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Everything posted by johny

  1. Think its much easier to machine right through than a dead end...
  2. We had this discussion a while back Doug and I checked my originals as I thought they were solid but no theres an insert...
  3. ok, do you know what the problems are with these unbranded ones?
  4. I dont think Ive ever seen one without STANPART on them! Seems probable the after market people just used an original to make the mould so they all automatically came with the name. Anyway its not the casting so much as the thread machining and sealing of the bottom that are the important bits...
  5. Unfortunately you really need a cup round the protuding stud to hold penetrating oil so that it can really soak down over time. Plasticine or something...
  6. Just thought have you tried giving them a few taps into the head? Dont want to damage the thread but it might just break them free...
  7. Including the gear lever pivot ball if worn? Heres the drawing if you have problems finding it...
  8. Really strange as its only been on 10k miles hasnt it? Will the studs need replacing if you take them out? Never heard of any problems with any studs and if youre not going racing I would have thought standard items will be fine especially being a mk2 engine (thicker studs)...
  9. Hi Brett, have you downloaded the free manuals from vitessesteve.co.uk as these have a great drawing of how its supposed to be set up (all earlier Spitfires, Heralds and Vitesse/GT6 have the same). However the linkage also has a large affect on gear selection so have you checked all its bushes as these dont last long...
  10. Im afraid its highly unlikely theres more than one manufacturer of trunnions these days so unless you can find NOS it doesnt really matter where you get them from....
  11. I just replaced the rubbers with ebay silicone ones - bit of fiddling but cheap and work well...
  12. Canleys original drawing show plumbed in pipes in the pump. If using a non standard pump with screwed connections you would have to be careful that its operating arm is correct as these vary between car types. I see theres very little meat on Cliffs pump, especially the inlet, to start tapping for a threaded connection😞
  13. Thought you might be a nervous now😁 How fast were you going when it failed?
  14. Yes not much to go wrong on carbs unless floats stick or valve gets muck in it but then fuel would overflow...
  15. You know theres a replacement trunionless design of upright? Expensive but been used satisfactorily in a few threads on here...
  16. Filter has to be really, really bad to block up especially when engine running no load and anyway it pumps fuel doesnt it? How long does it run for?
  17. So if you push the inner fully into the cable it engages at the gearbox end and then wont turn? You could do this and drive the car to see if the inner spins - if so could be a faulty speedo...
  18. Should undo from speedo but may need acrobatics in the footwell and some long nose pliers? Saying that theres a good chance the cable or angle drive have failed...
  19. its rubber blocks on the driver seat and no clip and the reverse on the passenger side. Thinking being, logically the driver seat wont lift under braking and passenger doesnt need to see out of windscreen😁
  20. if the pump provides fuel surely all must be ok in tank?
  21. trouble with an original pump is the valves and diaphragm will be flagging unless renewed...
  22. I think its getting it to seal which is the hard part and glue isnt really a good solution for a manufacturer...
  23. There are other designs Cliff like the one from Paddock that I posted earlier but a/ these might be made the same way or, b/ theres no guarantee youll actually be sent that model. Otherwise theres always electric....
  24. Yes but are they 1500 Spitfires Pete? As so often Triumph found a cheaper alternative😁
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