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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. Colin, Meant to post earlier. I intend to replace the existing screws with the Socket head equivalents when the time comes. I may even have some in my "allsorts" stash?. Pete
  2. PeteH

    exhaust heat wrap

    Anything to do with "stainless" steel, is affected greatly by the grade of stainless. Rather than DIY. I went and "stole" this off the web. Stainless Steel Classifications The family of stainless steels is primarily classified into four main categories based upon their crystal microstructure. Ferritic Ferritic steels are the 400 Grade stainless steels noted for their high chromium content, which can range from 10.5% to 27%. They have magnetic properties, too, offers good ductility, tensile-property stability, and resistance to corrosion, thermal fatigue, and stress-corrosion cracking. Ferritic Stainless Steel Applications Typical applications for ferritic stainless steels include automotive components and parts, petrochemical industry, heat exchangers, furnaces, and in durable goods like appliances and food equipment. Austenitic Perhaps the most common category of stainless steel, austenitic grade steels are high in chromium, with varying amounts of nickel, manganese, nitrogen, and some carbon. Austenitic steels are divided into the 300 series and 200 series subcategories, which are determined by which alloys are used. The austenitic structure of the 300 series is distinguished via the addition of nickel. The 200 series primarily uses the addition of manganese and nitrogen. Grade 304 is the most common stainless steel. Austenitic Stainless Steel Applications Sometimes referred to as 18/8 because of its 18% chromium and 8% nickel, it is used in kitchen equipment, cutlery, food processing equipment, and structural components in the automotive and aerospace industries. Grade 316 is another common stainless steel. It is used in the making of a wide range of products such as food preparation equipment, laboratory benches, medical and surgical equipment, boat fittings, pharmaceutical, textile, and chemical processing equipment. Martensitic Martensitic stainless steels are in the 400 Grade series of stainless steels. They have a low to high carbon content, and contain 12% to 15% chromium and up to 1% molybdenum. It’s used whenever corrosion resistance and-or oxidation resistance are required along with either high strength at low temperatures or creep resistance at elevated temperatures. Martensitic steels are also magnetic and possess relatively high ductility and toughness, which make them easier to form. Martensitic Stainless Steel Applications Applications for martensitic stainless steels include a wide range of parts and components, from compressor blades and turbine parts, kitchen utensils, bolts, nuts and screws, pump and valve parts, dental and surgical instruments, to electric motors, pumps, valves, machine parts sharp surgical instruments, cutlery, knife blades, and other cutting hand tools. Duplex As the name implies, duplex stainless steels possess a mixed microstructure of ferrite and austenite. The chromium and molybdenum content is high, with 22% to 25%, and up to 5%, respectively, with very low nickel content. The duplex structure gives the stainless steel many desirable properties. For starters, it offers double the strength of ordinary austenitic or ferritic stainless steels, with excellent corrosion resistance and toughness. Duplex Stainless Steel Applications Designated in the 2000 Grade series, duplex stainless steel is ideal for applications in demanding environments such as in chemical, oil, and gas processing and equipment, marine, high chloride environments, pulp and paper industry, cargo tanks for ships and truck, and bio-fuels plants, chloride containment or pressure vessels, transportation, heat exchanger tubes, construction, the food industry, desalination plants, and components for FGD systems. The levels of corrosion, in all cases, would be markedly reduced, often to zero. So I guess the answer to your question would be No?. Pete
  3. Play hell with the hair style though?. Pete
  4. Mine on the 13/60 have the countersunk screws, absolute sod`s to get undone. I used an impact driver. similar to:- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/262842774063?hash=item3d32a6722f:g:ytMAAOSwUKxYmvPf which I have had since the 60`s. I guess the Socket bolts have been someones earlier attempt at refurbishing the hinge pins?. Probably cut the thread off a long one? Edit:- I can see the nut on the base, but i would have thought unnecessry? Pete
  5. PeteH

    Worrying noise

    1/2" drive Battery Impact guns. My local Aldi, still had a couple, Tuesday last, and they where reduced too? by about a tenner. This is the one that does not use their "multi use battery" system. but it`s still a damn good buy, I got one last year, used it when overhauling the brake`s on my P-107.👍 It`s not got the "Oomph" of my Air Tools One, (10bar) But it`s far more versatile. Pete
  6. Get it hardened as far as you can, whack the Nut/bolt end with a Hammer. The shock is usually enough. As one old Chief Enginner used to tell us. "If at first, you don`t succeed?. Get a bigger hammer"!!.😂 Pete
  7. I cannot see anything specific. But "all vehicles older than Jan 1st 1971", would include viltually ALL the Steamer`s I ever had to certify. I think from (fading) memory the "newest" was an early 1930`s Foden Steam Waggon, along with a Late Sentinel Lorry. Pete
  8. PeteH

