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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. Increasing the Dia of the M/Cyl. Reduces the mechanical advantage. Unless the same Factor is introduced to the Slave(s). (Pascal) By My calculation (5/8" to 0.7") About 16% reduction. Requiring extra Pedal Pressure?. Pete
  2. That`s an interesting thought? I wonder why?. Issues with the rubbers?. Otherwise I cannot think why? Pete
  3. I`v had this on my "watch list" for some time now. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TRIUMPH-HERALD-1300-TOLEDO-SPITFIRE-GT6-BRAKE-SERVO-KIT-TT3949-SEN43-13H7939/264485133899?_trkparms=aid%3D1110009%26algo%3DSPLICE.COMPLISTINGS%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20201210111452%26meid%3Da234c191444e467c8706541b1c217014%26pid%3D101196%26rk%3D10%26rkt%3D12%26mehot%3Dlo%26sd%3D121795360814%26itm%3D264485133899%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3Ddefault%26brand%3DBMC&_trksid=p2047675.c101196.m2219 This one also "allegedly" fit`s too. Although spec`d for a Minor?. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BEK028-MORRIS-MINOR-LOCKHEED-TYPE-BRAKE-SERVO-FITTING-KIT-TT3949Z/121795360814?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 Pete
  4. The ones on Mine are From Canley?, But I think the actual Trunions came from Rimmer?. I seem to remember that when I removed them it was a "Marathon" effort involving large hammers, punches and the angle grinder. Getting them back in place was relatively easy. (by comparison). I think I left a much as possible untightened. And went round hardening everything up to Torque when back in place. However that was over 2 years ago!. Long before I started on the Bodywork!. Pete
  5. This is what mine looked like:- (copied from E-Bay ad) I`ll get the Mic; out tomorrow and check the bore. Was considering fitting a Servo anyway? Pete
  6. He died in 2006(ish). Complications from Diabetus allegedly. One of the Guys on board ship had a shed load of his stuff, and Mike Harding. On an old reel to reel tape recoder, Used to play them regularly in the Bar when we where bored on long passages. Pete Edit:- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blaster_Bates
  7. Hi To be fair, I would think that a short welded Strip, either side of the Bolt head would do the same thing?. Pete
  8. Hi Interesting?. I was looking at the 13/60 earlier to-day. and I am sure the Upper wishbone fastenings have a "U" shaped washer, welded to the Tower top, doing the same thing?. Pete P.s. It`s difficult to see, but it is there at the top of the tower.
  9. I can go out and Measure. But anyone confirm the correct dia for the Herald?. (save me unlocking and getting cold). There are similar looking M/C on offer but with 0.7 and 0.75 dia bore?. thaones I have LOOK smaller?. Pete
  10. Yeh?? Well. I don`t go anywhere very fast these days. If we get a longish train on a non dual road, I generally elect for "comfort stop". I lost track of the miles I did at "warp speed" when trying to earn a living in the South West in the 80`s and 90`s. I gave up after nearly killing myself on the A303, late one afternoon, when I woke up heading for the Armco!. If you like the USA. I have video footage taken by Mrs P, from 2004, where I am driving Highway One from San Simeon to San Fransisco, in a 28ft R-V. That`s a Bit hairy, In front at one point, of me, is a 3 Axle 40ft "Coach" R-V towing a trailer, What the Yanks call a "Toy Box". Usually a car or several Buggys`, Or Harleys?. Watching that baby go around the bends is to say the least "interesting!". All I got from herself, "was watch the road!". Pete
  11. "Two Hammer" method👍 Usually works. Or as one old Chief Engineer, was prone to say "if at first you don`t succeed, get a bigger hammer"!. Pete
  12. Useful "Spares" source? if nothing else. Biggest issue at this time would be physically being able to remove them due to lockdown?. In "normal" times, especially the Andover one. I would have been tempted to take the trailer with the Motorhome and visit the Family in Hampshire and Surrey. (which is how the 13/60 came to me originally!.). It looks as if some of the rarer trim bits are there too?. P.S. Would a 12/50 have had a twin Carb setup?. It might beg the question as to what the engine is actually?. Pete
  13. As well as having the interest here, with the 13/60 under refurb: We also enjoy the use of our Motorhome, and I frequent several Motorhome interest web sites too. In recent years, it (NC500) has become something of a "thing" for the owners of Motorhomes, to the extent that despite a welcome from the Scottish "tourist" industry there has been a rash of complaints about the behaviour of some visitors. As example, we went to Skye in `17 and getting camping was, to say the least, "not easy". I understand the Skye authorities are contemplating a rationing system?. There was also a lot of complaint, re: "waste disposal". But that IMV, is just another manifestation of the "Great British Unwashed", who will infest any pastime with their selfish, gross, and anti-social behaviour. Pete
