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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. I`m afraid the local tearaways never think about the obvious. Doing damage is always part of the "mission", sad reflection of the times we live in. Linking an alarm to the door switches, is probably the better option, most scrotes never think of climbing over the door?. And at very least might attract attention?. Our next door neightbour some years ago, had his MGB roof slashed, nothing taken. A teacher at the local comprehensive, he reckoned it was one of his students with a grudge?. Pete
  2. Still got 3 of those engines, somewhere?. Including one with a Water jacket, which one time powered a Scale model of on MTB. later converted to Electric. Before being sold. Model making kept me off of the "booze" during long voyages. I bought one of the small Helio`s a few years back, problem is, being small it`s not often there is a low enough wind level to fly it. Sad Really. Flew it in a barn once, it survived being flown into a stantion!!. Friend of mines FIL built the Spitfire, about 15 years ago now, in his case it was remenicence too, as he actually few them in WW2. Pete
  3. Depending on which model car, But I would be suspecting the Dip/main switch or it`s asociated wiring, and or any fuses. Pete
  4. Hi Pete. Google:- https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=Aerotight+nuts Fill yer boots!. They where regularly used in the aero industry. I think I still have some as small as 6ba. From back when Model Aircraft engines would shake the mounting bolts loose in no time flat. 26000rpm single cylinder, glow plug engines. Pete
  5. We are suffering the effect of "short termism". Everyone got carried away with "the end of the cold war". We shut down our coal fields and power stations because we could get "greener" options via lots of Cheap Gas. Well now the chickens are coming home to roost, The trade-off beween Global Warming and Fuel Security, is here to haunt us. In the Hell for leather rush for "green" we lost the ability to think security. Yes, we might have got there in about 10 or 15 years (maybe) but giving up our own means of keeping warm and the lights on to foreign suppliers has been our undoing. And Barstewards like Putin exploit the fact, and if/when he finally thinks he is/might be losing he is mad enough to push the nuclear button. Welcome to armagedon. Pete
  6. I did say "rule of thumb" and we are talking old fashioned Motors here, it was perceived wisdom "back when". The old dynamo`s don`t charge well at low speeds, and short commute type journeys, like to work, where Killers. I well remember cranking the old side valve Ford for long periods before getting a start. That`s why we had Starting Handles as well!. And often 6volt systems. Battery technology has moved on as has the starter tech: so moderns don`t have the same issues. Pete
  7. I`ve tried on an Old Motorola, but I suspect the Android version is too old?. The same/similar happened with ios 9 on my old i-pad. depends perhaps on how old yours is?. Was talking to a guy, a few years back who had been "loadmaster" on C130`s. he referred to them as "Fat Albert". Pete
  8. The answer to that are "aerotight" nuts. All metal stiff nuts. Pete
  9. Cannot speak for any of the other Cars BUT My Herald and the old Vitesse, both had the fitted drain plugs, the big issue would be that if neglected, as most will be, they will not be easy to get free, and could even shear off!. A few gallons of petrol on the deck could prove a problem!!. Mine (drain plug) is actually working, I had it out recently, to inspect the tank with an endoscope, and that too is fortunately is in good "nick". I would intend to perhaps drain the tank should it need to be "laid up"" for any reason. I suppose if one wanted too! a "tap" could be inserted into the Plug, but would then be another part to possibly give trouble!!. "Kiss" is always in my view the better option!. Pete
  10. Yes there will be some Static exhibits that may still have it I agree, the saving grace of the static exhibits, is that the "panting" which goes with steaming and is what tends to break up and allow distibution of microdust into the air, is not in evidence, and being painted and covered should not cause hazard. (one hopes!). Many Steamers are currently lagged with "rockwool", which 90% of the country by now will have in their loft`s which distributes tiny (irritant) glass fibres into the air if disturbed too. Seems you cannot win! Pete
  11. The "rule of thumb" used to be it takes around 1/2 an hour of brisk driving to bring a battery back after a Cold start.
  12. This is how mine finished up, the tie wraps are temporary until I get some more P clips. Pete
  13. Which returns Not Found. So another bites (has bitten) the dust?. But the I supose, the number of Early Escourts, "we" scrapped, some as result of disaster, and others as donors. they where very popular at club level for rally work. One cannot be surprised. Pete
  14. Any Moisture which condenses will eventually finish UNDER the fuel/lubricant above it. Keeping the tank as full as possible denies the moisture cold surface on which to condense. In Major Marine practice, easpecially those using HFO, there is always a "settling" tank, who`s purpose is to allow the water (often Salt) to settle to the bottom where is is run off into the "Waste" tanks. It is then heated and goes through centrifuges to clean it into the daily use tank before being further heated and used. Pete
  15. Didn`t I read somewhere, Ed China attached one to a Cement mixer, and filled the tank with gravel?. I used to end the day chucking a couple or 3 broken bricks into the mixer to clean it during the self build. it worked for that? Pete
  16. I tried some other combinations too with similar results. I agree with your self the cars are most likely in the great graveyard, many older numbers are on modern cars. My wife has hers * 30MMH. (A Birthday pressy) So we are all Guilty at some point. PH1 was on a Coach based around Guildford back in the 80`s!, I used to see it quite regularly. Pete
  17. Here I only have to dig a (relatively) shallow hole to find water!. We are on a mix of Boulder clay and sand/gravel, the area is full of old Gravel workings most of which are now Water parks, Caravan sites and Fishing lakes!. When we went to build the old house, we hit a seam of running sand. End result was 9M piles and a ring beam. £11grand underground before we started.😭 Pete
  18. 4 SYC is listed as Not found. 444GBF Likewise. Despite the best efforts of Photoshop I cannot read the number on the other. Pete
  19. That could almost be a prototype Sumbeam Alpine?. Pete
  20. PeteH


    Years ago, I had an Aldi Computer (Medion). At in excess of 2 years they replaced a Hard drive which failed FOC, RTB apart from send postage. Which I though was excellent. It`s still doing duty, though now in "reserve" as it wont run (some) modern stuff despite being upgraded to windows 10. Pete
  21. Collin, I assume that especially as you say it is Hydrulic?. It has mechanical latches to lock it from accidentlly lowering?. Paul, I looked at putting a Pit in. But our Water table is only a few inches below ground. and would involve breaking through the concrete garage base. I suspect anything we put down would eventually float back up?. Pete
  22. One of my passions is good wood, I hate plastics, despite the fact we have to live with them. and only tolerate a veneer when it is quality. With me it`s like Steam Engines it seems to have "life". They look very good though, and a credit to your skills. Pete
  23. Strangely that is unlikely, The are universally of riveted construction, as such they have to be stripped and exposed for examination every 10 years, and subjected to Hydraulic Test. To do that, I always had the lagging removed when I was testing. The same with Traction Engines, (Including Fred Dibnah!. Who used to (try and) give my colleagues a hard time). Much of the NYMR stock and spares came via Albert Drapers in HULL back in the 60`s. Pete
  24. I think Serveza is another good word to know?. Pete.
  25. The marine industry, is/was riddled with it, many ships built up to the late 60`s STILL lagged with Asbestos product. We packed steam valve glands with loose asbestos. The tops of boilers often had a covering of "dust" which was largely asbestos. It`s why so many of us are on the "Asbestos Register". I still have periodic Chest X rays, though so far all clear. Thinking about it I must be overdue another?. I would suspect both HMS Belfast and Britannia Museam ships both, have a great deal still in them. Pete
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