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Colin Lindsay

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Everything posted by Colin Lindsay

  1. Colin Lindsay

    Car SOS

    Quenters? Doesn't he do that show "Spare Part" or whatever? (Let's do a sort-of Top Gear copy and we'll call it.... Fifth gear? EH? ) Liked the lorry video - I was waiting for the girl to come in and exclaim "Oh look - it's even got coat hooks!"
  2. Colin Lindsay

    Car SOS

    Getting near the end of my working career and 80% down in the hearing in one ear, plus a very annoying black 'floater' in one eye that moves about as I try to read.... sometimes I wish I'd worn goggles and hearing defenders when younger.... I suppose the programme has to reach a larger audience to make money - hence all the boring moderns that feature - plus it has to be entertaining (remember the Spitfire maintenance video that was sold through the club some years back? The oldish guy in the overalls that did the demonstrations and narration makes Brewer et al look positively exciting, although I wish they'd restore more and spend less time buying huge piles of bling over counters.
  3. If you do attempt to bend these in a vice, do it gently and tighten the nuts on gently to protect the threads. I certainly wouldn't widen the mounting holes as this is considerably harder to undo than buying new bolts... some of the new alloy mounts are a different shape to the originals (early Herald ones, not applicable to the GT6) and possibly not so good a fit.
  4. We're long overdue having some of these remade, assuming of course there's a market for a reasonable quantity. Would I be correct in stating that there was confusion over different sizes as incorrect shoes were being fobbed off as the correct versions some time ago - possibly the Standard shoes mentioned? (Don't start me on coil spring clutch plates either, same thing applies!!) The only good advice at present is to do as Herald948 says and get your old plates relined.
  5. You'll just have to the same as you're doing here, advertise and raise the profile. I'm certainly no big fan of the DP Act but I understand it's there to stop our cars being cloned (and I remember talking to a 'gentleman' in the 1990s who, when he found out that I wanted a period number plate for a re-registered Triumph, informed me that he could get me any registration number I wanted, along with an MOT certificate.) Keep plugging away, get it as widely known as possible with what little information you have, and someone will recognise it. Maybe a plug in the Spitfire Register would reach those not on this forum?
  6. When I rebuilt my Herald half-shafts some time ago (that I have still to fit!) I found straightaway that the UJs must be fitted in a particular orientation or else the grease nipple will foul the shoulders or cups as the UJ rotates. It ended up easier to replace the short blanking plug before fitting, and as it's almost impossible to get at when on the car, it sort of made the regreaseable aspect of the UJs obsolete. Consequently the sealed-for-life versions seem a better option for this location.
  7. I'm fighting the temptation to reply to some of the other answers but once bitten... HOWEVER the wife's Freelander has a paper filter, incredibly small for the size of the engine, plus almost impossible to get at. The engine is a Peugeot-designed block never intended by them to be shoehorned into the Freelander, but adapted by Landrover meaning that the oil filter is squashed between the block and the radiator. It's only accessible from below and I can't even get my hand up there. You have to buy a 27mm swivel head spanner to get the casing off then pull the element out. Last time I did it, the element was almost solid with gunge.
  8. There are a number of panels and repair sections not "commercially" available however I believe Chic Doig can make up any panel or section as required.
  9. As long as they don't go down first time they're used.... As in the advert for Titanic Vodka: "Goes down well with a little ice"....
  10. Yes, Fitchetts have the original tooling for many of the panels and so supply a lot of others.
  11. I used to have a pit in a previous garage; it filled up with water and I used to float about like Gollum in a small plastic tub... my plans for my new garage include an open roof space so as to accommodate a two-post lift. I too am getting too old to crawl under cars on a cold concrete floor!
  12. Yes, had a full set of Gt6 seatbelts made up and they were excellent.
  13. Removing the front pulley can be a nightmare. Best method I've ever found is an impact wrench. If you're going to the bother of removing the cover I'd replace the timing chain and tensioner at the same time, then you'll know everything is as good as can be when you refit the cover.
  14. Do what it says on the bottle, take two tablets and keep away from children. Re Pete's post - the large factories and their amazing social networks may have largely gone, but the benefit of having an engineer father / brother in law with their own milling machine and lathe-filled workshops is that you get amazing things done over a cup of tea in their kitchen..... I've lost count of the number of small parts that I've appeared with that have been replicated, perfect in every detail, over the years.
  15. What a lovely Triumph to start with! What colour is it?
  16. Colin Lindsay

    Car SOS

    Yes it's like a drugs fix... I still watch Wheeler Dealers waiting for that wonderful Classic Car moment, but it's nothing but BMW, Audi or Maseratis these days.... or else American motors. Fine if you like them but I still feel marginalised. almost all of the car programmes on TV at the moment are American offerings. Fast and Loud just about sums it up. As for the other channels... I think I hit my record yesterday at 10.08am..... forty two channels in a row showing adverts without one single programme between them.
  17. You can buy replacement MC from any motorsport suppliers, mostly clear plastic if you're not worried about originality. Similarly if you want to keep the original setup with the plastic extension, fitted for the extra fluid required when brake discs were introduced, you can get replacement seals to stop any leaks. Mick Dolphin had some of the metal tightening rings as NOS a while ago, so they're still available.
  18. It's just hardboard as John says. You can replace it with anything, including metal, as price isn't the same consideration now as it was when the penny pinchers designed the car way back when.
  19. Colin Lindsay

    Car SOS

    Mine's been in the garage for twenty years...... rescued in 1994, stripped, rebuilt, repainted then forgotten since 2003. In fact my 1200 convertible was dismantled in 2008 and hasn't been rebuilt yet. My Gt6 is also in a few bits awaiting finishing the dashboard rewiring and a new boot floor. SOS!! Sadly I think most of these programmes - Wheeler Dealers is a good example - seem to think that bigger faster louder is the way to go without realising the yawn factor that this gives some of us. I know I may be getting sedate and boring but making a car go faster to make more money only appeals to those who want a car that goes faster in the first place.... so WHY buy a Herald?
  20. If they HAD picked up on it no doubt the complaint would have been "why didn't they realise it was DVLA's fault and not mine, why don't they go and pick on real criminals" etc etc. There's no pleasing some people!!
  21. If you're using underfelt, and I use the bitumen-sided rolls available from many auto jumbles, then something as simple as the reflective roll of foil you get for behind house radiators will do the job under this. I don't see any point in wasting huge amounts of money for heat-reflecting pads as used in high-performance rally cars, you just won't see the benefit in our cars. A few anti-drum stick-on panels or sound deadening pads in the middle of the floor pans will help, but a good underlay will deaden road and engine noise very well especially if used on the vertical surfaces of the bulkhead where most of the engine noise comes from.
  22. I've been looking for a good GT6 Mk1 chassis for some time, they never seem to come up! As for suppliers Chic Doig will probably have one. Mk3 do appear on eBay as Quicknick says, but the best way to find one is to let people know you're looking - small ads, or even a 'wanted' ad on eBay?
  23. Some suppliers sell Mini racks as a 'one size fits all' replacement, which they aren't..... some of them DO require slight modification.
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