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Colin Lindsay

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Everything posted by Colin Lindsay

  1. I was searching the Net for the reason for the differences and found two different models, both supposedly for the GT6. Left hand one is Moss, right hand is Rimmers. Notice how the hole is in a different place - to the rear in the Moss version and to the front in the Rimmers version? Both can't be right... you can see that the holes for the H-frame are roughly the same position on the side, so why the expected difference in gearlever position?
  2. The four holes in the Moss version look to be for an additional plate to which the rubber surround is then fitted, as in this photo - but where you get one from, or who supplies any, is so far beyond me. It appears you can have a certain amount of leeway in cutting the tunnel to suit your own car - which you shouldn't really have to to - then covering it up with a plate and seal, but whether you buy one or make one is uncertain.
  3. £35 is quite good; most of the rest are around that, or more expensive. Can you let me know if the spacer idea works? I get queries from members all the time, looking for parts like that, so if it works then that's another source we can use.
  4. Who did you get that one from? Was it sold as suitable for Heralds? Reason I'm asking is because I've been told that part number 37H6100 is suitable, so if these are they - they're obviously not! The photo I have shows a much shorter neck - haven't tried the wiper arm yet to see how those coarse splines suffice - but these should be a straight fit; as Mike says, there's insufficient room for the larger 32 teeth versions without a bit of work.
  5. Colin Lindsay

    Too slack?

    Dammit! For years I've been removing the split pins, pulling out the pin, replacing the tensioner, and having great fun getting both split pins back in. I knew there had to be an easier option.
  6. "The photos are just a representation of the car at present"... heard that before, especially on eBay. (I'm sure it's going to look great when finished.. but I love the bit where the guy says: "a vehicle that promises to revolutionise drowning...") I can just imagine taking that in for MOT, too...
  7. Colin Lindsay

    Too slack?

    How do you get the tensioner off? Am I doing something wrong by removing it???
  8. Colin Lindsay

    Too slack?

    I fitted mine with split pin only between the cover and the bracket; top (visible side) got both pin and washer. As Yorkshire says, where's it going to go?
  9. Colin Lindsay

    Too slack?

    I must admit to an act of craven cowardice earlier in the day; I read it, went to post, then thought: nah, John's probably right... Incidentally, last tensioner I replaced, I couldn't get the washers back onto the spindle AND replace the split pin. The innermost one closest to the cover just would not allow both washer and pin, despite the fact that they came off. I'm reusing the same washer in case it's some kind of specially thin variety, but still no go. Any tips?
  10. Well I did buy a tube of it on your recommendation, but only as an additional sealer / belt and braces sort of approach. It's handy for keeping gaskets like the rocker cover gasket in place as you fit the unit.
  11. Whatever you did to annoy them, they're getting us all back now. You don't use gaskets at all, Pete, just sealer?
  12. I haven't tried it with petrol yet...
  13. You're welcome, it's nice to see Heritage panels becoming more widespread now (I haven't bought a large quantity of panels since the early 2000s, and just used the last of them in January) so I was intrigued to see what prices they were going for compared to the repros, and got hooked on a price-search sort of thing. Chic Doig is the one supplier that I'm aware of who will make small repair sections where full panels are not available; there may be others but I've first-hand experience of his, and many times it's been easier to let in a section than replace the entire panel.
  14. I had a garage day a year or two ago for the local TSSC - topups of gearbox and diff oil, grease the handbrake cables, that sort of thing. Some of them were quite low on oil and one at least was bone dry; you'd wonder where the oil goes, or how it gets out, once below the levels of the seals. I use one of these to extract old oil - works on the gearbox too. Lidl sold them a few years back for about £11.99. You can drain a sump through the dipstick tube - very handy in some moderns - and it also works on brake fluid if you're emptying or flushing the system. No matter how good the oil was back in the day it wasn't designed to last decades, so regular changes do no harm, provided you can get genuine GL4 - I had to have five litres specially ordered in, but it has lasted a while.
  15. Paddocks are £85 for Heritage sills, £55 for Steelcraft. Canleys only stock repro at £72. Fitchetts are £103 / 62 but closed due to virus; Moss are £109 / 74. Quillers are £49. Wins International are £75 for Heritage, which means some of the others are adding quite a bit of 'overheads'.... Fitchetts used to have the original tooling but it was Steelcraft that everyone else bought back in the day; they must be supplying Heritage parts to others now.
  16. Probably all made by the same manufacturer, so no matter who you get them from they'll be the same, with the exception of Chic Doig who can make his own repair sections.
  17. That's how I fitted the Mk1 strips; the quarterlight was fitted afterwards. For some of them you need tentacles rather than hands.
  18. Does it go away when the clutch is pressed? Might be the release bearing spinning.
  19. Looking very good! What paint did you use in the end?
  20. I often think it must be close to how they felt at the start of WW2, all those cars being pushed into garages and no idea of when or if they'd ever see the road again. (although I suppose the Spitfires DID get out) Round here it's like a grave, no sounds bar the birds and I do feel guilty at starting up the mower and shattering the peace. Even in the garage the music is turned down to a whisper. When it's all over, and things are back to normal - or as normal as they'll get for a time until society recovers - let's have a club-wide Celebration Drive.
  21. Nice car and nice thread title... even I knew where you'd be from! Welcome!
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