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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. Anyone fitted one of their Herald windscreen rubbers?. Pete
  2. Wasn`t that was the excuse Napoleon used!, and look what happened to him, and the other bloke? former Austrian Corporal?. Pete
  3. Interesting. Do you use modern acrylics, or traditional based?. We have some genuine antiques, which my FIL. (rest him) An old time French polisher, re-polished for us. If I recall correctly the base was "Shellac"?. Pete
  4. A (very) rough figure for a Ro-Ro ferry, back in the 70`s was about 60t/day ( actually cheaper per tonne/mile than a Truck.) Pete
  5. Never done one. But a pal did one, fell asleep at the back!. He reckoned it was the most boring couple of hours he`d ever spent!. The "plod" ** had one of those droning voices, and kept banging on about "speed kills". Err?? No, bad drivers kill, Usually the ones who don`t get caught by the camera, BUT perpetually drive with their minds elsewhere than on the Road and where the next hazard is, watching the speedo, and miss the hidden kid behind the parked vehicle?. ** He was allegedy the same one who subsequently lost his job for driving whilst drunk. Motorway lane one is usually "tramlined" by trucks, you cannot run a line of 44t at 56mph 24/7 without creating ruts/grooves, which help break up the suraces, towing a trailer/caravan is a tiring business. Pete
  6. To-Days, (average) European Prices, Curtesy of the RAC foundation:- https://www.racfoundation.org/data/european-petrol-prices. Pete
  7. I would concur, trouble is no head room in my "shed". 3-4ft max. There is a Company marketing 2t one`s for under 2K new. Dont know how they raise and lower? Screws and nuts?, or steel cable, (which in comercial use have to be tested every 6 months) or hydraulic?. The (very) old traditional single post ram type are just about extinct now. Huge ram`s buried in the ground, lifting up to 40tonne!! in tandem mode. Often just left in place and concreted over in old garages Pete
  8. PeteH


    Yes, only the one battery with this. But they are made by a German company?. Who if I remember correctly will supply via `tinternet?. (or would pre Brexit). The biggest advantage I can see, is not having to run miles of hose and fire up the compressor when working in the front yard. The alternative being to shift the Motorhome every time. Pete
  9. For many years, Standard advice for pipework lagged with "Asbestos" was, Identify, record, wrap, paint and keep it wrapped and painted. Removing and disposing it was horendously costly. 90% of older Hospital properties and Schools, where so treated. Pete.
  10. I`ve seen a jigsaw used to cut curves using a length of twine and a Screw as the Pivot.? The brickie needed two identical curves to build a former for an arch, until the mortar set. Pete
  11. 10" longer and 5" wider. Needed to accomodate the 6Cyl Engine?. Pete
  12. PeteH


    Among this Mornings Haul:- Charged and tried, Took the wheel nuts off OK!. See how it goes for my relativly limmited uses. Pete
  13. On some "Marinised" Engines the sump is divided with baffles, with smallish holes, to mittigate this effect. During pitching and rolling. Road tankers are Baffled to stop Surge. Which has caused accidents when not fitted. Pete
  14. I know where there is the Morris Version (Estate) locally, nice and dry in a Garage. The "Riley" derivitive Saloon:- ryd And this was for sale locally recently:- Price was a Bit optimistic?. Pete
  15. Is`t it distilled in Scotland ?. Pete
  16. Investigate all other aspects first, the simple one`s should be eliminated, but be aware that the condition of the box is an indication of the storage conditions, (age/heat/cold/humidity etc;) and may have had some effect on internal (especially "rubber" components). As an example of how they can deteriorate, We had very large "O" ring seals on water jackets in Marine practice. Bitter experience made the realisation that leaving them stored in thier plastic packaging accelerated their dertioration. We resorted to storing them in an old oil drum filled with talcum powder and kept in the shaft tunnel (coolest place in the machinery spaces). Pete
  17. Yeh, does look in reasonable nick, Looked at it twice, but couldnt see the pickup point?. That would be where any Debris might be?. (kids have been known to put crap in tanks too before today!) obviously if not a locking cap. A lot of modern cars have heavy duty "plastic" fuel lines, any "rubber" Now must be ethanol suitable (R9?). But so long as the steel ones are proved clear and show no actual leaks they should not be the issue?. MOT examiners, can and do ocasionally condemn really grotty ones as well as brake lines. The fuel and brake lines now fitted to my 13/60 are copper/kunifer with no "rubber" conectors except the tank and the Fuel pump. What type of Carburator is fitted?. I ask, because back in the 80`s, Ford had a lot of issues with a type of carburator fitted (mostly) to Mk3 Escourts, long while back now, but I think it had to do with what they termed as "emssions" reducing features?. My then, Company car, was back and forth to the dealership, it would be ok for a while and then lose power or stop, if you waited a while you could restart. In the end they fitted a "modified" carburator, (or so the young fitter told me). Pete
  18. Have you thought of swapping out the oil pressure switch?. It would (help) prove the switch itself was not the issue?. Not a common fault, but at least in theory it could be the issue, most have a spring internally which can degrade, and over time oil could byepass the plunger. Pete
  19. 1970`s?, Original Tank?, has it ever been cleaned?, Intermittant issues with fuel are sometimes down to debris moving about and preventing/reducing fuel being sucked into the pickup pipe?. More so if the vehicle had been laid up for some time, campervans/motorhomes are particularly prone to it. Fuel hose, needs to be ethanol suitable nowadays, E5/E10 degrades when stored and adds to starting issues. Recently during the "fuel crisis", the only fuel available was unleaded E10 locally. My little P-107, (2006) which we "A" frame behind our motorhome, was behaving like "grumpy". Topping off with unleaded "super", improved the performance, and the next full fill (super) has improved on that. Not all "newer" cars are E10 ready. Never mind 70`s Engines. Pete
  20. I am speculating that the ratio is somewhere between 1:1 And 2:1. When 5000rpm would produce 35(ish) Amps?(1:1). 2:1 would produce (approx) 45Amps. at about the 3000rpm mark?. Be intersting to know?. Pete
  21. They where very obliging, when I asked them to pass the part to my Grandson to bring during lockdown. (go to the back door and ask for "fred") no issue there. Pete
  22. O M G. Mk1 Consul, and in the same "beige" as the one I had!. And Cortina Mklll Estate!, Ours was red but vynyl roof and all.!!!!. Carried a Mirror Dinghy upon the roof and towed a 14ft Caravan behind!. Notice the "Mod"s turned up!. No "ted`s" (Rockers) on bikes though?.👍🤣 Ahhh! Memories?. Pete
  23. Slept overnight there a couple of times, when out of hours on the tacho. Really Decent "Truckers Breakfast" (Or was?)👍. Hope they have resurfaced the Parking Area. it was like a bomb site back then. The Sibson Inn , just up the road, hosted our family party for the millenium. some occupied the rooms, we camped in the R-V. good night had by all----hic!. Pete
  24. Nostalgia is not what it used to be. Stick around Bob, Thread drift is endemic. Most of the inmates are suffering from "Lockdown Fever" That`s pandemeic?. That Vitesse looks nice though, I had one in the 80`s, well it was SWMBO`s actually. She commutered it for a couple of years. "ace" of the traffic light grand prix.👍😁 Pete
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