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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. I fully expect it will be "suck it and see". then go from there. Can you get 1cwt bags of sand anymore?. Pete
  2. Oh Bless yee of faith. Last day of February? Plenty of time for Ice, snow and lots of "precipitation". even if the official begining of spring has arrived. I`ve seen snow at Whit Sunday!. Pete
  3. Like clive, I suspect the only way is to go to the "horses mouth" so to speak and give a specification?. It will be interesting to see what the "kit of parts" (13/60) will drive like with the "swing" rear end is like ultimately. Pete
  4. The number (of relays) I have fitted over the years, mostly to Cars for Towing Caravans with Twin Sockets!. I should know it off by heart!!. But everytime I have to get the notes out which I made over 30 years ago, when 2S plugs and sockets first came out!. Pete
  5. My Dad`s `48 Minx, had electric. One for each screen. Na Nana Na na!🤣. Pete
  6. I could do with a Black rear door, For a `56 Peugeot 107?. The "ding" is too far gone to be got out. But the door works OK and the Guy climbed down a "ton" because of it. Pete
  7. Ok, So Wiring as in Where to best position. Or to which system?. IF I was doing it in a Car in use?, The I would be more tempted to run from the fuse box, or even direct from the battery. Via an Inline fuse, and take the Negative to the nearest accessible Earth or even back to the battery. In the interests of getting the cleanest Voltage. Triumph wiring is at best mostly 40 to 50 years old, and IMHO, better not interfered with. In my case as I have no wiring currently I would/will add it to the loom, from a more modern Multiway Fuse box. In the interest of better reliability. Pete
  8. Some Ford`s had a Vaccuum Tank, in my case tucked under the wing, 100E van, which was suposed to act as a reservior, But even then they where pathetic. I think the first Electric wipers apeared on the Anglia 105E and/or the Mk1 Cortina?. Pete
  9. FORD, windshield wipers?. In any sort of real rain you needed to take your foot of the gas to get the wipers to speed up and clear your screen. Made for very strange slow down speed up progress in the wet!. Pete
  10. The bulk of mine where fabricated from Sheet steel, and mostly by hand using whatever "formers" where to hand, that and a bag of sand. I did replace the two front footwells by product from Rimmer, and found I had to "tweek" those as well. I doubled up if I had a "Stuctural point" and spread the load over a greater area, It`s not "pretty" work but I believe it to be as if not stronger than O/E.
  11. I note the above, refers to "Type16" caliper. Is there any issue with those fitted to the Herald?. (often, I think, refered to as type 12/or 14). The one`s that came with the "kit of parts" 13/60 I have, look brand new. Pete
  12. Much beloved by British Railways. The Reckit and Coleman group used them too. (Reckit`s blue dollybags, to make your washing whiter!!). Pete NOW, we are down "memory lane"!!!. P
  13. In reality I supose that most things that are regarded as "essential" services. Say like. Post, Power, Medicine, Public Transport. should (in theory) work best and be most efficient as a cohesive "whole". They fall apart when allowed to "compete". Eg; How can the Rail to London, compete with the rail to Bristol?. Has anyone tried to get a fare from (say) Edinborough to St Ive`s?IMV it is comparing apples to pears shurely?. Even in the NHS. I am a customer!. Each "trust" wants to charge the next "trust" for services. So, I fall ill in Surrey, but my home is in Yorkshire, to accomodate that they employ more admin, who argue about "who will pay" who in turn take cash from the "frontline", while the patient waits blocking a bed, and the various operators decide who does what!.. Yet the title is National Health Service?. Pete.
  14. Originally the marque name of the Humber Car Company. Merged with Hillman, and Bought by Roots. The Ryton Plant was originally a wartime Aero Engine Factory A local guy had a large collection of Humber cars. they where up for sale recently, he wanted to try and keep the collection together rather than break it up. They are now all in storage somewhere in the Midlands?. Pete
  15. Via 4 x 7/16 Bolts?. Pete
  16. No doubt someone will come along with a difinitive (ish) answer. In the meantime, We had an early (1968) Mk2 (2litre) back in the 80`s. it was Mrs Pete`s commuter, and most of the time it had 1cwt (before decimalisation) bag of sand in the boot which "assisted" in that department. To be fair, I do not see that being relieved of stress would affect the spring adversely?, so it is likely that replacing it would not alter anything?. Pete Edit:- Just a thought?. The Courier van would have a stiffer spring (I would have thought). Not beyond the realm of possibility that some PO had swapped it out?. P
  17. Sadly, whilst I have every sympathy for those who`s livelyhoods where lost. The fact remains the punters where not buying the output. The top management where reluctant to move forward and invest to produce the type and quality coming from elsewhere. Hence IMV, RIP the UK car industry. Now MG`s are produced in------ P R of China!. along with various viruses. Pete
  18. We travel to the Banbury area regularly. M1-M69, A46, and A423. So for some 20+ years now, on and off, we passed the Ryton plant, what`s left is now a vast distribution centre I believe. Pete
  19. For myself, the reason for moving to LED`s is to reduce the Current consumption. Probably the only reason, assuming the light output is the equivalent, as Gav said especially in view of the age of the wiring, it cannot hurt. They do also have a projected longer life. Pete
  20. Should we go there?. Let`s just say it`s the "Age Thing"?. There is a Photo, somewhere which shows my "butch" Home fabricated one. Flange, Scaffold tube and 2 large nuts!. And it worked!!. Pete
  21. I suspect that, there will be a few "twitchy" moments for the suppliers, with that sort of evidence of a potential issue. We are in what would be modern day "recall" notice terittory, I suspect. The supliers have to consider their "Duty of Care" situation. It is almost certainly now down to the material either the composition or it`s heat treatment. NO stud should have sucummed to that. When I took the hubs off the 13/60. The studs gave no sign of stress. They where as tight after the hub was removed as they had been before, Had there been any issue it would have shown as a slackening of the fastenening IMV. Edit:- Nice old "puller" BTW. Churchill where the "go to" boys back in the day, Not cheap though!. Pete
  22. How I "tested" a master cyl, (It was off the car for refurb/replace) was to fit a brake bleed nipple to the outlet and a small amount of fluid in the Reserviour, Put the whole thing in a vice and tighten hard, then left it for several hours, Because it was still "hard" and did not fall out of the vice. I counted that as a success. I have had experience On big "yanks" of it taking forever and several "bleed sessions" to get a hard pedal. Hence part reason why I now posses a vaccuum bleed kit!. Pete.
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