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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. Reminds me a bit, of the "customer" I knew, He had an old Winnebago Big 7.4 "Gasser" Fitted an LPG conversion as so many did. Road (LPG) fuel tax was Circa 15p/litre. But comercial use was exempt (zero). The guy had large glasshouses heated by Calor. Hence me being involved for a 10 year vessel exam. He had a filling point for his Fork Truck(s). Which was also the point at which he Filled the LPG tank on his Winnebago!.
  2. The 13/60 currently has the stock engine driven fan. I am considering fitting a suitable electric fan, or even a pair, so this post is of interest. Question?. Most advertised Thermo; controller "stats" appear to be a Fixed 80C (175/6F). Which is the same (+ or -) as the thermostat opening temperature?. If such (sensor) is in the lower hose, the fan will cut in potentially at a different Temperature?. As the Fully Open Temp; is shown in the Haynes manual as 200-205F. Is it potentially going to over cool?.
  3. Vitesse 1600/6 Convertable - Seat Belts Thread, has the Photo`s of the modifications I had to make in order to provide the clearance needed to stow the Hood. On my 13/60 C-V, whilst still retaining the ability to use the inertia belts. Pete
  4. Been there, done that, T-Shirt almost worn out!. My First American R-V, 6.5L V8 Diesel. Started to fill on a French Service Area, in a rush to catch Ferry, well my excuse anyway!. Several Hundred Fanc`s worth of Petrol= Big Oooop`s. Shut down paid for Petrol, And filled with Diesel, Fortunately those tanks,2 of them, where Huge, a Full Fill was circa £200 at 1997 prices. so the effect was really lost. But I did notice it appeared to run better. Old Time Truckers used to deliberately put some Petrol in the Diesel in winter as a regular habit, helped starting and (allegedly) prevented "Waxing". Virtually ALL diesels rely on the fuel as Injector pump lubricant.
  5. The is a Lot of Discourse, mostly on US websites, with this concern. The general position appears to be that whilst overall no adverse effects are evident, the alleged "superior" qualities of using a full synthetic are lost!. The only caveat I can find is that on Vehicles with Cat`s and DPF`s. Not using a modern oil can seriously shorten their life as they (non synthetics) will/could produce higher amounts of particulates and are harder to ensure proper "burn off". So, in the circumstances outlined by the O-P, I doubt there will be any adverse effect?. Useless Information time?. The study of Lubrication is called "Tribology" (Which I though was a reference to to the study of early social gathering among indigenous peoples?, But still!) Pete
  6. I (still) have some 10BA nuts/bolts and (8-6-2) and washers. From my "yoof" in the days of making model boats and planes!. Mostly Brass, but some steel too. Residing in a "Old Holborn" tobacco tin!. Every Blue moon one comes in handy for repairing some old bit of "tat". Or glasses. And a good source of the "odd" tap/die or die nut is often scrummaging about at Auto Jumbles.
  7. Hi On my BSA 500 twin, Vintage 1957, I swapped the (Flat/slotted) Screwdriver Adjusters for Allen Screw`s. I used a T-bar when adjusting. And chrome steel wire (courtesy of the aviation industry) instead of a Feeler gauge. Pete.
  8. Nuts!!. Some years back, I self imported an American R-V. The rear Duals took Socket extension bar and 6ft of Scaffold Pole, with 2 very large blokes on the end, to remove. To add insult to injury, one side was Left Handed!. I certainly do not think I would trust an alloy nut on a road wheel. In my experience even Stainless nuts can be problematical. I have used Stainless nut "covers" to disguise "ordinary" nuts. Pete
  9. HOW!, F*****g Much!. (Yorkshire War Cry).😅 Trip to the "Scrappy" is in order I think?.
  10. Ah!!. Beat me to it 20swg would likely have been original?. (0.33" to 0.37"). I cheated and fitted the "modified" U-J courtesy of Rimmer. Having converted to PAS. Pete.
