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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. No such thing as daft matters. You already have a reply to one question and I'm sure others will be along for the other point.
  2. That explains why my trousers are too tight .
  3. If I remember correctly the webbing is also fixed in place to the hood frame, so just undoing it at the rear doesn't loosen the tension throughout the whole length. To be sure I would need to go and check mine.
  4. Yes so tricky, unless. . . You just cut the webbing then sew in additional lengths where needed 😱 A bodge? Yes because it can been seen . Not really advising that option, honest.
  5. It is well known that living in Yorkshire makes you age quicker 🤭
  6. I, along with many here, have seen 67 come and go a while ago.
  7. At the end of each season when the roof has spent months folded it is difficult to fit. I put it in place on a warm day and then it can be clipped to the windscreen. I now put it up a couple of times in summer just to keep it stretched. I agree with others that yours looks as if it has either never fitted properly or hasn't been stretched often enough.
  8. So despite it 'allegedly' being a 'banned' item you managed it! well done, maybe it was because it was from Ireland nobody wanted to hang onto it just in case it stopped ticking. 💣
  9. Ask Colin Lindsay about them, he might just have one going spare (see an older thread somewhere) 😱
  10. Same here, but there is no way I'm going to attempt it - I can see it now, all the locks redone and reassembled to find one tiny bit left over! Now, if any of you guys are passing by for Le Mans next year and want a cup of tea . .
  11. I can't be doing with all that either. What gave me a boost yesterday was taking the Herald to fill up with petrol, it was on reserve, before the subsidy of 30 centimes/litre is reduced to 10 on Monday and going a bit of shopping in town. I got back to the car and there was a young lad, 10 years old maximum, with his father looking over the car. The lad was really taken by it as it had the roof down (of course) I told him the car was older than his father, the lads eyes widened as if nothing could be older than his dad. When I started the car the father said - listen it sounds very different to a modern car. I actually stalled when setting off and the father said - they don't always start like a modern car does. . .
  12. I didn't realise they have been making that long 😁
  13. Not sure that will add to it's value. Just kidding Colin 🙂
  14. Reading the blurb : There is something very special about this Triumph Herald convertible and no it is not it's impeccable condition and presentation. Yes, the price being asked!
  15. I wouldn't want to use one on our house in case it highlighted poorly insulated areas and I'd be obliged to do something about them. Ignorance is bliss - at times 😁
  16. Where the inmates have the keys to unlock any barrier between you and getting that huge smile 😁 that comes from owning a Triumph
  17. He doesn't get a discount you pay a supplement 🤑
  18. My local one not only sells to joe public but supplies just about every small garage and main dealer in the whole area, so they can't cut corners. down side is whenever I go they are always busy with professionals there or dealing with them on the phone so it takes ages.
  19. I store the car with roof up but even in winter the roof goes down when I take it for a drive (too noisy with it up 😜), flying jacket, hat & gloves. Once the engine is hot I put the heater on, directed into foot well. I'm sure the locals just shrug and think 'l'anglais'
  20. If you get one . . .😁 Yes a good drive to get everything up to running temperature and use the heater so water circulates there too and keeps it flushed.
  21. When I got my 13/60 it has braid covered hoses from pump to carb that were porous so I simply went to my local parts shop and got him to match the size required. He produced Gates which is for all fuel grades and also for higher pressures than our mechanical pumps. At the time I had not come across any 'concerns'. So yes a proper shop should offer stuff that is more than suitable.
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