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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. They look pretty well fabricated, But I supose at 11quid each they should?. But it`s definitely given me food for further thought. Pete
  2. I like those pins too, I might have a go, when it`s warmer out there, at turning a couple up on the lathe?. Mind I`ll have to clean and service it first having looked at it recently, Lot of Sawdust on it from cutting Fire log`s. Are the washers steel? ot plastics? Pete
  3. SWMBO, thinks it look`s nice, why did it get sidelined?. I don`t think she was as impressed with the asking price though?😁. Swapping for the later 13/60 bonnet would not be a hard job. I think I`d have gone for the Vitesse Bonnet though?. Pete
  4. Now all I have to do is search my "scrap pile" for some materials to fabricate one, A Couple of places locally let me skip dive for off cuts in the past. Pete.
  5. When I stripped the Mitsui Engine, (One SOB heavy lump), I took the head off before I removed the sump, that way it was laying flat on the bench. Turning the bu**er over single handed was something of a logistical exercise!!. Never got to re-assemble it, it was so far gone, I swapped it in for a factory recon. That made the Credit Card cry!. Pete
  6. There are days, when If I did not have a dog to "Exercise". I likely would not be motivated to anything much before Lunch. And the rain is lashing down again!. 8-15pm. Sunshine tomorrow (it is rumoured). Sunrise 8-15am. Only made 0.3Kw (solar) today.☹️ Pete
  7. Are you going to report back on the results?.😁 Pete
  8. My Engine "Hoist" comprises a (reinforced) Garage beam and a 1 Ton chain block of pre WW2 vintage!, which still for all that, works remarkably well. Combined with a Wire rope sling, custom made by an old time Ship Rigger, and several adjustable Shackles. Such that it did remove an engine and gearbox from a Mitsibushi Shogun, without too much excitement. Pete
  9. I don`t own an engine stand, only ever worked on a bench, or my trusty Workmate!. Most of those offered for the trade and hobby use appear to use a 4 point fixing?. In which case I would expect the stress to be within the cope of the Backplate? if properly didtributed. Certainly a 4 Cylinder engine. Without actually going out in the dark, and rain, how thick is a Herald backplate? I am thinking about 5/16 or 3/8". It`s not easy to see on the Haynes stripdown photo`s, as they are a bit dark. But It looks as if there are 6 backplate mounting bolts?. Replacing 4 with longer bolts (or studs?) direct into the block would in that case take strain off the backplate?. Pete
  10. On the opposite foot!. When I started the self build (1997), a friend offered the loan of a cement mixer, and a steel scaffold tower. Handy things to have. Fast forward to 2000/2001, build complete. Mixer and Scaffold still in my storage, having asked him several times, "You want them back?". to which " nahh, I`l let you store them, I know where they are if I need them"!!. They even moved with me when we downsized 2009. Guy, sadly, died from Prostate Cancer 2014. I still have the scaffold, He/we sold the mixer circa 2009, to another self builder. His dependants don`t want them, no storage, so I still have a scaffold tower?. I know (roughly) where most of my missing tools are though?. 250Miles away, in my Son`s lock-up on his mooring!. The only thing my Neighbours borrow is Air,! most know I have the air compressor, So every soft tyre finishes up on our drive!. Pete
  11. Or this, Currently It`s too damp/cold in the garage, and the Current cost of any type of heating is prohibitive. Unless anyone has an old Multifuel stove going spare, convert and burn sawdust?, got lots of that and old straw available locally for free' Brew at least 5 min, No Milk No Sugar Please?.👍 Pete
  12. I have both. C trek an an Aldi one. The c tek will charge from below 6v it’s also more controllable but the Aldi is a good general charger and has given as good service, just not as versatile. Pete
  13. A not that unlikely scenario?. Fitted on the production line, hence dent and scratches?, rejected by the final Q-C inspection, removed and replaced and then placed in the "For Spares" bin, bagged and sealed, sent out as a replacement/spare part. Pete.
  14. Well, This is what it`s supposed to be?. But from my Eye`s, definitely more Green than Paul`s. The can got "lost" in my Garage since before Lockdown, and was discovered last week in the post Xmas Clearout. IF the can cap is suposed to representative, then I cannot see it?. Initially, I thought it might be a lack of "depth" but there are at least 4 full coats there. I may try cutting and polish just to see what transpires?. Pete
  15. I am playing about with potential paint finishes. I got this one and put it on earlier to-day to see what it looked like on the job. My own thinking is it`s more green than blue?. BUT, "what does the team think"? The quality of the finish, at this stage is not relavent, just perception of colour?. Pete
  16. Home made from "Scrap", not the prettiest object. But work`s 👍
  17. I would guess in excess of 200miles?. I have a home made one, which worked for me?. Pete
  18. PeteH

