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fitting brake pipes


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hello everyone, i was just wondering if anyone lives in the Doncaster area who has fitted a complete set of new brake pipes to a Vitesse convertible mk2. i've had the body completely restored but it's been apart for years. i ordered a full set of Automec pipes and braided hoses but again, that was years ago. Now its time to put them on but they don't seem to fit. I know it'll be my incompetence but i was just hoping that somebody with more ability than me would be able to come and give me a hand please?

thanks, Rob

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Hello Willis.


I have exactly the same as you and have changed all my hoses a couple of years ago.


My car will be up in the air in a few days time, so I can send some photos of each corner which will at least give you a guide as to the fitting of the pipes; whilst (hopefully) another Forum member can give you physical assistance.


Let me know if that assists ??





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Richard - that would be excellent as I've a complete set to make up and fit on my own 1200 in the very near future and as it's a bare chassis I've completely forgotten how they should go. I do have another 1200 to use as reference but I've realised how long ago it was that I last did a full set and so if you're uploading photos, I'll appreciate it as well as Willis!

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Hello Willis and Colin.


Photos taken today.


The attached photos show the brake pipe route from the MC to the brake pipe junction (sorry forgotten the correct word) and then the remaining photos show the route to the L/H side caliper.


I will cheeck the R/H caliper route, when taking photos of the rear brake pipe run, but I think it's the same.


The brake pipe from the MC goes behind the heater box (see photo) and then on reappearing curves over the bulkhead and then down to the three way junction.


IIRC the brake pipe runs along the INSIDE of the OFFSIDE chassis runner; running parallel with the fuel pipe. I will check that and confirm on Monday / Tuesday.


Please let me know if you need any further photos of the front brake pipe route and I will deal accordingly.


Hope the above is a "starter for ten" ??












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Hi Richard, thanks for the pictures. They are a great help. I'll have another go at them next time I'm off work and let you know how i get on.                                              Regards, Rob (Willis).

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Rob / Colin.


Here are the rest of the photos as promised; I think self explanatory but if you need any clarification let me know.


Originally I said the pipes run along the inside of the offside chassis member - typical it's the other way around: they run OUTSIDE of the NEARSIDE chassis member which you will see on one the attached photos.














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Hello Doug.


I will give the boots a go and see if I can get them in.


The green pipes have been on there since owning the car; the last 7x years - I can feel a top tip coming up !!





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hello Richard, thanks for the second set of pictures. They're a massive help. Looks like I'll have to start again but at least I'll get things right this time (with a bit of luck).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Cheers, Rob

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That's okay Rob, if you need any clarifications or additional photos let me know; the car is currently in the ideal state for such requirements.


Good luck.



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Hello Richard, just to let you know that all my brake pipes are now fitted to my car thanks to your photos. All I have to do now is try to remember where everything else fits. massive job but it'll get there. I'd send some pictures of it if I knew how to do it but unfortunately I don't so I'm sorry about that. Anyway, onwards and upwards. Thanks again, Rob 

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Hello Rob.


My pleasure and I'm glad all has gone well.


Here's the quick lesson regarding uploading photos on to the TSSC Forum - it's a doddle and an excellent system:


1. towards to the top of the thread page on the RIGHT hand side there is a black box saying "Reply to this topic" - click on that


2. you will now have a new reply page, at the bottom LEFT there is a grey box with " Attach Files / Choose files....", click on that


3. by clicking on that box it will take you to your computer's document / picture folders.


4. select the doc or photo you require and then double click on that item and the Forum software will automatically start uploading


5. you do not have to wait for each photo / document to be uploaded before repeating the exercise - that said, give it a chance to catch up if loading more than 6x photos.


6. there is no limit to the number of uploaded items, BUT the max size single size is 30MB which is enormous so no problems there.


7. once you have written your Forum update / response click on the black box "Add Reply" at bottom CENTRE of page and your reply + any uploads will appear as the next update on the thread.


Hope the above assists ??





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  • 8 months later...


The Attached is a Page from the Haynes Herald Manual. (Not shown in the Vitesse version):- Shows the layout of the pipework. (For a Herald) Interesting is that the Herald Pipes are fitted from the rear of the front wheels. whereas the Vittesse ones shown in the photo`s (above) show the pipework to the Front. But the run on the chassis seems to be the same.

BTW, a better alternative to Vaseline, which can degrade some "rubber" is KY Jelly. A well known Lubricant in some circles.:D




Edited by PeteH
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