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Everything posted by Anglefire

  1. Because it’s held at HQ, which Pete sort of alluded to in the first post.
  2. Or discharged I should say. But less than about 9v and almost certainly it’s unrecoverable.
  3. I agree with the comments about the volts not always telling the true story. But if it’s only at ~12 volts or less then it’s knackered. A healthy battery should be at 13.2v with no load (each cell is 2.2v if lead acid)
  4. A voltmeter is essential in my view. Something very simple and cheap will do. This is a cheap one I found on amazon but there are loads out there Fanxing Multimeter New Thermometer Multimeter Digital Voltmeter AC DC Ammeter OHM Volt Tester Gauge (Green) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B075LDCTMY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_RIvzBb54FCC04
  5. I wish mine wasn’t black - makes any oil leaks harder to spot!
  6. Hopefully the British public will if the government don’t if they allow gm food from the us and chlorinated chicken in. I cant think of many things from the us (food anyway) that I’d want to eat from the us. Having said that, I will be able to speak from experience after the first week or so of October as I’m going over there to try and capture the Milky Way and do a little road trip.
  7. Mine suddenly stopped working - both hazards and normal. Was the flasher unit: but my hazard one is strapped to the steering column. Strapped being a polite way of saying it ?
  8. I’ve just got a quote from Tesco £1280 ish for her based on 6000miles pa. for 8k it was another £400! I’ve never done less than 12000 since I’ve been driving. Most of the last 20years over 25k. Anyway at least it’s not too bad. If you squint and blink very hard, cough and sneeze. ?
  9. Given the head quarters of the Eu moves between two cities every 3months. (Or is it more or less than that) at a huge cost in both time, money and environment, the Eu is definitely not green. They merely play lip service to it and expect everyone else to do the same. Non of them, except the Uk, play by the rules. If the French don’t like something they just don’t bother with it. Farce.
  10. Don’t see how you can make a pair of drums for £20 and make a profit unless they are made of cheese ?
  11. Tat least you found the cause!
  12. Oh and I wish I was paid what I earn my employer?
  13. Shaun, I have no issue with anyone making money. I’m in business (not mine but my employers) to make money. The company I work for actually make a decent margin but is part of a group of about 20 companies all majority owned by the man who started it all 27 years ago. Some he owns 100% some he owns less. But always at least 51%. Overall the group makes about 3% profit. Which is about the norm for the industry. But he also invests in people. We have pre-apprenticeship schemes as well as apprenticeships. trouble is, you see (me included) the big numbers that some companies make and think it is obscene- £1B’s and the like. Even £100M seems obscene - but when it’s in the media it’s rarely in context of turnover or size. But places like the supermarkets I think make too much money - largely by squeezing their suppliers more. The reason being they have little risk (that they actually carry). A manufacturing company has plenty of risk for example.
  14. Colin, the quote for £2100 is starting with a provisional licence and carries on once past. Ive done some other quotes assuming she has passed and the best I can get on a 107 is £1200 odd. With a black box. If that is what it takes then so be it.
  15. Forget marmalade for insurance once passed. Or at least it’s no good in my daughters case. Over £2500. We insure both our daily cars through a plan and they do a young driver policy which is still £2100 for her in a car worth less than £1300. But it will cover her until she passes and then carries on with a full licence. And is black box free. Not that a black box is a hardship
  16. I will have another look under it at the weekend. I guess it is possible it only leaks when being driven. But that seems unlikely. Probably rings as has been said. Not given it a good Italian tune either, which I think Roger you mentioned before.
  17. I did wonder that Pete, but is the same as the old engine give or take. But that is a dolly 1300 engine with a 1500 crank in.
  18. I can Pete but not until the weekend.
  19. Yep. I based the quantity of oil with a filter change being 4.5ltrs. Had a 5ltr can of oil. To the full mark I then poured a further quart into my filler jug with some left in the can. Added oil to approximate 4.5ltr. Probably a tad less. Thats where it ended up.
  20. Before I changed to oil, mine was on the minimum mark - and the oil pressure when starting didn’t want to come up. That was before I got the dizzy gap sorted to be fair. I then worked out that not enough oil had gone into the engine by quite a lot - took the thick end of another quart to get it to 4.5ltrs. Full being basically where the dipstick handle rejoins the main stick.
  21. Well I think I’ve done about 200miles and has dropped at least a pint. Interesting that bad rings can go almost unnoticed. That was one thing I didn’t check before I put it in at Christmas
  22. My engine seems to be using a lot of oil. But I can’t see where from. I can’t see any blue smoke in the exhaust (except when I was checking the inlet manifold for leaks and I dribbled some on the joint). I’ve not had a following car checking yet but the amount that I seem to be loosing I would expect to see a cloud behind me! i can’t see any obvious leaks - apart from an odd spot around the gearbox and diff areas there is nothing to note particularly. I do have a drip tray under the engine when it’s parked up, but that I think just has a bit of water in it. But I do have to check it again as it’s not disappeared in the heat so might be oil - it just doesn’t look like it.
  23. Just noticed where you are Conor. I’m only in Shirley so if you need anything, give me a shout.
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