. Thanks Clive for the confirmation. YIPPEE! I ordered one at the weekend knowing it was plain, it arrived today and was fitted within 10 minutes. I haven't got the time to take the car out to test it out so fingers crossed . .You know how temperamental our cars are and changing/adjusting just one small bit can result in the car sulking..šŸ˜ Should anyone be looking for one, they can be found under 22B19 in stock at Rimmer. The same item is also used on TR4/5/6.
  7. Hi all, I am looking for a confirmation as to whether the original black spherical gear lever knob had markings for the gear positions or was in fact just plain. I've searched for photos and they are either too blurred, or other to be sure. I suspect they were plain. The part number is 131246. Thanks
  8. I assume you mean 'flows quite easily down the drain' as you poured it away in protest . .However knowing you before it got flushed down the loo it passed through your own body filtering system šŸ¤Ŗ
  9. I think Leonardo da Vinci was responsible for the design of the name across the bonnet . . .šŸ¤Ŗ
  10. There is always one or more answers to a question, but sometimes it's best not to say . .
  11. I've just had a look at the Canley site, I think the part you want is 509732 which they say is out of stock but available to order.
  12. That phrase does conjure up some lovely images. What Have I got to do today, how far are the Alps from here . . . . .?
  13. You need to get out more, or at least into the garage šŸ¤Ŗ
  14. Back then LED was spelt LEAD . . .
  15. Missed it myself šŸ™„. So no hood up no spotlight . . .
  16. With my Skoda I just put in 40ā‚¬ at a time and tell myself that the saving in weight helps performance and reduces fuel consumption, therefore I'm being green. Try it with the Discovery, you'll feel a lot better for a few minutes. šŸ˜ Until the euphoria wears off.
  17. They left right after the start of this thread. šŸ˜’
  18. You've had a liquid lunch, haven't you šŸ¤”
  19. I recently found out, not without much amusement, that the French call NĀ° 1 cylinder the one at the back on their classics. I also have the added confusion when talking of 'cĆ“tĆ© conducteur' here. My 13/60 is a RHD version I imported šŸ˜µ
  20. I've just done the conversion from the French way of stating fuel consumption ( litres per 100 kms) to mpg for my Skoda Yeti diesel, comes out at 60mpg and this is not at its best because I'm not doing nice long steady runs just local trips - no stop start town driving open rural roads.
  21. A fire on board a ship with several hundred cars, surely there could be many causes for the start. Once going I would have thought there were many compounds/components that would cause it to spread - all the plastics, tyres . . .Are all the cars on board EVs? A few petrol ones with a few litres of petrol in the tanks would give the fire a boost.
  22. Welcome to the forum. Advice will be along in no time about which manuals to get for your car. Roadside headaches? Not only at the roadside! You should get more smiles than headaches over time
  23. The next time I take my Triumph out I will need to fill it. To pay for the petrol I'll have to sell the car šŸ¤”
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