  14. Taking all into account. The fitting of a reservoir float, Is likely the the better option, that and Keeping on top of Brake maintenance?. Speaking of brakes. I am "informed" that some L-R? master cylinders are a direct "swop" for the Triumph ones? Can anyone confirm. (part no`s would be nice too, especially if the L-R? part comes with a float?). I have just cleaned my extremely "grotty" O/E ones, but I am not happy with the results. Having changed the full brake pipework to Copper/Kunifer, and with New Calipers and Rear Slaves and hoses. I may as well go the "whole hog". P.s. Replacing the clutch Master is on the cards too. Pete
  15. Including the Classic. "shit over several counties". When he was demolishing part of a sewage works?. Pete
  16. Hi The point being it would be easy for someone to purchase the wrong item, if you where taking the supplier on trust?. Pete
  17. The stories about Fred are "legend". I spent a whole night at a "gentlemans" Dinner, In Didsbury during a Seminar on the (then) upcoming "Pressure Vessel Regulations". Conversing with the Surveyor who had had the (doubtfull?) job of overseeing the refurbishment of Fred`s Engine. The trick`s the old Bugger tried to get the boiler passed for being Steamed, where head shaking. "No Fred, welding over the Tube Plate to replace wasted steel is not acceptable" , was one of the lesser one`s. "Those tubes should be solid drawn, not rolled/welded" was another. "welding the tube ends to seal leaks?" Err? No! not on this type of boiler. Pete
  18. Images from Google adverts. IMV there is a distinct difference.? But all purport to be to CLP9037L?. Pete
  19. I`m no Metalurgist, I admit, But the cross section looks to me as if there may have been an inherant defect?. The wrong spec; of material? or perhaps the wrong Heat Treatment?. I note too, that the failure is at the Neck, a favourite spot for any "notches", wherever there is a change of section the potential is there. IF, it has been "pre-used" it could have been over tightened in a previous life, (Not unknown!!) the material would then have exceeded it`s "elastic limit"?. I would be inclined to replace the whole set, personally. The recomendation of a change to L-R studs sounds "like a plan"?. Pete
  20. Looking at the pic. I think the door would raise?. To bring the top of the 1/4 light level with the "roofline", the front upper edge of the Door would come more in line with the scuttle, and the gap between 1/4 light and screen would narrow too. The next issue (of course), would be the Door Cill gap!!. I am currently (when it ain`t nithering cold!!) trying to juggle a "fit" on the passenger side door, of my 13/60. Pete
  21. Had a short tenure as a Millwright in Hull , The driver delivering us some weld gas inadvertantly dropped the cylinder off the truck. it fell and ruptured the Valve neck. Went off like a rocket, through the wall of the workshop, just missed the turner working on the Lathe, buried itself in the wall of the Boiler house next door!. Brown trousers all round!. In later life, I examined pressure vessels. On my “induction” one of the sessions focused on dangerous occurrences (and the why). One that focused the mind, a bit, was an explosion in one of the Locomotive workshops. A long building where all the fitters benches where ranged down the one wall. At the end of which was a cage having an antiquated old air compressor in it. This particular failure was quite spectacular, the relief valve having jambed the pressure switch had welded closed, so the old compressor just kept pumping!. Something had to give!. When the end of the cylinder ruptured the remaining cylinder carried torpedo like, taking out all the benches and half way through the wall at the other end of the Engine shed. On examination of the cylinder it was “discovered” that it had originally been vertically mounted, for many years, but had been laid horizontal as being more convenient. The rupture had occurred where the corrosion band at the “base” was from it's years of vertical use, the weakest spot. Pete
  22. That fact figured extensivly in the Film "The Day of Jackal". With the police comander (Michael Lonsdale) having all the current "Hotel information Identity Checks" daily to try and find his location. He still evaded them!. More Useless information!. I think it is more something to do with the Difference between "English" Presumtion of innocence, and the "Continental" presumption of guilt. Whatever, it is very deep seated in UK society. I carry what I feel is neccessary. Not what some Bureaurocrat feels "the state requires". Pete
  23. I did not find the need either when Rebuilding the 13/60 Chassis. With no bodywork on it was relativly easy.
  24. All looks "the business". You`ll be pleased I expect Plenty of lube on the cams pre start is recomended. according to the "pundits". Pete
  25. Haynes, Vittesse/GT6 Manual shows the lifter and gives dimensions for it`s construction. ( I have a tendency to keep such books even after I sell the cars) It is shown as being used on a rotoflex axle BTW. Pete
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