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Spitfire Mark III boot carpets


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I have looked at Prestige for stuff in the past. Looks expensive for what it is, be it carpet, hoods or whatever. Unless you are doing concourse stuff or have very deep pockets, there are cheaper, practical alternatives. I suggest a trip to your local carpet offcut store for the 'rug' cutting it to shape and sealing the edges and putting it over some sound deadening product like silent coat or dodomat. You can get a lot of offcuts and sound proofing for the cost of the Prestige set, but then I'm a cheapskate!

You could also have a look at Martrim..



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The boot floor would originally have had a hardura mat. So I would not advise carpet for concourse. There would have been a vinyl cover over the spare wheel and a hardboard cover over the petrol tank.  The rest would have been painted metal. Of course you are welcome to put in any carpet etc. that you prefer. I am also not sure that carpet is a good idea unless garaged as they often leak

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