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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. I think the technical term is 'in need of adjustment'
  2. Tell my oil can that it shouldn't drip so quickly! You've started that one AGAIN! (me too by the way)
  3. Yes, cheap pump oil can filled with cheap oil works most of the time. At the moment mine has EP90 in, lovely smell . . .🙄 WD40 is effective but I don't bank on it.
  4. Yes but . . . .what if it SHOULD move but DOESN'T. Catch 22 . . . 🙄 OK, so it is a wet Wednesday morning and I've had my morning ration of coffee
  5. Yes I thought Saabish but V4, 1100cc.? Back then SAAB were 2 stroke 2 or 3 cylinder in line I believe. Interesting car all the same. Any more photos, or do I need to ask Mr Google . .
  6. I agree, the search goes on . . .
  7. Sorry but no. Except that each department did issue their own. The format before the current one was: My previous Skoda: 6872 VE 61 Where the 4 numbers went up in order. The 'VE' were a block and the '61' is the department number, in this case L'Orne. I guess in theory there could have been a 6872 VE 72 issued in the Sarthe. Paris (75) and the departments around it where far more numbers were issued had to resort to 123 ABC 75 to cope. Back then if an owner moved to another department with the same car he would have to get it re-registered. Not only that but back when I first moved here and road tax still existed each department set its own rates . . . The new format, as per my Current Skoda EL 308 ZB My Triumph which I imported from the UK had to be issued with the new format, but as I have had it registered as 'collection' I can use old fashioned black and silver plates. Lesson over, play time!
  8. That video should have come with a warning that certain images weren't suitable to people of a sensitive disposition!
  9. Didn't get to take mine out this week until today. Clear blue sky, sun & no wind. About 1 hour drive to blow the cobwebs away in both the car and me. Hood down, windows down, flying jacket on with collar up, woolly hat & gloves. Great little drive on the open roads here, the advantages of living in a rural area. The cost of using the Triumph should be 'prise en charge' by the 'Secu', in other words paid for by the equivalent of the NHS. I felt rough this morning now feel much, much better.
  10. That's further than mine got today 😒 Fingers crossed tomorrow afternoon will be sunny andI can use it to go to town to do a bit of shopping
  11. There's a section of road between Rosas and Cadaqués in Spain where there are umpteen round abouts one after the other so close together you can't even get into top gear. No sooner has the nav sat lady told you to leave a roundabout she is telling you about the next one. We switch the thing off!
  12. I don't know what the designer had been drinking but can I get a couple of bottles . .😁
  13. I wonder if the road markings have been enhanced on the photo? They look very clear, clean and large.
  14. Looks weird to me! Ah, spotted why - they are all going round the wrong way 🙄
  15. Naves. I am more familiar with knaves 😱
  16. I grew up in Chesterfield where there was a Trebor factory, the air close to it was so treakly sweet you could cut it with a knife. Close to where I lived there was a Mother's Pride bakery, that was a more appetising smell.
  17. You've got the wrong car! Change it to one that fits the tool 🙄
  18. This isn't the one that Colin refers to but does tie in to your question. For once /again I'm in the same boat as Colin I know there is a thread as I used it as a guide to my spares pack. Seek and ye shall find! https://forum.tssc.org.uk/topic/7693-what-spares-do-you-carry/#comment-105822
  19. Yes. Back in 2017 I bought some leather covers for the rear view mirrors on my 13/60 from a company called J F Boots Ltd. They were/are located in New Malden, Surrey ( literally just down the road from my last UK address).Quality is good as is fit. OK not as complex as a dash panel. The address for J F Customs is the same as the one for JF Boots
  20. That would be logical, but the last service was April 2021 with about 5K kilometres done since then. Looking up on the webby thing it 'implies' that the engine is fitted with an oil condition sensor on one site while another just mentions determining the state of the oil. I've just reset both of the indicators. As the countdown was just in days I assume it was time based. I have had or that warned of services being needed in 'x kms or Y days' before. I'll get the oil & filter changed in April along with brake fluid. Now a warning about the moisture content of brake fluid might be useful . . .Oh no not more electronics!
  21. I agree. Mine says time to service it, but is that just based on the history of the length of journeys rather than the state of the oil?
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