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Paul H

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Everything posted by Paul H

  1. If you are going with alloys suggest getting longer studs and upgrade to Freelander studs . Use the search function as this subject has good coverage Paul
  2. I run JBW mini lite copies on 5J with 155/80r 13 on my mk 2 vitesse Paul
  3. Not sure if I’m up to speed on this but have you removed and checked the choke assembly . From memory it’s held on by 2 screws just re read the post and understand the issue is with the front carb Paul
  4. You might find the fuel pump nuts need tightening to seal the leak , I sacrificed an old spanner to make a dedicated spanner. I shortened and narrowed the spanner. It’s the nut nearest the bulk head which is the more difficult to access Paul
  5. Welcome to the forum, any pics ? Paul
  6. Assuming you are using original studs you could upgrade to Freelander M12 studs . There are many posts here on the subject . Paul
  7. I have a mk 2 vitesse and I remove the plugs and turn the engine with the fan blades . Paul
  8. Remove the plugs Paul
  9. Paul H

    Engine rebuild

    Hi the Club Shop offers a rebuild service - from the catalogue the cost is approx £2k , not sure if this includes the head , if not add another £315 - I believe they use Ivor Searle . These are TSSC member prices Hope this helps
  10. Paul H

    Removing Tar

    Robin my son has Dash Cam footage and will be taking photos tomorrow of the roadworks , Thanks for advice WD40 which he has already has been suggested Paul
  11. Paul H

    Removing Tar

    I’ll blame my spell checker or if that fails a senior moment !!! Thanks Paul
  12. Paul H

    Removing Tar

    Hi not Triumph related but could affect our cars My son has just rung to say hes just set up his caravan to find tar on the paint work - its rock hard and several mm thick with the odd stone . He did go through roadworks about 15 miles down the road so this is where the damage happened Any ideas how to to remove safely with out damaging the paint My current thoughts are turps or mentholated spirits Any advice welcome Paul
  13. No the bottle jack was supplied with the the LC and fitted in a rear side panel . I think it was rated for 3 tonnes and had about 4 extension rams . Needed a flat surface so always carried a short section of scaffolding board , thankfully never needed it on the road Paul
  14. My old land cruiser had a bottle jack . It worked fine , Paul
  15. Ive got a Record 35 which my son picked up secondhand . He gave it to me as a birthday present though only on the basis I left it to him in my will - He was serious - Paul
  16. Correct accelerating through the gears no issue , my hesitancy issue was when the Vitesse was under load ie accelerating going up a hill . Toddling along at 40 mph on the flat no issues Paul
  17. That’s Pete and Johny for the explanation. So my description “hesitancy “ was knocking ? Are knocking and pinking the same thing ? Great forum this 😄 Paul
  18. Hi Johny reset the timing to the white marks as you suggested and I’ve got my Vitesse back , went up the hill no issues at 55 mph no hesitancy. So I had set the timing too far advanced so what was happening in the engine to cause the hesitancy . Was the engine firing before it should ? Thanks again I can now enjoy 😊 the car again Nb using Tesco Momentum Paul
  19. Hi Pete, plan is to retard timing to the white mark first as this is the easiest thing to do Regards
  20. Hi Doug the CDSE’s are in good order as in the past have suffered with slivers , sludge from fake R9 tubing, sticking float valves etc though I will be checking the float valves again plus float height just in case . On the list is to compare the plugs as suggested in your recent post - Thanks Paul
  21. Thanks Johnny hadn’t give this a thought I do this change first as it’s the easiest ! I did advance because this was optimum tickover when moving distributor Many thanks Paul
  22. Thanks Dave I’ve had issues before with float valves so will check again and check float valve clearance which should be 18mm . If this is the cause will the spark plug colour give a clue as to which carb . I will check both though Thanks Paul
  23. Im running a Delco with Accuspark ignition - I will swop over to the Lucas 22d? with points to see if that makes a difference Paul
  24. UPDATE , changed the plugs , ht leads and the problem is still there though better defined as follows She starts fine drives well on the flat at 40 mph ish then on my test route of 4 miles there is a long drag of a hill about 0.5 mile long . In the past I’ve been able to cruise up the hill with no issues at 60mph with or without overdrive now as soon as I hit the hill at 3k in 4th I get the start of the engine being “not happy “ and the engine faltering begins and clear signs something is wrong . After the hill it’s back to normal but keeping speeds to about 45 mph as the test run is on local roads . So where can I look to find the issue Paul
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