    Non starting herald

    Pete. I think, the current alleged issues with E5/E10 in older vehicles have been insufficienty Scientifically researched, no incentive? to so do because of the low numbers involved and the rush to to "electrification", makes those involved uninterested in the future? of petroleum. So we have a situation where there is only impirical evidence of what/if is the position. My own opinion?, centres about the ignition systems where modern cars have far more "oomph" in the spark dept; and find less issue with fuel not in the best of condition?. More so in the cold state where there is no pre heating to assist evaporation. I know, but only from being told by a driver, that Ethanol is generally only added to the Fuel blend as the delivery tanker is being filled, again alleged to be because of issues with longer term storage of the fuel mix?. My Genny and the chain saw see less use these days, which is where I have most issues. Pete
  19. PeteH

    Non starting herald

    As with all "Myth and Legend" there is usually a grain of truth in the background. Badly stored fuel, does suffer most often due to the condition of storage, Moisture content, sediment, all have been shown to make a difference, however marginal. Impirically, I do know that the use of E10, and to a lesser extent E5, DOES make getting a good clean start out of my Generator and Chain Saw require more effort, to the point I now run them dry if I think they will be stood for some time, and have given up storing fuel for more than a few weeks. The viability of the petroleum content itself is not the issue, it`s the contaminents. My own experience, lies in truth, more with heavy Fuel Oils, where heating and refining before using for firing or injection was indeed the norm. Also, I have never, deliberately, laid a vehicle up with a part tank of fuel. Either completely drained down, which has it`s own issues, or as full as practicable, which I prefer. I`m afraid there is no easy fix on this, just a process of elimination, the mere fact that it tries to start will not elimenate it being an ignition issue. Other here have made suggestions, it a question of patient detection. Pete Pete
  20. THE, most usefull thing about air-con, is the ability to clear the windshield quickly!. Full heat and the a-c, the mist disapears!. I often turned it off on my Toyota (Tacoma), in the USA, even in late spring/early Autumn. But Houston in Mid summer is so "wet" it`s A/C, or just become a blob in the driver seat. I once, ran both Roof Air conditioners on the generator for 2 full days going North from Houston in July in the R-V on our way to North Dakota, even then they where struggling. Pete
  21. That was a recurring Ford theme, I had two Escourt`s repainted. A Blue and a White both shed the top coat the white one in huge strips!!. Fiat had similar issues on 2006 to 2008/9 White Ducato`s as well. Pete
  22. Never really had any aversion to "sunroofs", beyond the fact they can cause issues with leaks, I`ve had Factory options in a few cars over the years. Biggest issues are usually down to drainage and not keeping the drains clear. To some extent I`d rather have a sunroof than air con, plays less havoc with the old sinuses, and is less hassle than opening windows. Maybe the answer is 2 cars Saloon and convertible👍 Pete
  23. Ford, "Silver Fox" Circa; early 80`s, Has, wait for it, 27 different shades!! and sub shades, a popuar colour with Capri owners but used throughout the Ford range. I used to visit a lot of body shop`s (air compressor vessel, statutary examinations) back then, and many paint shops wouldn`t touch it. Pete
  24. Insurance is a strange "calling". Eg; Wife has licence, but can only cope with auto`s, and likely will never drive it. However if I put her on my insurance I save 10%. My Grandaughter, 26 is a steady driver, but to put her on, almost doubles the premium!!. Pete
  25. Tilt/removable glass sunroof`s where a popular addition to 80`s/90`s cars. SWMBO`s Vittese (XGH465G) had a full length Webasto. Shown as being Sorned, but not seen light of day since 2012. Pete
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