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6 cylinder spin on oil filter adapter, seals/s replacement


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why there is so much faffing around trying all the alternative filters is still a mystery to me ive used club filters  since 2003 on both the Vit6 and 2000 spin ons and have no trouble at all

drain back is a an ongoing been doing it for 50 years some hold better some dont  and depends on filter angle as most have found is never quite where you want it

the original side mount and the spin on herald/spit side mounted all work well as designed on their side .

what ever you do with the filter will not stop gravity emptying the gallery and crank journals    so what are going to worry about next 


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Pete, years ago a group of people over on the Club Triumph forum tested several different manufacturer's oil filters and decided that the Mann filters had the best non return valve. Not all the Mann's have them, but others have not one but two non-return valves and these were considered the best.

2 hours ago, Ian Foster said:

I've settled on using a Mann W713/9, which is 100mm long.


Good choice Ian. That is one of the double non-return types.

As for my choice of very short filter, an engine-back 6-pot Spit has very little room to squeeze the oil filter below horizontal between the pressure relief valve and the chassis. The W77 juuuuust fits.

Cheers, Richard

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4 hours ago, Steve P said:

I have a Mann 713 on my 1500 Herald, that always drains back anyway so i spin it over without choke for a few seconds to get the oil going.


Not so  much a trick, but part of a security system?. Hidden switch behind the dash in the Ignition supply line, also allows to spin the engine a few times and raise oil pressure, before switching on for start.


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be it single or double anti drain it is just a rubber flap closing the return flow its not anything hi tech and some the double resists priming so it can make what ever you think you are trying to solve even worse   

its really not a thing you need to be paranoid about ..... but so many  are 

I will stick to cheap and change on alternate oil changes  as the service manual suggests    for the mileage and use we put our cars through they are more than adequate 

sorry i just dont support the drain back as a problem 

happy motoring 




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Johny its only my views,   after years of testing everything  its fair to say you cant replicate what the manufactures  manage  from your shed .

 i just like if its good enough for Triumph it works for me  without any preconceived  myths 

or must haves        everyone can do what they like    but if you do what was developed you dont tend to need any aspirins

every day rules for every day drivers    , if you like specialised thats fine 

lets drive  




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I agree Pete,modern must haves etc.

I am a tinkerer as both my extensively modified cars show and having thrown more money at them than I ever could get back but, having spent a small fortune building a modified 1500 for my Herald, and grenaded it after 500 miles due to coolant getting in cylinder no. 2, and then another complete rebuild at more expense (3k) I tend to want belt and braces.


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