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Colin Lindsay

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Everything posted by Colin Lindsay

  1. Come on BW! Where's your sense of adventure? Think of the sense of satisfaction you'll have once you work out how it operates. I spend 90% of my life like that with phones and other electronics, I love that feeling of "I never knew it did that!" when someone shows me...
  2. Sorry for the gender confusion! These days it's difficult to tell male from female at a glance, and you're usually too scared to ask.
  3. Never drove a can, meself... but it sure sounds like fun. THAT, as Dave says, is indeed the problem. I think, if you jack the car up, and rotate the axle, you'll find one direction only that you have enough room where the yoke opens up due to the angle, but I haven't yet confirmed this myself. Otherwise, it's difficult to get anything to fit.
  4. Please be careful not to crash, and do not download pictures or videos onto this unit. Makes sense, no matter what language it's in....
  5. Those are the little convertible clips I mentioned earlier; other cars such as my estate use a full-length rail that runs right through the visor and into a clip on the bodywork at the other end. That's the metal rod bit I meant. Those short clips are hard to find - glad to see you sourced some.
  6. HQ sell the gold but as usual geography means I pay twice as the carriage often exceeds the cost of the original item! I might just end up spraying the rocker cover black, like all the others.. The interior bits I can probably match from available greys over here.
  7. Just had to nip out and confirm I still had the ones from mine, just in case. They've changed colour over the years - later ones are unpainted - but otherwise are still the same shape.
  8. Ever seen a mimosa steering wheel on a Herald? It's all Paul Marshall's fault on the interior mirror thread, as I've realised how tatty mine are and want to blast and repaint them in the correct shade of grey. Bill Davies had aerosols of that colour made up, but he's now stopped trading, although I can probably get back in touch if need be.
  9. Forgive me guys n gals, I'm feeling lazy but I can't find the proper name for the interior grey paint for early Heralds (grey steering wheel etc) and the gold for the rocker cover. Anyone got the correct name and / or paint code? I know the club has the gold, but the grey? Last I bought was from Bill at Rarebits, so you can tell how long ago that was. (Actually I did search for five minutes or so but every search I entered using the terms rocker AND cover AND gold gave me the results of every post that contained any of the words, including AND...)
  10. When you say rails, where did you get them from? They're really only metal rods so should be easy to remake. Convertibles just have a small clip on either end no more than about an inch long. That eBay mirror is vastly overpriced, you can get them at your link (good site, that!) or else at places like the NEC or Stoneleigh, where I got mine (don't want to be smug but it was £1 and the seller had plenty). you don't realise how much they have faded until you see the new one. Incidentally the large sunvisor mirrors are also available from shows at £1 so don't pay big money for one of those either.
  11. Sometimes, as happens with me, as soon as you put it into words on the screen you think of a solution. It'll take you a few years to catch up with me for unnecessary questions that I've answered for myself by the time I've posted them, but it all helps other members who may have the same problem and don't know where to start. This forum is also great for coming up with more in-depth solutions ie don't just replace the fuel line, replace it with ethanol-resistant etc. So post away no matter how simple or basic it may seem. You never stop learning.
  12. Nicely spotted, John. No10 x 3/4.... equates to what in their dropdown list?
  13. Colin Lindsay

    UJ quality

    Just done a search; there are two available GKN versions: GKN U050 which appear standard and GKN TVF100000 which are uprated. As you say Clive, it really takes you to read the small print as many CLAIM to be GKN but then state further down it may be an alternative quality replacement and not as pictured. I've found a few genuine GKN versions but postage is a whopping £12.50 from companies such as LRDirect... Paddock spares are cheaper per unit, but they want £16 for postage.... https://www.paddockspares.com/universal-joint-5.html
  14. Colin Lindsay

    UJ quality

    Ok - so that identifies the ones I bought a few years back for the Herald as standard, although mine are regreasable. This large bulge on the underside ties in with Andrew's post on greasing UJs; they will only fit in one orientation on the halfshafts as if fitted 90 degrees out you can't get at the threaded aperture to insert a grease nipple to grease them. Don't ask me which orientation they require as that particular car is unavailable to me at present... but no doubt I'll find out the hard way soon with another on-going rebuild. If I want those particular heavy duty ones for both Herald and GT6, they are the Freelander items from LR? The TVF100000 units?
  15. I've never used mechanical but would have been wondering if it had been putting out too much pressure, and thereby split the pipe; however those in the know will probably confirm that this doesn't happen... I was just thinking out loud!
  16. Either you've got Red Indians living down there, or you've put carpet in? Very nice! Here's wishing you health to enjoy.
  17. Colin Lindsay

    UJ quality

    Ok Clive - so I'll throw myself on the mercy of the forum and wait for the preferred option before committing for four for a Herald. Obviously I want to go for the best and get the longest and most hard-wearing use out of them, so will hold off ordering any until I see what the consensus of opinion is.
  18. Glad you discovered it before anything more serious happened. Is that with a standard mechanical pump, or electrical?
  19. That is tidy! Can we see photos with the cover removed?
  20. I bought one of these years back (in the 1990s) from Fitchetts and the lower brackets were supplied, but not attached, just taped inside the valence. I was told at the time that you fit and gap the valence, then position the brackets to brace the valence whilst in the proper location against the chassis, and tackweld them onto the rear of the valence. The car was resprayed before they were ever fitted. Regarding the bumper brackets I'd guess it's a one-size-fits-all for Heralds and Vitesse; the unit is supplied as a basic and you're expected to add the bits for your specific model. Give Chic Doig a ring, he'll either supply them or make them if no-one else that you've tried has them.
  21. No, not sorted yet - I still haven't got a definite application for the return springs. Lots of 'approximate to' 'similar to' but not THE proper fitment.
  22. Colin Lindsay

    UJ quality

    I usually grease mine as a matter of course when fitting, no matter how old stock or brand new they are I'll pop each cap off, add new grease, and replace. Freshens things up!
  23. THAT'S the guy I got the Commer reference from! The other info came - roughly - from here, by a lot of searching and cross-referencing: https://www.northwestautomotivehydraulics.co.uk/contact
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