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Everything posted by johny

  1. Sounds pretty good to me. I would use the layshaft again but turn it upside down so the load (gears push apart) is on the opposite side to the existing wear. Synchro rings are bigger than gt6/vitesse as is the mainshaft tip...
  2. I think the shield heating comes from the exhaust manifold so inside the block stops this being transferred to the carbs🤔
  3. Dont fancy a little lightweight 40amp Denso alternator then? Seems an easy change and the genuine ones have a good reputation for reliability...
  4. Thing is, how do you know as theyre non standard items😳
  5. Probably going to be sliding joint in the cabin or possibly the clamp onto the rack in the engine bay...
  6. Strange as my vitesse OD mounting plate is a different design and seems to have reinforcing in that area🤔
  7. I wonder if its to do with the torque twist of the engine/gearbox and its certainly not very nice. Could almost be welded in situ couldnt it?
  8. If youre using a standard coil I would stick with usual plug gap...
  9. Yes I fitted something like Petes except they had long operators which you cut down to the size you want. The other type have to be fed in from the inside and then its difficult to hold the inner nut...
  10. johny

    Rocker breather

    If it was an exhaust valve it may have been burnt. However what happened to the other readings, did they come up to the desired 120psi+?
  11. johny

    13/60 engine mounts

    Well it is nice to get jobs done and know that youve got new components but against that you have to weigh up the quality of the replacements....
  12. I have had an issue with a carb top which everytime I tightened it down it jammed the air piston while it was ok if the screws were left slightly loose. I thought the top must be distorted but in the end I re-centred the jet and the problem was resolved...
  13. It doesnt look like it was a factory fitted overdrive model and this will show in its commission number. Have to check if its been fitted with the correct boot badge and operating switch which arent apparent in the photos. Door gaps still dont look perfect - thats being picky but really I think youre looking for perfection and any less gives leverage on the price...
  14. johny

    13/60 engine mounts

    oooh watch out, they can look bad but still do the job perfectly and may well outlast the new repro ones you buy! Try levering the engine to see how they perform...
  15. Yes as said it is entirely possible for them to go back together with no other actions necessary (cam in right place and splines already synchronised) so maybe you were just lucky. Also as Pete says the steel spacer looks like part number 8 which would fall off the end of the reverse spindle very easily. Its important as it prevents the reverse idler gear from going too far backwards and clashing with the 1st gear cog. However I cant see why this would prevent your OD from working so the next step would be to verify the operation of its solenoid...
  16. If it needs Easy Start I wouldnt have thought its too rich but just the opposite🤔 One controversial thing that some owners suspect is vapour lock in the fuel system where the pump or lines have got hot enough (35º and upwards) while stopped to allow boiling. Must admit I cheat on my Vitesse and run the electric fan for 30 seconds after stopping (too much and needs choke to restart!) which makes for much easier hot restarts...
  17. One of the root causes can be compression which if low becomes worse when the engines hot then obviously the hotter the engine runs the worse the problem. Worth doing a compression test to discount this....
  18. So is this right - it starts ok cold but then when warmed it wont restart without the easy start?
  19. johny

    Rocker breather

    Glad youve got an answer and bear in mind that its not just the rings that wear but also the bores so it may need a rebore and new pistons which unfortunately adds considerably to the costs...
  20. Yes doors do need quite a lot of patience and time to set up well even going to bending the lip of the body shell where the seal fits to ensure theres the right amount of contact along all the aperture so that a piece of card will slide with the same resistance all the way round😲 Good luck.
  21. Hi Gary, doesnt fit your specifications exactly but theres one on ebay now that must be good enough - certainly expensive enough!
  22. johny

    Rocker breather

    Yes it sounds like you might have a lot of fumes coming from the breather pipe and I go with the explanation above. Is the car new to you as I wonder if a previous owner has set it up to run with the pipe disconnected😲 As well as the compression check suggested I would adjust the mixture to the standard setting in the manual and then try reconnecting the pipe. If it runs then you can fine tune the mixture...
  23. You had a cage in there John! Mine hasnt so Im more worried about where the front of the car. engine and steering column will end up rather than my original seat belts failing😁
  24. johny

    Rocker breather

    It sounds as if your carb mixture is set very rich so that it runs ok when extra air is introduced via the open breather pipe. This would account for the sooting up when the pipe is connected. Cant see the tappets having this effect although of course as always if you have any doubt over their setting they should be checked...
  25. Well if you remove the boot handle there should be a number on it which MIGHT be the same the same as the glovebox....
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