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Colin Lindsay

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Everything posted by Colin Lindsay

  1. Excellent list, Chris - thanks for that! I've found that I've got a set for the 1300 too. I was cleaning the GT6 flaps last night, I need to repaint the Triumph logo as it's now badly yellowed and remembered I had a good set on a shelf somewhere from which I can match the paint, if I can find a good flexible paint suitable for rubber. They seem to have bred in captivity. Herald and 1300 sets are in the Stanpart bags, GT6 to the top right (probably not originally for the GT6 but I've used them anyway), and the two centre ones are as yet unidentified - no part number so I can only try to reference them by the shape. The top centre pair have discoloured badly in storage, they've never been fitted, so I must try a bit of sympathetic cleaning that won't take the remains of the paint right off.
  2. I'm trying to identify the application of a set of mud flaps in the garage, Stanpart part number 514424. I can't find the part listed anywhere online and presumably don't have the parts catalogue for whichever model it is, as it's not in any of mine. Is there any reference manual that has all of the Stanpart parts listed in numerical order? It's a long shot probably but just wondering.
  3. To be fair, the Hindenburg was built in 1926 - 31; I don't think we'll be using the same technology in cars in 2021. Having said that perhaps we should use helium, as a safer option... Oh, the humanity....
  4. I'll let you into the secret... 500g of Mister Cadbury's finest; just the right thickness of metal and a lovely shiny reflective surface. Sadly there's only enough per tin for one, as the container itself is cardboard, the lid is plastic, and only the base is metal, but the household are under instructions to drink the stuff night and day until this current tin is empty and I can make a second one...
  5. Yep, wiped it all down with panel wipe; but I was lucky in that the underside was quite clean so no oil to remove. I used matting along the top edge where it was badly cracked / motheaten then trimmed off to shape. You need to make sure it's completely flat along this edge otherwise it will be harder to seal against the bulkhead. In other areas I used the finest layer of matting, just to help strengthen the cardboard, and used some to fill in holes round the top where a radio bracket had been drilled through the top tray, but it all worked really well.
  6. That would be funny. Everytime there's a collision you wipe out half of a county and you can't get back into the car for 20,000 years...
  7. That's getting on towards proper snowfall. Over here, someone opens a freezer door and half the country grinds to a halt.
  8. Eastenders was a program invented by the BBC as they had a lot of hideously ugly actresses who couldn't find work, so it gave them a chance to appear on the screen. The problem you'll find here is that we may be mostly getting on a bit but never actually grew up, so we have the benefit of pensions and too much free time without any of the responsibility that goes with it.
  9. Ok, it was a simple challenge... in fact the biggest challenge was finding the metal. As it doesn't need to be secured by the sidelight housing, it doesn't need that first angle so can be simply right-angled to the base. Must go do the other one now..
  10. Thankfully that doesn't concern me, and since Brexit, no matter how many BMWs and Audis are all-singing all-dancing and amazingly wonderful, they can't make rules to force us to drive them... ...but just think... with a driverless car, you could use both hands to make rude gestures at cyclists...
  11. Welcome!! Post plenty of pics and plenty of questions, it passes the time for us lazy guys with nowt better to do.. oh and post a name, too.
  12. I've got relatives over there, Weyland area, so am well used to the pronunciation! They're always sending me photos of snow in proper quantities...
  13. Good man, and many miles may you see! I think we're safe for years yet, until they make a completely foolproof driverless car (which with the current attitudes of those who use the roads, but aren't drivers, is going to mean a lot of obstacles to overcome) they can't make it compulsory. We have rights too!
  14. We all know our cars, where the bolts are and what the job entails, so we could do it fairly quickly but an hour a side for discs and springs wouldn't be far off. Wonder if the ST timings included tea and biccies?
  15. And then, what? I've been hearing this since the oil crisis in the 1970s... we're all doomed. Horses and carts were doomed to extinction.... steam engines were doomed... gas guzzlers are soon to be extinct... now our own cars are all going to be forced off the roads or else pay massive punitive fines or taxes. Be sensible. There will always be a niche for old cars as part of motoring and indeed the country's history. I might have twenty years of driving life left, if I survive that long and don't get run over by an electric thingie or some lycra clad cyclist feeling the burn down the footpath. I don't see my cars going to either the scrappie or a museum; future generations will still take them on, maybe with a few more regulations and difficulties in parts or fuel, but they won't vanish.
  16. I've managed to find a source of the proper Dremel metal discs ( plus the snap-on fitment) for less than half the eBay price so will give them a go. They look more like proper grinding discs than the communion-wafer thingies that fly off in forty directions as soon as they touch metal, or snap in half while you're still fitting them. The thinner discs that originally came with it lasted far longer than those cheap offerings you buy in the hundreds, but are harder to find.
  17. The Smart motor might fit the GT6 / spitfire heater box (it fits to the Herald box) but the problem is the fan which is too big and needs to be removed from the spindle. It's not easy to remove as they're a one-way push-fit, so easier on at the factory than off in the garage without damage, then a replacement fan of a suitable size has to be fitted and balanced otherwise the vibrations become very annoying. It can be done but it's not a straight swap.
  18. Six hours??? That's a long time for a fairly straightforward job, but it's maybe only an estimate and the final bill will tell. Springs do need compressed, quite substantially, but only once off the car and that's ten minutes per side, max, so it's a simple operation. If you have the hubs off then possibly bearings, if you reckon they need replaced. Pads are being replaced along with the discs (I'm assuming) so unless you want to replace wishbone bushes while the assembly is all disassembled, it should all go back on again fairly easily.
  19. It may be, but it's probably used with the correct sizes of bolts, which is the problem. It might not make any difference to many, but it still annoys the whatever out of me, so I'd be looking to source the proper sizes. Just me!
  20. Let us know how it fits and performs... please!
  21. SKY TV did that with us, too - their bill was almost £170 per month, and just not worth it, so we cancelled. They phoned us and offered more and more discount, until they were down to £80 per month. We told them that had they asked that originally, we might still be with them, but they had no answer when we asked why, if they could supply a service for £80, they tried to charge over twice that in the first place. Same with the AA, they kept dropping their renewal price to get me to return, which made their 'normal' price seem a real rip-off.
  22. I've just gone through about 100 of these bought online and sent from China... it was like cutting with wafer biscuits. I just need to cut tack welds, about half an inch every three or four inches, and the space is confined so the angle grinder isn't the best. It's for an original 2-speed Dremel, but their discs are almost £1 each so I need to make sure they don't explode into dust the minute you touch them to metal. Anyone got a good brand or source to recommend? I see there's a new speed-click version available, anyone tried those?
  23. My glue set like jelly the other day, I couldn't even get it out of the tube to glue bits together. Serves me right for setting it on the windowsill.
  24. We fall into the trap of thinking that because we know about cars, others do too. There is about 80% of the population out there who know little and care less, as long as someone else gets all the bother of replacing the nasty dirty parts.
  25. I agree. I'll keep looking for original quality bushes, if any turn up I'll link to them.
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