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Everything posted by Anglefire

  1. Its got nothing to do with the money (My local one is £15) - but it is the risk that they don't know enough about the specifics of old classic cars anymore. Reving the nuts off my Spitfire is not something I want to have done - some oik driving my spit is not something I really want to happen either - they are all a bit quirky how they start and drive and if anyone is going to break it, I would rather it be me.
  2. I think its 1 13/16" or 46mm - I can check later
  3. I’d assumed heart bypass ?
  4. My dad had a double something like 25 years ago. Was up and about walking in 2days. Out of hospital in 5. Its a big op but reasonably routine. Hope it goes well for him though!
  5. You would be better off with a 165/75/13 rather than 165/70 as the difference from stock is a near to bugger all as makes no difference!
  6. Big thanks to Pete et al for today's twiddle - was most enjoyable - was a lovely day for it - and glad of the Gazebo! I've put some pictures that I took today in an album here
  7. Anglefire

    Twiddle Day 2

    20th May 2018 Twiddle Day 2
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