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Mechanic Recommendation


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Your best bet is to go along to a local TSSC Group meeting.

You would hear of any cars for sale, and find out who might come with to inspect a car you fancied.      You could also buy a copy of the Haynes "GUide to Purchase  &DiY Restoration" of the small-chassis Triumph series that inlcudes the GT6.   That includes a whole chapter on buying detailing all the faults to look for, AND costing their repair, in term sof tyres so the advice doesn't go out-of-date.

And I always remember the advice I was given.  Do NOT buy the first car you see!   Another will come along, yiu will know more and be able to bargain better!


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as my dad always said   ' they have more reasons to sell it than you have to buy it ' 

but good cars are out there where dedicated owners have got ready for a change , if you buy her  get to know your car , it will bug you a few times but once you 

have a feel for it classic driving can be real fun and very reliable

do get a factory re print manual and a haynes compare the two read it all ...........there is no dark art 


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1 hour ago, Pete Lewis said:


do get a factory re print manual and a haynes compare the two read it all ...........there is no dark art 


Pete, I think there is a dark art and for help with that there's the TSSC Forum 😁

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15 minutes ago, Iain T said:

Pete, I think there is a dark art and for help with that there's the TSSC Forum 😁

It's a myth put about by garages and dealerships to make sure we use their vastly overinflated and hugely expensive services. You only have to read the jargon in some of the modern handbooks to see how much baloney it all is.

"our team of highly trained experts" - teenagers with a supervisor

"using specialist tools" - a big spanner.

"will tighten to a carefully set preload" - tight as f....

"to arrive at a predetermined optimal stance" - so that all four wheels touch the ground.

"for the ultimate driving experience" - so that nothing falls off on the way to the shop.




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Dunno about dark art, I could do with brightening up now!

I'm amusing myself making a cardboard model of a taper piece to make onto the side of the airbox. Looking to use a 60mm diameter outlet cone filter and ditch the pancakes. Hopefully I can make it next week. 


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