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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. Yes the Paddock version is correct for a non tapered version. Tapered is also available. The photo of the version I posted is tapered, no washer needed nor space for it. The supplier I bought it from used the same code for it as the Paddock one. I think mine was bought from a French source.
  2. Chris A

    GT6 Reg PMA22H

    Oy! you are supposed to be working on the car not having a pique nique.
  3. Chris A

    GT6 Reg PMA22H

    Not only that there is a nice handy ledge to put your mug of tea/coffee on. Civilised cars ☕
  4. Pulling the choke should be enough to keep it running, is the choke set up working? That is what I would ask myself under those conditions.
  5. I'll drink to that, oh I am already!
  6. Me too. Bought beer! Oil stocks are fine beer very low, whisk(e)y (both types) into the red zone! Waiting for a good offer to come up at the supermarket. . .
  7. Doing that could stop it leaking but I thought Triumphs had a total loss oiling system. You put it in at the top the car lets it out at the bottom 😁
  8. Yes, very satisfying when the plug comes out to see it clean and no nasty big metal bits on it. BUT. When it comes to putting it back in, the magnet tries to pull it to the side of the hole and I have to fight the laws of nature to get it back in correctly 😠
  9. Fine as long as you haven't got a mug of tea in one hand
  10. I quite agree colin, now while I'm here - dashpot oil . .I've already left!😱
  11. I've found what I think is the invoice for the plug I have as a spare, the part number is 155660. I put my glasses on and checked out the plug - definitely tapered. I think I bought it for the gearbox but not fitted yet - oil always changed at local garage as its easier . . .
  12. There is no right or wrong answer as such, it depends on each owners driving conditions. The most important thing is to make sure the cooling system is clean and functions to its best ability after that the type of fan necessary. Back in the day out cars spent less time stuck in traffic, except for bank holidays when lots did overheat. I have said it before somewhere but the cars full of people, boot packed solid, roof racks and/or trailers loaded to the limit (and beyond no doubt). For my part I'm lucky that I don't have to deal with big traffic problems, most of my rare local traffic jams are composed of 2 cars stuck behind a tractor for 1 kilometre. When I go further afield I take the pretty route. I have 'upgraded' my fan from the 4 blade metal one to the 7 blade plastic 'export/hot climate' version to suit Normandy and all points south as far as the Loire. 🤪 I also, of course, have a 'turbo boost' option if necessary - known as put the heating on full and switch on the heater fan!
  13. I'm pretty sure you can get a magnetic hex with tapered thread, which (from memory) is fitted to my 13/60. I've just had look at a new spare one I have and it looks like tapered, not got my glasses on nor measured it.
  14. Both. Oil in the boiler room. Beer in the 'cave' which is really just the 'arrière cuisine'. The car gets through less oil than I do beer, but both 'leak' . .
  15. Mine is 30 LITRES, fits nicely on a shelf and has a handy tap, just like a beer barrel . . . . .
  16. For me it is a 'classic' formula 20/50 bought in a 30 litre drum direct from the manufacturer here. Oil and filter both changed annually, sadly I don't need to do it more often as I don't get the mileage in. 'Must try harder' as my school reports used to say 🙄
  17. Xmas and birthday all rolled into one . .
  18. I assume it did come on when you turned the ignition to the 'on' position before starting the engine?
  19. Everyone should have a plaque with that on clearly visible where they/we/I keep the tools.
  20. I'd say use them, even if not legal, you aren't likely to be stopped - unless you fall foul of a radar control. There are even yellow LEDs available for classics now.
  21. Very similar with the last house we had in England. It felt like a favourite jacket, button missing, misshaped at the elbows, stain on the lapel . . . We just had to buy it. When we bought it the outside had been painted salmon pink, for visitors we just said where we were and 'you won't miss it'
  22. The 13/60 is better than that - there actually is air conditioning - proof below. I particularly like the warning about the 'egress' of air. No problem on my convertible!
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