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Everything posted by Anglefire

  1. People think the Allagro is a classic...............
  2. Ah. I’d not spotted the missing edit function on my earlier post. Ive not admined an Invision board for many years - and even if I could remember what the options were then, it has changed a lot since so would probably be irrelevant ?
  3. Scratch the first comment, I still have the option to delete my earlier post ?
  4. I would anticipate the delete function is only available until someone has posted after you - that's how most forums work anyway. As for combining with the edit function, its probably not possible as it will be part of the core functionality and is just an enable tick box
  5. Well, Land Rover for one - right up to 2004 when the Discovery 3 came out (The D4 was just a refresh) The later Land Rovers and Range Rovers are chassis less - and whilst that is good for the environment, not so good for towing and off road..... But for normal road cars, I have to agree
  6. I've always used a hammer once the joint splitter is in place - as you say to just apply some tension that the final crack of hammer releases. TBF the ball joints on the Spitfire are tiny compared to the Disco so are quite easy!
  7. Oh that’s me right in that (50’s) age range then ? I think home mechanics will be good for many years even on new cars of today. I did most of the work on my 2006 Land Rover discovery. But what will kill modern cars (post 2000 really when electronics became more integrated - my disco had something like 20ecu’s in it all talking to each other on one of 3 different comms networks) is the electronics. Either just getting old and becoming unreliable or something else going wrong and blowing them up. Or the diagnostic kit becomes unavailable and I don’t mean the kit that can reset a fault but the ones that can reprogram the settings or set the cars Id so they all do work. For example I managed to stuff 12v up the wrong connection on the fuse box/ central distribution board on my Land Rover. Had to get it replaced which meant providing the chassis number to land rover so they could program the new one so it would work. Cost me £500.
  8. Pete that is the big issue for young people - a main car will be £1k plus and to then have another classic in the same ball park is not going to happen for many.
  9. To be fair that doesn’t bother me as I rarely look at the website on anything other than my desktop. And if I do my phone is big enough to not have to worry either. Selfish? Yep ?. As for area news. Dunno never look at it.
  10. I do tend to get the tools I need for the job. Even if it’s only once. ? i did buy a Innova timing light the other week. Still sat in its box. ?
  11. My Spitfire is 41 today I'm having a bit of the paintwork just sorted out - got a couple of rust spots so having them sorted and repainted - and he has confirmed to my Dad (I've not seen my painter for a few days but is a family friend) that there is evidence of Green
  12. I borrowed a friends 4wheeled trailer when I got my Spitfire from Norwich - but I had got a Discovery 3 tow car at the time, so made it easy to do!
  13. Roger, Have you bought one yet? Only I'm pretty sure I have one in the garage that you can borrow.
  14. I’ve just looked at the website on my iPhone and it is reasonably responsive- a lot better than many to be fair event information is upto date so not sure where you are coming from there? but I do agree that the member benefits are not obvious.
  15. This may not work, but surely if someone asked for recommendations, the ones that were crap wouldn't be recommended (hopefully!) but at the same time, you could say that you wouldn't recommend the ones from company XYZ - no public details.
  16. It’s about the going rate for a stainless one from eBay. I k ow someone that has one in his 1300 spitfire and has been fine.
  17. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Basic-Car-Maintenance-for-Women-An-Essential-Guide-and-How-To-for-Your-Car-Jess/163203446667?epid=1406213272&hash=item25ffaef78b:g:UF4AAOSwTthbdBXQ
  18. I think that is not a bad approach- it is something I did to mine. Not sure how much it helped in my case though ? it is different doing it yourself and a manufacturer churning out hundreds.
  19. Anglefire


    No! It will get me into trouble again ??
  20. Anglefire


    I was going to post something, but have changed my mind as it was political and I'm trying to avoid that on here..........
  21. If the engines were test run at Wolfburg, I don't remember seeing it (Though I was only about 18/19 at the time!) - and given to get them to run, they had to move the dizzy to get the timing right, I doubt they had been!
  22. Having seen the production line at Wolfsburg when they first start the engines (Golfs as it happens) - I would be less concerned that most about oil pressure - wheel spinning off the track I thought a little unnecessary on a brand new car.
  23. Anglefire


    Drift isn't inevitable - it just needs the iron fist of a set of moderators to delete or move all drifting posts - but in reality, who has time for that? In most cases the questions are usually answered very early on. As an aside, there was a post on Facebook about towing a Landrover discovery that had failed. The question was answered by the first respondent, refuted by the second which caused a 3rd post by the OP who was confused. I replied confirming that you can and gave a link to the relevant manual and page number and the limitations. Several hours later, people were still posting conflicting views!
  24. Common solution - pretty sure a search on here will come up with some. I have some to go on when I finally get some Minilites.
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