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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. Aye, but back then we could still get hands on a gallon or two of Avgas, which acted as octane booster. You gave the bloke on the airfield 1/6d for a gallon in a Castrol tin!!. Pete
  2. The worst bit?. Was having to say to the wife, Errrr? "Not to-night dearest" or words to that effect, knowing full well that (offer) was not going to happen again for some time!.😭 Pete
  3. Wondered what the 3 holes/fitting where on the 13/60 for (radio) took it off to clean up the Cover and stiffen with F-G. It now resides in the "Parts Miscellaneous/unknown" jar. Pete
  4. When was the change?. It begs the question that the shell might have been "old stock". Something not entirely unknown?. OR a recycled older front tub after accident damage?. In the later stages of B-L. if was alleged that some models sat in fields for as much as a couple of years before being "discounted" and sold and registered as "NEW". Pete
  5. The ones on my 13/60 are (aparently/allegedy) "new". So fingers crossed there. The P-107`s where done a few weeks ago using the "Air" method of piston removal, new seals etc. the braking with new pads, was a revalation!. I`v now learned to put less foot into it!
  6. If you Google it online, There are mixed reviews about E85, not disimilar to the E10 "debate", Upside it burns cleaner and being Ethanol it has a cleansing effect on (some) components. Down side it is not that good for OLDER engines, those not specifically designed with Ethanol operation in mind. Deteriorating rubber is a recurring theme. It`s also "alleged" that a 15% drop in fuel consumption can be expected, (LPG use expects a 10% reduction). The why? as to the buying of more expensive fuels is likely to be related to the above and "humankind" being what it is, it`s hard to promote change, even when there is a financial incentive. On a personal note. I run a little 2006 Peugeot 107. I found that putting E10 in it, it definitely ran less well than a fill of E5 (Super). But I don`t regard that as anything more than subjective. Pete
  7. Being in ignorance of what it was I googled Orchiectomy. And now wish I hadnt, I`m sat typing with my legs crossed, and almost in tears. Says a lot for my Testosterone levels. or maybe just the way I was "dragged up".😭. Edit: It also makes me apreciate that while I can bitch about the "way of the world". I am in fact (so far, touch wood) By all counts fortunate only to have to worry about a High B-P and Hiatus Hernia, both controlable. 5 pills a day including B12, and ocasional visits to the Chiropractor, when I do something stupid! and the back "goes". Pete
  8. I know this is regarded as a "cop-out" in some area`s. But I don`t think 2 years of Chinese Virus, Lockdowns, and general misery, Has done any of us any Favours. I`ve aquired a feeling of general lethargy over that period, and mentally it is something of a struggle to force one`s self to "get on with it". My wife is now strggling with at least 3 Issues in addition to her longterm orthopedic problems. That in it`s self whilst not directly affecting me, has a knock on effect in that we having done near 60 years together is extremely saddening. Pete.
  9. Piece of wood between the Pistons and appply 100+psi of air via the pipe connection, It worked on my P-107, a month or 2 back?. Once you get them moving Plumbers pliers will often get them out. If you plan to replace the pistons you can get even more brutal, if not, care and teasing should limit any marking to the extreme edges. Pete
  10. Marine chandlers do a good line in turnbuckles too. Pete
  11. The marine enviroment being what it is, eg: can be 3K miles to the shops. We sometimes (very often) had think laterally. A saw cut half way through a nut and then squeze it was one way of encouraging them to stay put in a high vibration situation. Pete
  12. They look a bit like the one`s fitted to mini diggers?. Pete
  13. Is this a Velcro fetish?. That`s 2 posts on the same day?.😁
  14. Going back to the 80`s, One of my neighbours at the time worked for "Gilbarco", part of his job was to check and calibrate the pumps. He said that the pump`s control could detect water?, and would cut out, if it was above a certain %age?. This was done the protect the pumps, as the clearances on their delivery where extremely close. Nothing to do with customer service!!. In Marine practice, the fuel is taken from a point above the (potential) water level and the tanks drained daily to remove any water. Something probably not too easy with undergound tankage?. Pete
  15. Shades of the "Village People" there, I suspect?. Pete
  16. What Is/was an even bigger mystery, is the fact that the Gasket appears to have the holes punched as well, IF the hole serves no purpose then at least the gasket should not have been penetrated hence weakening said Gasket?. Pete
  17. Everyone has "rights". NO ONE, has, nor takes, responsibility. The best thing that happened to me, Driving wise, was having to do a retake on my HGV. I had let it lapse having not used it and the rules changed during the period I was in the M-N. Having purchased a 9tonne American R-V, I then dicovered that the licence I had was no longer legal to drive it anymore!!. The upshot was a full course and test at great expense, during which I learned a lot about my driving and improving observational skills. And a first time pass too. Good LGV trainers (still) teach driving, not just test passing. It`s 60 years, since I passed my first test, in a Triumph Herald, no less. Pete
  18. AHH!, "Grandad" Fasteners?.😁 Pete
  19. The farmers round here are ramping up their security, many have big tanks and are a target despite it being mostly red diesel. Pete
  20. Youngsters, sadly, are not educated, they are tought to pass exams, not the same thing at all. The upshot being large numbers have never been properly trained, observation skills, zero, awareness likewise. No wonder the accident rate is higher. Pete
  21. The problems have not been caused by ONE party regardless of colour. Cheap was a theme that ran through the 80”s. But the gathering rush to be seen as green has had a massive impact on choices. There was serious research into carbon capture. A pilot ran for some years at Drax and was becoming successful. Some of the capture appeared in your beer. They also ran the hot feed water recovered by the cooling towers into greenhouses and introduced co2 to aid growth. All abandoned. Because coal is seen as dirty. As I said Short termism. And short sighted. personally. Like many others, I’m not bothered so long as I can do it my way. Selfish? Yes, but I am sick to death of being told I’m too old and out of touch. My way may not be better, but it IS mine. Pete
  22. Cliff, Topped off swmbos car this morning, quarter tank 26quid!!. The big one will be the Motorhome. I expect that will be pump cut off and restart a full fill used to be just under the ton mark. Sign of things to come. Thanks Mr Putin!. Pete
  23. Is the rocker cover seal ok.?. A bit of blowby would leave a deposit which would bake when hot. Pete
  24. My son is crying into his Budweiser. “Gas” hit 3dollar (60p/litre) a gallon in Texas, his truck does 7mpg, on a good day. Footrests are useful when you have an Auto box? Otherwise they can interfere with rapid clutch work, especially in rigger boots Pete
  25. We are already seeing a spike in fuel theft. The latest was some special school minibuses which where drained, they literally punched holes in the fuel tanks and drained into buckets to then fill drums. Several buses had to have the fuel tanks replaced. The thieves climbed a gate to get access. And the fuel they did not get ended in the land drainage system. Big ho ha on local to about it. Pete
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