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Colin Lindsay

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  1. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Kode-Gear-Knob-Adaptor-3pcs-Set-For-Threaded-Screw-Type-Of-Fitment-Gear-Knob/233547845182?hash=item3660894e3e:g:hmAAAOSwMhVcQGrm Not sure if these are the right size, but there are plenty of variations if you know the size you require.
  2. I think it was plain; the GT6 used roughly the same knob but it had position markings on it. I have a few Herald ones and they're all smooth and unmarked, but possibly only one marked version so I know they're not as common, which more than likely means that the more expensive cars - Vitesse and GT6 - got the more expensive gearknob. To be completely confusing, I have a white one that was on a 1967 Herald... but reckon it was added by a PO.
  3. Be careful with it, if it's a 2-speed. Hen's teeth, and expensive to repair if you make a hoo-hah.
  4. You've just jumped the gun by a month as next month's Early Herald register is al about wiper motors and wheelboxes. You need the 130 degree gear in the motor and yes the 22 teeth wheelbox, but those are shared with early Minis - the only two cars of the era that used these - so have a search for the current model number 37H6100 and you'll find them. Pricey, though.
  5. https://www.gbsprings.co.uk/heritage-car-springs/ Try these guys too, there's a link on that page to fill out an enquiry form.
  6. Everyone else does it with their fingers. She must have been more flexible than most.
  7. Must go find them. I'll report back. Wonder if it works on convertible rear windows?
  8. You mean right out at the end of the arm? Early cars had a lever there for adjustment of the clutch arm from outside the bellhousing, but I think with improved clutch and engine technology it became unnecessary, so the lever went but the hole remained. I still remember older drivers talking about having the clutch 'tightened up'.
  9. From memory - and it's been almost twenty years since it saw the light of day - the brass version to the extreme right is the same as the one I have fitted to my GT6 so I'd guess Vitesse 2.0 litre as well.
  10. Guilty as charged, my Lord! When I had the money I didn't have the time, then now I've got the time I can't get to the people for the jobs I can't do, then once I'm free to move about again I'll have no money. Hence the fact that my much-loved 1200 convertible is still lying as a collection of parts. However: it just occurred to me that much as we deride Wheeler Dealers and Car SOS as light entertainment, staged for the cameras, does anyone remember the Triumph Spitfire Maintenance VHS video the club sold back in the early 1990s? I don't know who the man in the overalls was but you could literally have simultaneously followed each step he took and at the end, had a fully working car. I learned quite a bit from it but, Lord, was it dry. Ed China, eat your heart out!
  11. As the song says: that's what it's all about. (Don't ask me to put my left leg in, tho. I put my left leg in, I pull my left leg out, then that's me knackered and off for another coffee.) This corona virus has really speeded things up; what took me twenty years before is now taking two months, and if people were allowed to visit and help with heavy things, it would be about two weeks..
  12. I bought a box of the Meguairs Lens Cleaner when I had the Clio; never used it, sold the Clio (dreadful car!) and the cleaner is gathering dust on the shelf. I've nothing now that would benefit from it, unless there's another application for the stuff?
  13. I've already topped the GT6 and the TR7 up to the brim, and then keep siphoning it out again for the lawnmower... the daughter is still working night and day - literally - but at present she can fill up at some of those unmanned petrol stations so I don't see it being a problem for a time. I've driven less than ten miles in the last ten days so with the diesel showing a range of 560 miles that should be enough to last until 2022. Apologies to Andy who started the thread, I'll steer back again and agree with the others that I had K&N air filters on the GT6 simply because everyone else was doing it, but then went back to a standard air filter box and original filters. I've just realised that I'm probably running on the same needles, though; must check later today.
  14. Well is he or isn't he? Is he a Fuzzis or a Fuzzwas?
  15. The key moves to the 'starter' position and on starting is released back to the 'ignition on' position; it should spring back, but I'm not sure what you mean when you say that the 'switch should spring back, not the key barrel'. The key barrel is attached to the moving parts of the switch so both move as one. It sounds like your switch has lost or broken the return spring and you're having to manually turn it back? The switches are very cheap, probably buying a replacement is much easier than trying to repair one, and you can replace the barrel if you want to keep your original key.
  16. I think we should all go out at eight o'clock tonight and give him the clap.
  17. 'Old out yer 'and... ya jus bort yurself a GT6.'
  18. Much easier to fit than to remove!
  19. I'm thinking of buying an old home heating oil tank... cheaper locally for a 1200 litre version than for two Rimmers jerry cans... add an old vintage petrol pump and happy days.
  20. Don't forget the circlip on that halfshaft bearing...
  21. It's a laugh, and yes there are some good parts but I think they're going the way of Wheeler Dealers, to the extent of repairing big-money cars that are worth many thousands and leaving the enthusiast-next-door, who genuinely can't afford to have his rebuilt, out completely. I'd love to know how it's funded and if the families have to make any contributions? Tim once said: 'There are days when you just want to set fire to the thing and walk out of the garage..." I know exactly what he means!
  22. Never sealed mine, just screwed them up tight.
  23. Pete, you should know by now... never ever post something like that where I can read it... But you mean it's not just a case of wheeking new springs in and job done?
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