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Gear selection problem from nowhere?

Roger W

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Have got a 13/60 which is used regularly throughout the year (albeit only c. fortnightly in winter, weather permitting). No previous problems with gearbox/selection, but it has been stood for last 5 weeks due to mix of holiday/inclement weather so was looking forward to getting out at weekend but couldn't get into any gears easily except by double declutching. Only moved car backwards and forwards on the drive as didn't want to risk on public roads! Bemused how a problem has just appeared from nowhere - any ideas what might have happened and any obvious and simple fix? As said already there has been absolutely no sign of any gradual deterioration!

Thanks in anticipation

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Could be the selector mechanism bushes, a common and startling fault. Search on here, there are half a dozen examples of the same thing. It's a simple job although the tunnel has to come off. There's a repair kit, but read the other threads, some kits are better than others and sometimes better to retain some of the old parts.


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What do you mean by "couldn't get into any gears easily"? Do you mean you couldn't find the gear (lever was wobbly or indistinct) or that it graunched when going in? If the former, Doug's probably right. If the latter, I'd suspect a clutch hydraulic problem - check the fluid level first.

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if you do need to bleed the clutch make sure the nipple on the slave is at the top 

if the stick is undefined and wobbly as said a bush kit it likely

if the stick is fine and you can get gears ok engine off............ but cant select engine running then its clutch related 


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1 hour ago, Qu1ckn1ck said:

... my problem eventually turned out to be the dreaded circlip failure on the gearbox mainshaft.  I hope yours is an easier problem to resolve.


If the circlip is not located correctly or just knackered then its often pushed off when you change down and use the gears to reduce speed. 


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Thanks all for comments & advice - much appreciated from a mechanically challenged owner!

Problem is "crunching" when trying to find gear so will start by checking clutch fluid level and keep fingers crossed that it's a simple solution!

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3 hours ago, johny said:

Roger says it changes gear ok with double declutching and I'm not sure that would be the case with a stuck on clutch, strange....

You can still change gear with a stuck clutch getting the revs right which is almost the same double declutching... Only a possiblity.


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I was never able to get the hang of that, despite being shown how to do it back in the early 1990s... and given the difficulty in sourcing parts for Herald gearboxes these days, I don't think I'd chance it on any of mine as I'd probably strip all the teeth on some gear that's impossible to replace.

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double de clutch on a syncro gearbox is not really any help ,as half way through the change you are releasing the load on the baulkring and the synchronising fails it wont re grip once rockover has released .

on a synchro box the propshaft spins the clutch disc up to a synchronised rpm on a crash box a double de clutch gives you a chance to match the engine speed with the required rpm to get the clutch disc up to speed 

all very different 


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