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Paul H

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Everything posted by Paul H

  1. you can buy lower 1/2 repair panels - I have a pair surplus to requirements Paul
  2. Another vote for Hi Torque RAC401 - Worth every penny Paul
  3. Just upgraded the Dynamo on my Vitesse to a Denso Alternator . Its 40amp and much smaller than the traditional alternator . Cost about £85 Paul
  4. Bought this solder when I bought the soldering iron . Seems ok https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203695626010?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=orenmedrrdw&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=WOrzrqDcRZu&var=504391440830&widget_ver=artemis&media=EMAIL Paul
  5. I’ve got a Lidl gas soldering iron but takes ages to get hot . Paul
  6. Just purchased a replacement a wired soldering iron , amazed how quick it is to heat up . Controllable temp and additional tips . https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/203700882316?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=orenmedrrdw&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=WOrzrqDcRZu&var=504137631308&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY £10 deld Paul
  7. The wiring under the dash of my Vitesse looks like a birds nest . A mixture of my work and previous owners . Any practical suggestions on procedure to tidy up Paul
  8. This is the video I used to change the UJ’s on my Vitesse https://youtu.be/1_itF2vDy_s Paul
  9. Is there enough space to have the same setup on a Vitesse mk2 Paul
  10. Hi Alex , couldn’t get the pics Paul
  11. Just trial fitting my new Denso Alternator part no 16404 40amp to my Vitesse . It’s so small and light I have removed the Dynamo bracket and using a tube spacer trial fitted to get the alignment note . The spacer tube is on the wrong side of the alternator !!!!!!! Using an old fan belt I cut the belt and re measured and ordered a 1050 belt which should fit ok . I’ve added a 40 amp cable which will fit on on a post on the alternator . The cable goes direct to the battery positive. The post is next to the triple socket The alternator has 3 connections $ which goes direct to battery - Planning to use Brown/Yellow IG - Do I need to run an additional cable from the ignition switch ????? L - ignition warning light - planning to use Brown/Green Nb there is a note saying L is optional and the alternator will run ok without it is this ok ? I know I have to rewire the Regulator Any input welcomed Paul
  12. Do you need dimensions / shape ? Paul
  13. I’ve got the Club set up with Gaz adjustable . Set to level 2 they are spot on . Any higher the rear passenger gets bounced everywhere Paul
  14. Material cost are affordable . I bought headlining for my sons MGB gt costing £15 per metre . Sun roof vinyl is approx £30 per metre which is more than enough for a sunroof. Sunroof already cut out costs £150 . Complete sunroof replacement ie vinyl roof and headlining £750 plus . Paul
  15. Picked this up from Facebook Not sure how good etc but here goes —————————— Triumph Herald Trim Being a long standing herald owner and even longer standing Motor Trimmer, who worked on these cars whilst still in production, I would like to say, if any one is looking to retrim their seats, but horrified at the prices now for replacement seat cover kits from the established 'specialists' I can make these to order at a much more realistic price. As the price of everything is rocketing at present, any help to keep costs down can only help to keep these beloved treasures going and in good condition. I can offer the 1200 12/50 seat covers front and rear for £325 + £20 p&p and the 13/60 / Vitesse seat covers front and rear at £350 +£20 p&P ( with the traditional pleated flutes ) Available for saloon and convertable. I know many of you will prefer to buy from traditional sources and thats fine, but many of those 'Specialists' don't make them themselves, they send them out to 3rd party companies so adding more layers of cost. I operate on a small individual order basis, so naturally I don't expect or try to compete with the 'big guys' but if you want to save roughly half the cost just PM me or email me on itsjustrim@gmail.com for more details ————— Paul
  16. I removed gearbox and overdrive on my own in my Vitesse . I removed the passenger seat and door to make the job easier . Support the engine with a suitable jack . I used old rugs to cover the floor and a piece of ply to act as a skid for the gearbox . I’ll dig out my forum posts as I modded the solenoid fixing bolt to allow it to be changed in situ Paul check out this link
  17. Looks like it . The bonnet is fibreglass and one of the bonnet pics has a big crack Paul
  18. There’s a lot of orange peel there plus surface marks . You might to be able to recover with wet n dry starting with 400 grit then 600, 800, maybe 1000grit then I use Farecia FinishingG10, then G3 liquid compound then G3 wax Paul
  19. Hi Pete , are your headrests the 2 post type ? Paul
  20. I removed my Vitesse gearbox and overdrive single handed . It’s a pain though with one seat removed and old rugs covering the area went ok . Took out the passenger door and seat .the weight is about 50kgs . You need to Jack up the engine enough to clear the prop . I used thin scrap ply over the rugs to act as a skid Paul
  21. Where area are you ? Paul
  22. Not sure if it’s the pic but the upper left side seems like it’s cracked on the rim Paul
  23. I use panel wipe , cocktail sticks are fine for applying paint Paul
  24. Academically how about 5 hrs at 4K . Currently on long journeys my Vitesse is around 3.2k Paul
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