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Colin Lindsay

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Everything posted by Colin Lindsay

  1. J-type is often claimed to be the better unit, which is why I went for it back in the day. I've no experience of D-type at all hence my carefully worded statement! I bought a single-rail box with J-type about ten years ago, it sat in my garage for five then I sold it for the same money, for no other reason than I decided to refurbish the original box. It, too, required the Dolomite plate which came with it, and went with it again too... so I've been following the thread with great interest and like to think I've learned something too.
  2. Last time I was in a Lada Niva (Cossack) I don't think I could feel anything at all when I got out.
  3. https://www.ebay.com/itm/HYDROSTAR-HYDROGEN-GENERATOR-RUN-YOUR-CAR-ON-WATER-NOW-HHO-CONVERSION-GUIDE-/150776145143 Here we go, the new generation of snake-oil salesmen! Incidentally, didn't someone recommend pond pipe earlier? Halfway there already...!
  4. When I was searching the the 1960s or earlier version I've got an ad for (in one of my old motoring magazines, no doubt) I found a lot of modern equivalents, which are electronically controlled and full of modern technology (including breaking the water down to release hydrogen); but I'm almost sure the old versions just sprayed water straight into the manifold. Round where I live I'd need a leafblower to take leaves OUT of the engine...
  5. 3-rail; the easiest option! I bought it from a small-ad in 2001 (the seller also threw in a completely seized Gt6 Mk2 engine) but he had trimmed the mainshaft tip, looked like cut off with an angle grinder as it was quite ragged. I just rounded it off again by the same method... but it's been in use ever since with no bother. I've a replacement shaft to be fitted when this one finally gives up the ghost, but it hasn't... yet.
  6. Same splines? I fitted the Dolly 1850 J-type box to my Mk1 GT6 but needed a Dolomite plate for it as the splines were different. The tip of the input shaft was damaged and I remember thinking: it will do for a while until I change it to either a GT6 one, if that will fit, or get a better Dolly one. That was 2001. Good value!
  7. The concept has been around a long time; I wonder how many were just gimmicks, like the unleaded fuel lozenge thingies?
  8. There WAS a device (I think - no joke - that it was called a 'bomb') back in the 1950s / 60s which you fitted to your car engine and it injected water into the mixture, apparently giving better performance and better fuel economy - and all from water, as the ad claimed. Now I have to go looking for the ad... Of course, there are all sorts of modern gimmicks too...
  9. I remember doing much the same thing with bonnet return springs in order to get the rust out of the coils; now THEY require a lot of effort! (Not to mention a lot of teeth-gritting)
  10. £30 from Paddocks, but there's a S/H one on eBay for £20: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MGB-Triumph-Speedometer-Angle-drive-1962-1980-part-no-12069/324130897040?hash=item4b77b4fc90:g:zR0AAOSwNKlej1-P
  11. Hello Louis, welcome to the forum! You're in the right place for good advice, sadly not from myself as I'm keeping my Triumphs standard - easiest, or laziest way, or coping with them! However: it's your car, so do what you like, and don't feel you have to conform to originality. Have a look at some of the mods in the Restoration thread and you'll see what I mean. The only advice I feel qualified to give is: don't throw any of the original parts away, someone may want them, or you may, some day, want to return the car to standard. It's amazing how many parts that you think are common suddenly become hard to find when you need them... Colin
  12. I removed one from a broken stalk, softened the glue in boiling water. It came off easily, but went from black to grey in the water... I can repaint it but it would be nice to find a supply. I have replacement ends for Minis somewhere about, they make the stalks longer plus have better grips, but they don't match the Herald ones.
  13. Does anyone have a source for replacement ends for column lightswitches and indicator switches? I have a number of broken ones and it would be nice to replace them.
  14. This morning - when it warms up a bit - I need to find a replacement headlamp column stalk. I guarantee I'll find all sorts of other things that I had forgotten in the process.
  15. I should... the perfect time for it, and I can't get near the drills or equipment I need... but at the rate my Estate is losing oil I reckon it'll drain itself.
  16. If only one person has found a problem, it's maybe just their car, or they've been sent the incorrect item. If others are finding the same problem, we need to identify why they fit some cars, and not others - what's the difference? Gotcha now with the lip - none of mine have that which is why it appeared strange - thanks for clearing it up. Just saw your post, Dave, after I'd replied to that earlier post; are suppliers trying to sell a one-size-fits-all cover, then finding it doesn't? It's years since I bought one of those, so must check my stock and post a few photos, so that we can identify how they differ.
  17. We need to find out why it doesn't fit, and what the mistake is... so that we can advise on a solution. Similarly, why are you cutting the lip off? I've read back over various posts but can't find the rationale. How are you going to attach it to the car?
  18. My cup runneth over....
  19. That is an amazing colour. Really suits the car!
  20. Remember - grit your teeth, cringe, turn your head away... and then turn the key. Same as I do.
  21. The original square nut can also lock against the clamp itself and as Pete has already said allow one handed adjustment; interesting too that the original screw is slotted for screwdriver as well as spanner.
  22. Yep, found some of those too! Quite a difference in length with the new unused one, though. The heavier ones give a lot more 'feel' at the lever.
  23. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Lucas-Distributor-Clamp-45D-25D-O-E-3H2138-MGC-MGB-MG-Midget-Sprite-Mini-Cooper/283796650856?epid=13005092767&hash=item4213993b68:g:RoAAAOSw4AJcbXlf They're used by almost any car that used the Lucas distributor, so plenty about - this one even has the original nut and screw.
  24. Out in the garage trying to find handbrake return springs. You wouldn't believe the things I did find... all Triumph-related too before you get any wild ideas! Why do I have seven master cylinder repair kits? I did manage to find the springs plus two complete unopened kits bought some years ago at the International, so have photographed them. This skinny one is taken from a 948, it measures 7cm end to end with 14 coils. These were sold to me a few years ago from a major supplier, but the two on the right look suspiciously like headlamp-adjusting springs... however the chunky one is the proper thing, measuring 6.5 cm. This is confirmed by the shiny ones from the newly-opened kit; both kits from Chic Doig and an exact match for the original in the middle photo. 21 coils. Let me know if you need anything more, it was an interesting few minutes sorting through those boxes and I'll be out later finding more forgotten goodies.
  25. Me neither, Rob. I know I'm getting it back to front in my head, so need some serious thought... the practical side is a lot easier than the theory... 😕 Edit: went outside and worked it out in practice... as the brake shoes move forward the lever moves back thereby taking up the slack in the cable. That'll do for now.
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