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Hello from Paula and her Vitesse

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I rubbed it down again and did some better filling and I managed to get a coat of paint on today, the wind is really not helping.

It's definitely going to be an improvement to the bubbling splitting mess it was and the other touch up bits will make a big difference. I also treated it all to help with the rust. (i'm trying to convince myself i'm not just bodging it, I can hear Fuzz Townshend disapproving from the future)

Once i've done the final coat is there a good polish for freshly done cellulose paint that will help my less than professional job shine? I've got some AutoGlym Super Resin and some MER somewhere I think.

Thanks for the tips!


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24 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:

i would let it harden for a week then add another double  coat,    dont cut celly paint for at least a month or more   it takes a good while to cure fully 

others will have better ideas


Oh wow. That's a long time.

Thanks, I definitely would not have done that 

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yes if you polish or cut back a soft paint it will give you a dull finish 

no expert just the stuff stays sort of fluid for ages 

with celly you build up a good thickness of paint and polish the shine 

with 2 pack the chemical reaction gives a very hard and shiny finish on application 

its going to be warmish and sunny till the weekend ,  good weather for spraying apart from the wind 


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If the last coat you applied is dusty or heavily rippled or orange peeled, then leave it to dry for a few days minimum before flatting with your 1200 grit, wet, then dry the water off before applying more coats. If you're getting a decent finish, though, you're better to just re-coat before it cures, build up some depth, then let the whole lot dry properly.

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I had a gear lever bush failure on my GT6 last year, while I was out and about. The immediately obvious symptom was exactly as you say - wouldn't go into second and graunched horribly when I tried. Slightly less immediately obvious was that the gearstick was a bit loose and dropped down a bit. I found that if I deliberately lifted the stick while shifting then I could get it into second easily enough to get me home.

This is what I found when I looked at the bush:


Top left is a new nylon bush. Top right is the one that came out. Bottom is the metal bush that goes above it, and the green arrow shows the rough edge that had done the damage. This was a fairly new bush kit - they're very poorly made. Check that edge on any you're about to fit and if necessary, file/sand/grind it down until it's smooth.

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youre not driving in your stilleto's  are you  ???

its looking like the tunnel off again   if you want to bleed the clutch slave it is just about possible with a bent ring spanner to get at the bleed from the engine bay,  tie some string to recover the spanner when its dropped. 

being an acrobat also helps 

someone was selling metal cup washers due to the plastic getting cut to bits by the razor Rob has shown 


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yes thats the top half  underside is a number of rod and pivot bushes 

its lookng a bit old and tired  and lots of gunge  

if any of the cup washers has failed you can swap them form above but nay play in the ball or the underside pivots needs the remote taken off the top of the ...gearbox back to  tunnel out

remote is only 4 nuts easier to remove than the tunnel  Ha 

i know nothing about foot wear but did get roped into  frilly skirt , rolled up trousers doing the can can with billy dainty and his troupe of girls  at babbacome theatre 

luckily not many know that 


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