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Everything posted by Anglefire

  1. I had a 4x4 for 7 years and some 174k miles - a 7 seater that had 6 people in regularly - and was used off road - and I was a member of the local response group (The volunteers that go out and get nurses in "normal" cars to work) I miss it quite a lot as to get the amount of stuff I used to get in it, into my BMW estate I need another car. So an Estate doesn't do what a 4x4 will do - though I get the principle in that 90% of the time, the people that own them do it because they are perceived as safe (They are in that you can see a lot better - especially now the central verges have grass growing 4' high so you can see until you pull out of the junction, and then get wiped out by the car you didn't see..........) and they use them for status more than anything else. And the idea of a hybrid 4x4 is no more or less practical than a normal car - being bigger it can carry the batteries easier - have you not wondered why a lot of modern cars are built very tall? It is so the batteries can be mounted low down in the "chassis" to keep the centre of gravity low. And 4x4 electric makes a lot of sense too - electric motors have peak torque at zero rpm - so putting the power through one pair of wheels risks skidding more than through all 4.
  2. That looks more like its been abused and dropped from a great height!
  3. I know someone who has an outlander phev and according to his stats over ~20000 miles has averaged about 50mpg. Not bad for a 4x4 but look more closely and there are times when it’s nearer 30mpg - which I guess is when off grid and using petrol only to recharge the batteries. It all depends on usage as to what is best.
  4. Charging in 15secs is the headlines- then go onto say its a battery drill! 72wh battery for a drill is easy (relatively) to charge quickly - a Nissan leaf is about 24kWh and a Tesla anything from 50-80kWh. Not going to be quick in any situation as trying to stuff a 1000A plus in is going to take some serious cables - let alone supply!
  5. Looks an excellent trip Roger - something I would love to do at some point - I think the wife would too - just got to find the time!
  6. Actually the used batteries when no longer good for cars can and are used for static storage before being dismantled and recycled
  7. I would just fit a new full size radiator - stainless if you want, but I didn't bother - also a new frame (they aren't expensive) as the chances are it will be rotting behind the expansion bottle. As for exhaust, I have a wheel barrow type with a 4-2-1 manifold - I got it second hand but almost unused - it came from Rimmers and has a centre silencer and I find the noise levels perfect - and sounds like a sports car should. (IMHO!)
  8. I could make my BMW more "efficient" if I didn't have the stop start system turned off (automagically) - The reason it's off is two fold. 1) I'm not convinced that repeatedly stopping and starting the engine is actually that good for it. 2) In an automatic, it stops as soon as the car does - so makes parking/pulling out of junctions a hair raising experience. However, if you have a hybrid, the batteries can get you restarted and the engine can cut in at its leasure. Though it doesn't eliminate the fear of engine failure, it should reduce the number of times it is started and stopped so lengthen the time before it does - hopefully after you've sold it to some other smuck. ?
  9. Check the MOT history. Last one it had was not a clean pass. Uneven brake application - which is not usually a major thing to sort. Blue smoke from the exhaust - which potentially is. Engine oil leak - that is pretty much a standard factory option
  10. @Qu1ckn1ck I'll explain! I did a parachute jump when I was about 18 or 19.
  11. Ah, well, there is always a potential issue if they are not installed correctly as I can't think of any other reason that they would do the big firework! Cable too small for the installed conditions could cause meltdown and potentially a fire if the roof was say felt.
  12. I've only ever taken off in a light aircraft - never landed in it.....
  13. My kids are 17 and 20 (well 19 51/52) and both had frankly crap careers teachers. The advice was the usual stuff - no imagination or thoughts for anything different and heaven forbid they suggested anything........
  14. To be fair Colin, having a charger on the wall is probably not going to go boom - a tank of petrol on the side of the house probably will ?
  15. peterharveysunroofs@tiscali.co.uk 01304 614412 07956 292376
  16. Actually a mate of mine is doing a new road and industrial estate near Lincoln and another builder is doing some houses and they are having to install new mains cables back to the sub to support the chargers
  17. Afaik the sender for the temperature gauge is standard. The oil pressure switch is I think 3-5psi.
  18. I believe that lampposts are being installed with charging points and I’ve also seen things where private individuals and presumably companies can list their charging point for others to use.
  19. My previous engine never went above 1/4 unless it was really hot when 1/2 was reached. I put a new sender in the new engine which was a bit longer so sits in the water passage rather than being shrouded by the thermostat housing. And now it sits 1/2 way perhaps a smige above when the ambient has been upwards of 25.
  20. I have one of these in the boot most of the time. Packs up very small and is light. And will hold my weight
  21. Radiator cap? Got a bit hot, lifted the pressure relief and once lifted takes a bit of time and temperature drop to reseat ?
  22. I bought a thick mat for working on the car at home. To go with the interlocking tiles I have too. Though they are a bit thin really.
  23. They aren’t cheap though. ? think I’ll stick to finding a pair of hands ?
  24. I’ve been to the Pyrenees off-roading from 2010 to 2016 (except 1 year when we went to Poland) and between the groups we carried loads of spares. Probably £5-6k worth. And every time it was the part we didn’t have that broke?
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