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Paul H

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Everything posted by Paul H

  1. Hi Richard , I used the search facility on Canleys and found the correct layout for Vitesse Mk2 so photos now not needed - thanks for offer - The attached pic shows layout , im missing the clip holding the cable at the top - My reading is that Canleys sell the whole unit for £13.50 + P&P Best regards Paul
  2. Hi Richard - thanks for offer and would like pics of your setup - the only canleys pic i could find was for a 948 . the base looks similar to mine though i dont have the PEDAL RETURN SPRING - HERALD & VITESSE, though can purchase this . My cable linkage is different in that the cable is linked at the top of the pedal only and again held in by cable strap - Is the 948 the same setup as my Mk2 Vitesse ?? Regards Paul
  3. My accelerator set up is very Heath Robinson as you can see from the pic , There is a lot of side play in the pedal - Is there something missing ? Thanks in advance Paul
  4. Our village monthly newsletter is also available on line Paul
  5. Correct me if im wrong the CD version of the Courier although its a PDF , it is in fact an image so not searchable . If the Courier was converted to a true pdf and uploaded to the web then Google would then do all the indexing and would appear in the search engines for all to find . My latest laptop wasnt fitted with a CD rom Regards Paul
  6. By way of interest recently purchased Borg and beck rear brake cylinders only to find they were metric thread and successfully ruined them by using the imperial connectors , got the t shirt again I replaced master cylinders, clutch slave with Girling new old stock Regards Paul
  7. Thanks , making a "washer" sounds like a plan . I have some blank grommets which could be used - Is this material suitable ???? Regards Paul
  8. Hi . overhauled the fuel pump with a kit from Canleys ie Diaphragm, valves , rubber gasket . outer gasket On dismantling there is a PETROL PUMP - OIL SEAL WASHER mine is ropey to say the least - I asked canleys and they said it was included though it was too small diameter to go over the diaphragm plunger and the outer circumference too small to sit under the washer cup - see pics . the supplied washer looked like it was for the main bolt to secure the cap at the top see item 2 on the pic . Whats does this oil seal washer do ? Is it important to replace and does anybody know where I can purchase Thanks in advance Paul
  9. I use a computer Screen Clean , pump spray , last lot was from Aldi price about £2.50 Paul
  10. I don't understand or have misunderstood the above. Surely drilling closer to the fulcrum pin is opposite to other views expressed where metal is added to move the handbrake link further away from the fulcrum point and In turn increase leverage and improve handbrake performance Regards Paul
  11. Roger , I followed your Irish journey last year with great interest and you had uj issues , is this the same side ? Best regards Paul
  12. Seen these on eBay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Triumph-Spitfire-GT6-Herald-Vitesse-hand-brake-improver-/371960459308?hash=item569a92302c:g:tx4AAOSwo4pYEKHS Apart from appearing expensive do they work ? With an MOT imminent they might be worth considering Any input welcomed Regards Paul
  13. Hi Andrew - The 2 Screenshots might help in uploading photos Regards Paul
  14. Paul H

    Workshop options

    Hi recently added a single detached brick built garage with pitched roof - internal dimensions 6 metres By 3 metres - Up and over door fibre glass entrance with side entry stable door which means air flow is controllable plus our dog cant get in - The loft area allows for storage of parts - Lighting is by 5ft LED fluorescent which are excellent as well as being economical . The size is perfect for the Vitesse as doors can be opened and plenty of access - Cost in 2016 £15k - I did line the garage walls & ceiling with 1" batons and 8mm ply - this controls the dust and shelving / tool storage is made easier - I purchased magnetic bars from Lidl and this keeps the tools that are being used off the floor - I also added narrow wooden shelving between the buttresses ( the shelf coming flush with buttress) this is great for oil , paint etc its surprising how many cans you accumulate . There is plenty of room for my work bench across the back of the garage plus room for shelving Hope this helps Paul
  15. Have a good trip and will follow your trip with interest Best regards Paul
  16. Update - completed the reassembly of Rotoflex driveshafts and spring - The first side was a learning curve so wont say how long it took , the second side took a couple of hrs to get the bolt through the vertical link and spring eye - key factors apart from patience lots of tea and a spring lifter ( thanks again Pete Lewis - Herts & Beds ) were adding a point to the bolt , lots of copper grease ,silicon spray for the poly joint and the main item http://cdn.toolstation.com/images/141020-UK/800/98713.jpg This was cut down to 6 1/2 inches, you cant complete the job without this aligning bar I have have taken stage photos and will be adding a PDF writeup later to assist anybody willing to take on the job on their own I couldnt have completed this task without the help of this forum so many thanks again for all the help and advice Regards Paul The Toolstation link for the aligning bar is here
  17. Just spoke with David @Canleys - Best to keep the bands intact and its brute force needed to line them up - back to the drawing board Regards Paul
  18. Courtesy of Hert & Beds & Pete Lewis I have a spring lifter on loan - having issues getting the vertical link to get in line with the spring eye bolt - the lower wish bone isnt connected to the chassis link - Ive tried G clamps to no avail - One thought is that the new doughnut ( Rotoflex ) still has the steel band - By removing it will this reduce the length of the drive shaft ? - If correct this would make lining up easier . The pic shows the issue Do I remove the Rotoflex band ?? Any help or suggestions welcomed REgards Paul
  19. Desperation - The Club didnt have any in stock and im under a time constraint so Pete came to the rescue Regards Paul
  20. The bulk was removed with a small scraper then tissue then boiled it in a solution of degreaser ( high % of degreaser ) Paul
  21. Hi Robin - I had the same issue - If you add a grease nipple to the bleed valve thread and pump in grease using a Wanner type grease gun it will free up - im told the Wanner gun reaches 2000 psi or something incredible - You will need to hold on the MC cap or it will blow off - I used a cutup inner tube wrapping it around the MC cap holding the inner tubing in place with tape . It took a few minutes to release the piston and the MC cap will start to move as pressure builds up - Im told there could be a bang when the piston releases - This didnt happen in my case though held in a vice to be safe - Once out you will have a lot of grease to remove but it works Hope this helps Paul
  22. Hi , found the dimensions in WSM , not into welding yet though looks like a future project Thanks for advice Paul
  23. Hi Richard - the mist has cleared !!! on closer inspection I see the spring lifter as offered by TSSC is the same design as yours - So will make a call tomorrow and order one Thanks for info and advice Paul
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