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Paul H

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Everything posted by Paul H

  1. Hi just completed a round trip to the Wirral , about 450 miles . All went well other than at congested roundabouts had difficultly seeing behind me - The wing mirrors on the bonnet look good but next to useless . Mostly I used the internal mirror . I did try the cheap clip on ones which fix to the door by the quarter light but the vibration makes viewing difficult . Whats the best solution ? . Paul
  2. Yes though as you would expect somewhat vague . The radio is light in weight and shallow enough to be held on by 2 screws on the dashboard lip . Would I buy one again , yes Paul
  3. Hi Badwolf that’s the same as mine though purchased an enclosure unit which cost the same price as the radio .! Works fine though a hifi buff would probably disagree . Status Quo comes through fine Paul
  4. When I first bought my vitesse the agreed value was the purchase price though they didn’t ask for proof of purchase price . After 6 months I was allowed to increase the value with photo evidence . That was with Carole Nash who I rate based on history with a write off that my SIL had . Now moved to agreed value with Classicline Paul
  5. With an impact wrench securing the pulley shouldn’t be necessary ? Paul
  6. I used an impact wrench on mine , worked a treat . It was a Lidl one mains driven with 350nm Paul
  7. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/2528411377216333/ looked good value Paul
  8. Just got my Vitesse mk2 WBL281H through its 3rd MOT with no advisories plus complimentary comments from the Mot mechanic . This wouldn’t have been possible without the help , support and patience of you guys Your help and advice is sincerely appreciated Paul
  9. Use a heat gun or hairdryer to heat up the silent coat . Much easier to work with getting the contours of the bodywork Paul
  10. Check out spitfire graveyard . Used them before plus ring Canleys they do sell some second hand parts . I purchased the dash board vents from them for my mk 2 vitesse . I might have the parts you r looking for but away for the week . I ll check my goodies box then Paul
  11. For the gearbox cover or areas that need sound deadening eg bulkhead, check out Silentcoat https://www.google.com/search?q=silentcoat&rlz=1CDGOYI_enGB820GB820&oq=silentcoat&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.11815j0j4&hl=en-GB&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8. Paul
  12. Frosts sell 2 sizes and you will find your tank right in the middle, mine was for a vitesse. I rang frosts for assistance and of course they recommended the larger size which turned out to be too big. I did have another spare vitesse tank so did 2 . My guess is that you can get away with the smaller kit especially if the rust hasn’t gone all the way through Paul
  13. I used Por15 tank kit from Frosts for my Vitesse tank . Worked well and 3 years on all ok but follow the instructions to the T . To remove the sender a block of wood with a hammer should be fine . Paul
  14. Check out Canleys Triumph. They are reputable sellers and if the rumours are to be believed they supply Rimmers Canleys are always my first port of call Paul
  15. I did try but the tap nut wouldn’t shift with the limited access . The tap itself came out but there is a blockage with crud Paul
  16. Hi Ian on the list , I did try before but access is not easy . Will need to remove the carbs to get the access Paul
  17. Thanks Gully I’ll add freeing up the engine drain plug to the list of jobs Paul
  18. On offer today at Lidl , blow torch with 5 canisters £9.99 https://www.lidl.co.uk/en/MiddleofLidl.htm?articleId=24640 Paul
  19. Hi Pete went for short run and water levels are the same . Thermostat went crazy for a couple of seconds then went straight back to 80 to 90 range . Guess that might have been a case of trapped wind 😎 Paul
  20. Update: I ran the engine up to temp and the thermostat kicked in and the top hose is now warm , I checked carefully and removing the top hose while running there is a flow of water . The rad is still full despite me only putting in approx 4 litres and the book says 6 litres . Is it possible I left 2 litres in the block ? Both heater hoses are hot . Would giving the car a run remove any possible airlocks if this is still the case ? Paul
  21. Hi flushed my system, removed bottom hose and bleeder valve on the engine . Water did drip out over night from the block valve. I did try to remove the nut holding the bleeder valve to no avail. Now refilling with distilled waster and antifreeze at 35% , handbook says 6.2 litres in total . currently have approx 4 litres and its full. Started the engine with heater controls on . I have hot hoses at the heater section and bottom hose but still cold on the top hose . Assuming there is no trapped water in the block I’m hoping to clear the airlock by running the engine with top hose loose or off until air lock clears Am I missing anything ? Paul
  22. Scott Best , the guy who did the UJ video is worth following, he has fully restored a Vitesse and some of his skills are amazing Paul
  23. Karl . I found this Utube video helpful with Uj changing https://youtu.be/1_itF2vDy_s Paul
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