    Vitesse price

    Yes I note that on Mine, it will have to be "modified" I think, will know when I get that far. Pete
  9. On a straight road section, my sprinter shows a +4/5mph discrepancy to the sat nav. Pete
  10. PeteH

    Vitesse price

    I used to put my spare wheel(s) in upside down, and drop a jack inside the wheel?. Pete
  11. It`s obviously a bit "hit and miss" then. Reports of people having been "flashed" by French (for example) "Speed" Camera`s appear regularly on F-B sites, with actual follow up "fines" being apparently something of a lottery?. Halving the fine, if paid promptly is a way of making sure the minimum number of people challenge the alleged offence. UK police forces are alleged to be very lax about getting instumentaton calibrated regularly. Which can lead to challenging a marginal figure often meaning it is dropped. Pete
  12. The ones on the 13/60, are at least 10 years old, and look it!!. Lots of tread, but that "shiney" look that hard rubber takes on when its past it`s "best". Ok for pushing around the garage, and even towing to a paint shop if necessary. But when finished it WILL get a set of new boots. My First R-V came from the USA as a self Import, TYres looked Ok, but within the first 3 months I had 2 blowouts Both rear inners fortunately. 6 new tyres went on, at around £180 a wheel. Pete
  13. PeteH

    Vitesse price

    I have a 2t, small trolley jack (Lidle I think) in an ABS case. Might be just the thing? Most Vitesse, could do with a bit of "Rear Mass". Back in the 80`s I kept 1Cwt (50-kg in new money) of bagged sand in the boot of Her Indoors "comuter" Vitesse!. It helped stop her backend stepping out when her lead foot hit the loud pedal.😁 On the Frimley 8-30am Grand Prix. Pete
  14. I think the difference is up to an Inch?. But it`s now back in it`s bag in the garage roof space!. I actually went up there for a suitcase full of kid`s books, belonging my son, and had to move it and several other items to get at it. He wants me to get his Daughter to sort them out??? Kid`s!!!. SWMBO has been on about it for weeks. Why all of a sudden?,he`s been in the USA for 18 years?, who knows. Anyway, job done and "we" got something out of it!. Pete
  15. My Guess would be "Citizen Kahn"`s latest favourite white elephant project?. (Cynic? what Me guv?). I hear that (Tony) B`Liars Big Pink (now bleached white?) tent down in SE10, needs a new roof?. Sure fact it won`t ever help anywhere North of Watford Gap. But a brilliant way of fleecing more cash out of locals, without being seen to put direct taxation up?. Pete
  16. Not sure. But it is alleged that since Brexit, "Continental/EU" Law enforcement can no longer access UK driver database(s)?? and UK drivers are only fined IF caught on the spot?. IF that be the case the no doubt the reciprocal will be their norm too? Pete
  17. True, aparently so is the traction engine owned by a bloke in our village, daft as it seems.? Love to see some driving through London😂 Didn't someone take a pink painted tank around Westminster some years back?😂 Pete
  18. Pure greed. No other way to describe it. In my view. Pete
  19. Have a look Here,:- https://forum.tssc.org.uk/topic/7037-vitesse-16006-convertable-seat-belts/page/3/ Down the 3rd page is how I evetually fitted them on my 13/60. Pete
  20. I cannot get at mine at present, But if you bear with me a few days?. I`ll see if I can get at it in storage. Pete
  21. And inside the ULEZ/LEZ when the expansion takes place too. Everything inside the North/South Circular as I understand it?. Pete
  22. PeteH

    Non starting herald

    I adapted the Lidle Pump to drain the car sump via the dip stick fitting. Bit idle on my part, but saves having to get under the motor, for just an oil change. Still have to jack for a filter change though, but it can be reached under the valence. Pete
  23. PeteH

    Spark Plugs

    Ahh?. Part time Glow pluggy things?. Pete
  24. Could be a good reason for that?. Much harder to knock it off when things with the latest "young lady" start to get exciting?. (mind below the navel again!) Pete
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