  11. Necessity, is the mother of invention, an Engineer was the Father. Quote? The Chief engineer on my first seagoing voyage!!. As a "wet behind the ears", Junior Marine Engineer.
  12. Hi. Can anyone tell me do the Cills/Sills, Bolt in front (outside) of the Tubs or Behind (inside). As I did not remove them I can Not remember. Pete
  13. Hi, got a deal on the Noico, via Amazon £49-99. plus free Freight!. Spread it out loosely and it looks as if it will do the Front a rear tubs. Might have to invest in a couple of sheets for the boot though. Cannot fit it currently as the Air temperature is below the recommended 60F. So working on possibly a "Wood Burner" for the garage!. Pete
  14. Thanks. I`ll look further into this, but it sounds promising. So long as any "odour" is not intrusive, and IMV it should not be, especially in a Convertible!. Then it looks favourite. I suppose the O/E sound material would have automatically have been Bitumen based anyway?.
  15. I`ve trawling for days to find this old post.!!. even posted a new "request" for opinions!!. The reviews of Noico seem to indicate that it had a "Rubbery" odour?. Have you noticed this at all?. The Noico 80mil (2mmthick?) seems to get a thumbs up aside from that. Pete.
  16. In 1991, My computer was in the hands of the supplier for "Warranty" work. Hard drive had failed. The company went bust and I duly made a claim, And a Claim against my household insurance too. In total I got £99 from the insurance after my £50 "excess". And in 2001 a cheque for 21pence as my part of the final disbursement!. Pete.
  17. That`s quite interesting, as when I had it stripped, because it appeared to be a stud screwed into the casing I did not attempt it`s removal, I just removed the nut with a slim spanner, cleaned the leaves up and reassembled it. Pete.
  18. Hi My 13/60, is slightly different?, having a plate interposed between the lowest (fixed) leaf and the others above.
  19. Not done it. But, I`ve had some success on my Motorhome with a product called "Sikaflex". It`s non setting and retains some flexibility, but sticks like the proverbial "poo to a blanket".? There are several similar products, used by the caravan industry too, which are sealants that do not harden, It might be worth researching?. Any excess can usually be removed with thinner, or Brake cleaner. Pete
  20. I am surprised?. I would not think it was beyond the capabilities of someone with access to a lathe, to produce a small batch?. Or even a "one off"?.
  21. I`m just browsing the net looking for the best all round "Value". and Noico came up on amazon. Dynamat is very expensive, and I could do with a decent cheaper option. Pete
  22. Can I reboot this?. Anyone used "Noico". and if so with what results.? Pete
  23. The side trims, are held with Special shaped "pop" rivets, which act as "snap" connectors. Pete
  24. Hi I have "got away" with running weld into the hole drilling and re-tapping, the two I had fail on the 13/60?. I considered opening a hole on the inside big enough to take a nut on a socket and then welding the nut from inside before plating over the hole`s, but the welding was (so far) a success. Pete
  25. Hi. Welding is (like Painting) ALL about preparation. I have seen beautiful welds, which when we x-ray sectioned them where so full of slag and porosities that they where scrap. and had to be grooved out and remade. I have spent many a (Happy?) hour perusing weld X-rays. Some guys/gals can produce, some cannot. There are standard test pieces needed for certification to work on pressure vessels, and must be capable of withstanding both bend and shearing tests. BTW. Billy Connoly, tells how the welders on the Clyde often filled the fillet welds with rods and welded over to speed the job and make the bonus!. I had the (unfortunate) occasion to witness this at first hand when we discovered in a dry-docking several metres of strake missing and little or no sign of weld penetration. Getting the weld area clean, and free of paint and corrosion is half way there. Then having the correct settings for the material to be used is essential. I am well practised in the theory, but my output still looks like "bird poo", thank god for the angle grinder and 40 grit flap-wheels, and despite which I have hung my weight on my welding!!. My excuse is lack of practice, I won`t blame my SIP 150 turbo, despite having had to replace the control board. Pete
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