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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. And you don't have to tell your lady passenger that you have a spare fan belt in the boot. ๐Ÿ˜œ
  2. I'll second that and just add give the car a complete service and lubrication then you know it has all been done. Enjoy the sunny weather!
  3. I never seem to be able to collect any, the Triumph total loss oiling system see to that. As for the modern, does it use oil? Never put any in . . .
  4. You should have gone to a cheaper restaurant, then the carpets would have been cheaper . . Must go, I have to give the fence a 2nd coat of whatever the stuff is called now . . .
  5. One way is better than the current (!) no way . .
  6. I thought that the +5 was for the dash bulb. Shows I'm not that bright . . .I need to upgrade my brain the LEDs . . .
  7. I could disagree with that, but then I'd be lying like a politician ๐Ÿ˜
  8. For the chip basket : I have 2 immediate thoughts of what I can use. First is a wire filing basket (I've got 1 I can liberate in my office). Second there is a wire storage thing that slots onto a shelf to give additional storage space under the shelf. There is one that has cans of coke in it (not my coke -yuk! Get Mrs. to drink it up then persuade her not to want any more.) Now I have two wet weather projects! Roll on winter. What am I saying! Roll on summer first.
  9. Never heard of that - quick where's a photo . . . .
  10. SHOW OFF! If you would be so kind, I assume the Herald one is the same as a vitesse one.
  11. Hi all you wonderful Vitesse owners! ๐Ÿ˜ Can someone measure up the pocket on the passenger side scuttle for me? I have a humble Herald and thing the 'luxury fitment' that you have on the vitesse would be useful. I have looked into trying to find one amongst my list of French suppliers but no luck. Buying one in the UK and having it posted here would double the cost so thought why not make something similar. I don't have to copy it exactly but thought it would be a good starting point. Thanks
  12. Same here on my 13/60. As for the choke mine is also a pull as you want without any twist to lock action, it stays put until I push it back in.
  13. Did they make the brakes all spongy? Sorry, it's raining . . .
  14. I've just got back from a vernissage with a good "aprรจs". I need to have a lay down before I think about those points, far too technical at the moment ๐Ÿค”
  15. I've got a new one as well that was supposed to replace the damaged one on the drivers side. Something is wrong with the alignment of the holes, I can put a nail or rivet, for example through it when not on the door mechanism but no chance when trying to fit it. I did think of trying to carefully re drill the holes but thought better of it ( ok too lazy) I gave up on it and refitted the damaged one. It now sits in my spares box waiting until one of the existing handles gives up the ghost totally. As for the door handle mechanism, the two on my 13/60 are the type where you can see the spring.
  16. It's a dense foam, we have sheets of it left over from costumes my wife made costumes for Disney in France. The stuff we have is 3mm thick and I use it for all sorts of jobs, it was just the thickness needed to pack out the pads fitted.
  17. while I was outside doing some painting I took a sneaky look in the boot of my 13/60. There are 4 of those pads, why Canley's say you need 5 I don't know unless they count putting it behind the upper fixing for the boot stay. On mine there is what looks like a bit of a scouring pads, usually green although this one is black. 3 of the 4 pads have shrunk and weren't doing anything so a quick measure and cut of some plastazote (thanks Disneyland) to pad out the pads. No idea if they do anything.
  18. Canley list it as in stock, according to them you need 5 pieces.
  19. If I was doing that with my luck I'd put the spanner on the wrong side and in lowering the car would be making it even tighter.
  20. Yes it was but with thread drift it has become a thread about grease nipples. I'm also going for a lay down. . .
  21. I treat my 13/60 to an additive as often as I have a glass of whisk(e)y. Maybe that's why the car uses so much ๐Ÿ™„ Seriously though, I do use additive as I suspect the car has had valve work but not inserts so prefer to play safe.
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